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About melissalush

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  1. melissalush

    The dead of 2016

    Well I,m hoping we say goodbye to that talentless tax dodging bastard Ken Dodd.and that twat Bruce Forsyth. Without don't these two ancient arseholes are long overdue with there appointment to see the grim reaper.dodd a talentless crap bag who exploited the Diddy men who were in fact children.never paid them.then had the brass hands to say that he hadn't,t paid his income tax because he thought there was going to be a war. Personally I would have hung the cunt there and then. Then there's Forsyth what the fuck were they doing making him a sir?.he has never been funny he sure as fuck can't dance and he insists on wearing that stupid fuckin wig.the sooner these two are in the ground or burnt the better.

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