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Posts posted by kath

  1. Thinking hard about something he has done memorable!!! :D


    No, it's gone!! Can't think of one thing he has done.


    Looks like I'll never get a live performance from him to judge his talent. :D



    you will have chance to see the great joe longthorne live and well at the grand theatre blackpool


    on 16/17th april :lol: ill be there along with his large army of fans. hope you're live and well and


    can attend. :)



  2. Let me know when he's completely dead. Before then I really can't be bothered with the talentless swain (or would that be swine?).

    I have to say that, that comment you made on Joe Longthorne is outstanding in it's own field. Obviously you've listened to him a lot to know that he's talentless, so, I was just wondering, why it is that you would be listening to him so much, if he is the "talentless swine" you say he is? Or maybe I could be completely wrong and you haven't listened to him at all, and have just made a comment like that because..... oh I don't know, maybe you're just a small minded, intellectually challenged, sick moronic fool, who just thinks comments like that are amusing. well maybe they are, to morons like you, but to others, i'd say it's an insult, especially to the millions of fans he has around the world (quite good for a talentless swine wouldn't you say, so many fans can't be wrong, unless you're the voice of a nation, which i doubt because you can't even spell swine first time) and of course his family, who are all worried and praying he recovers. So if I may suggest just 2 things to you, firstly, learn to spell before you insult and secondly get a life since you don't seem to have one or you wouldn't be on here wishing death on people would you? well, thanks for the comment you made, you've shown myself and all Joe fans that there are true idiots out there and you seem to be one of the biggest idiots so far, so at least you're good at something, even if it isn't tactfulness or caring or spelling for that matter. Now why don't you run along and play with traffic you sick fool.


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