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Posts posted by yrly

  1. Some of these modern treatments, immunotherapy etc. can leave stage 4 cancer in this weird limbo where you don’t die immediately but instead just continue medication with no real progress of the disease but it doesn’t go away so it’s just non progressing cancer. For some it’s been 5, 6, 7 or even 8 years or longer.

  2. Lyndon LaRouche is 96, but both his parents lived well into old age, and family members lived past 100, last I knew his health was still good., 


    Norman Lloyd is 104 but still acted in a TV series as recently as this year.


    Not sure either are the best of choices just for age reasons.


    Hosni Mubarak was supposedly on his deathbead years ago, he has to be an obvious choice.


    John Rigas of the Adelphia Cable scandal is 94 and supposedly had terminal bladder cancer a few years ago.


    LaRouche would probably generate the most news mentions given the 8 presidential runs and similarities to Trump, probably followed closely by Norman Lloyd. Rigas has kind of been buried by various financial scandals like Madoff. 


    Tony Bennett is still actively performing, in fact he’s on some show tomorrow, he’s like 92 but doesn’t seem like the best choice at the moment.


    Here is one I haven’t seen... children’s author Beverly Cleary who is 102


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  3. 8 hours ago, Zsa Zsa's leg said:

    Can you explain why LaRouche would be fit to replace somebody like Prince Philip when LaRouche is an extremist, an american, and a cult leader?

    I think LaRouche is somebody that should be included in 2019 don't get me wrong but I would see him fit to replace another 90's presidential candidate like Bob Dole or George Bush. Or at least an AMERICAN politician like John McCain.

    No real specific reasons other than he’s around the same age and Prince Philip has not been in the best of health and is older than Bush or Dole (not that either of them have been the picture of health either). The other thing that popped into my head is like Prince Philip he makes some questionably racist remarks in his essays and speeches at times. Bush, Dole, McCain and even The Queen for example are typically a little more composed than that. 


    I guess it kind of goes on the principle of what do you classify someone as? What do you do with someone like Rolf Harris? Entertainer? Artist? Pedophile?

  4. I posted in another topic Lyndon LaRouche though still looking good as of chistmas would be 96 if he makes it to 2019. He had a heart attack sometime in the 1990s and is/was a fairly heavy drinker and smoked a pipe for decades. He’d make a good replacement if Prince Philip doesn’t make it and he does.


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  5. On 1/18/2018 at 11:19, Spade_Cooley said:

    For anyone who's ever seen Total Divas, the man appears to be in the middle of a permanent heart attack. More red skin than a John Wayne film:



    Too hard to bank on. Know a guy that’s looked like this 20+ years now and the red cheeks were a side effect of the blood pressure meds he was on, its rather common.

  6. Actor Norman Lloyd is amazingly still alive at 103. He’s still up and around attending film screenings and such. Seems to be doing a lot better than Kirk Douglas in this interview but if he makes it through 2018 you almost have to include him in 2019 solely based on age as he would be 104.



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  7. On 12/31/2017 at 19:26, gcreptile said:

    Hmm... they must be betting that the age glut at the top is going to be dissolved this year. I doubt it. It feels as if the list is slightly on the conservative side. Farrakhan was on it before? I think Lyndon LaRouche would have been the better pick in the political crackpot department.


    I really like the shoutout to the forums.

    Lyndon LaRouche is 95 but would probably would not have been a good choice. Still looked pretty good in his Christmas card to his Cult members. Also of note his parents both lived to old age with nowhere near the medicine they have now. Still he smoked a pipe for like 50 years and is/was a pretty heavy drinker.



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