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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    Political Frailty

    I defy anyone to read this whole list without falling asleep.
  2. deadsox

    Who Will Win The Derby Dead Pool In 2017?

    I voted for "Other" because this may be the year of the underdog.
  3. deadsox

    The 7th death of 2017

    The Rev. Billy Graham, just because he's on my Death League team.
  4. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    Ciao DL Paisans- I just returned from Italy to see that I have again lucked out against a superior opponent. Once again I appreciate the good sportsmanship of the other side, thanks DDT. Decorous conduct has been a mark of this tournament and that has made it fun. Best of luck DI. I'd like to say "may the best man win" but frankly, I'm rooting the other way.
  5. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    I guess most of the low hanging fruit is already on the ground.
  6. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    msc, I couldn't have said it better myself.
  7. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    Thanks for your good sportsmanship Spade. I was lucky to win and thought that some of your players would be due.
  8. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    Not that someone who is in the third round without a hit has much right to comment, but a slam dunk in the NBA is two points. To get three you have to hit from beyond the arc.
  9. deadsox

    The Dead Of 2017

    Although I do copy and paste on occasion, the great majority of my posts are just that-my posts.
  10. deadsox

    The Dead Of 2017

    If you don't know who he was or what he did, how can you call him "influential"? Or is this just "copy and paste"?
  11. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    Into the third round without benefit of a hit. I am soooooooo due!
  12. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    Thanks Pedro. I appreciate your sportsmanship.
  13. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    In the event that I get a late hit or win a coin toss, here is my April lineup. No changes since I now know that it will be on fire after a month of no luck. It's strange that since I got a bye in the first round, I could make the third round without a single hit. I've always maintained that it's better to be lucky than good. Deadsox Death List Cup Entry April 2017-3nd Round 1. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 2. Leah Bracknell 3. Bessie Camm 4. Rev. Billy Graham 5. Sasha Lakovic 6. Colin Meads 7. King Michael of Romania 8. Emma Morano 9. Catherine Nevin 10. Simon Ricketts 11. Stefan Karl Stefansson Sub #1 Gord Downie Sub #2 Reinhard Hardegen
  14. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    As we have said in the Death League, I need a plane load of celebrities to crash into the Hollywood Old Folks Home.
  15. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    On ‎2‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 08:02, Spade_Cooley said: Ah but as Gianni Brera once said, the perfect game of football would end 0-0. Thanks Joey but I don't think that really applies here.
  16. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    I know Pedro, we aren't exactly burning up the turf. Maybe the Allies will get Abu Bakr al Baghdadi soon.
  17. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    If ifs and buts were candies and nuts, we'd all have a wonderful Christmas.
  18. deadsox

    Nobel Prize In Death

    I don't know about cats being alive and dead, only alive or dead. I also know, by a popular theorem that if the cat is dead and you swing it over your head, you can't avoid hitting something that is abundant (I can't swing a dead cat over my head without hitting a (take your pick).
  19. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    If you feel like making an unfunny joke with bad grammar and poor math which also is offensive, please post your team for next month before you do so.
  20. deadsox

    A Joke

    I want to make sure I understand the rule that got the Kid suspended. Was it because the joke was offensive or just not funny?
  21. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup

    I just pm'd my team to msc for the March round. Congratulations and good luck Pedro67.
  22. deadsox

    A Joke

    I just shot an elephant in my pajamas. What he was doing in my pajamas I'll never know.
  23. deadsox

    A Joke

    How about "No, but she had one"?
  24. deadsox

    Businesspeople, Investors, CEO's

    Michael Ilitch http://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/2017/02/10/mike-ilitch-tigers-wings-owner-dies/97766038/ Sorry if already posted. Yes, Sir C., it could have gone in Baseball, Hockey or Pizza (if we have a pizza thread). I didn't see it so I picked this one. So sue me.
  25. deadsox

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    "Now do you believe I was Ilitch?"

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