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Everything posted by Luca@1996

  1. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    Johann Robert Riss died in 2019, suffering from severe dementia. https://www.trauer-im-allgaeu.de/traueranzeige/johann-riss
  2. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    I don't think so and Ursula Haverbeck has already been talked about in the past
  3. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    Ursula Haverbeck died at 96 years old. https://www.juedische-allgemeine.de/politik/holocaust-leugnerin-ursula-haverbeck-im-alter-von-96-jahren-gestorben/
  4. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    Efraim Zuroff wrote to me that the 101 years old female guard from Ravensbrück, under investigation by the Neuruppin Prosecutor's Office, suffered from dementia.
  5. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    Gregor Formanek Is the SS guard of Sachsenhausen. https://www.the-sun.com/news/9168089/gregor-formanek-holocaust-last-nazi/
  6. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    read the article...?
  7. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    The guard's name is Gregor F. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/09/06/charges-nazi-murders-98-year-old/
  8. Luca@1996

    World's Oldest

    Boris Pahor dies aged 108, he was the oldest living holocaust survivor. https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/oldest-surviving-holocaust-survivor-author-boris-pahor-dies-aged-108/
  9. Luca@1996

    World War II Veterans

    Felice Manzinello was born in 1917, now he's 104 years old. He was an officer and fighter in the Second World War in the Libyan desert, captured by the British and interned for 5 years in a prison camp in India. https://www.ladige.it/cronaca/2021/04/04/le-mille-vite-di-felice-vaccinato-a-103-anni-piu-che-speranza-bisogna-avere-certezza-nel-domani-1.2879941
  10. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    These are new photos. Especially regarding Harry Schulz, it is the only photo available
  11. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    Harry Paul Fritz Schulz (1924 - still alive in 2021) One photo of him wearing the uniform.
  12. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    Johannes Rehbogen (1923 - 2019) Two photos of him wearing the uniform.
  13. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    "The last remaining Nazi criminals still alive must be judged. Now, for the first time, the camp guards are in the center of attention of the judicial authorities. A total of eleven concentration camp and prison camp guards are currently being investigated. Eight Nazi cases are currently pending. These people are between 96 and 99 years old. All the cases involve complicity in murder. However, no charges have been filed yet. The Erfurt Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating a former Buchenwald concentration camp guard, the Hamburg prosecutor's office against a former Neuengamme concentration camp guard, the Neuruppin prosecutor's office against a former Sachsenhausen concentration camp guard and against two former guards and the Ravensbrück concentration camp. Proceedings are also pending in the Berlin public prosecutor's office against a former guard from the Stalag 365 prison camp Vladimir-Wolynsk, at the Dortmund public prosecutor's office against a former guard from the Stalag 358 prison camp and at the Celle prosecutor's office against a former guard from the Stalag IB Hohenstein prison camp. There are also three preliminary investigations conducted by the Central Office for Investigating Nazi Crimes: one for the Gross-Rosen concentration camp, one for the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp and one for the Stalag III C prison camp Alt-Drewitz." https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article238193815/Lager-Wachmaenner-Staatsanwaltschaften-ermitteln-bundesweit-gegen-NS-Verbrecher.html
  14. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    Former SS guard Bruno Dey will be heard in the trial of Irmgard Furchner next week. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.abendblatt.de/region/pinneberg/article235062643/Irmgard-F-ist-weiter-krank-KZ-Prozess-faellt-erneut-aus.html%3fservice=amp
  15. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    Haverbeck fails appeal: prison sentence https://www.stern.de/gesellschaft/regional/prozess-holocaust-leugnerin-scheitert-mit-berufung--gefaengnisstrafe-31750924.html
  16. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    "Sachsenhausen process: Lawyer requests questioning of former SS men. The trial of an SS guard at Sachsenhausen concentration camp is coming to the end. However, the defendant's defense attorney requested that new witnesses be heard: he wants to interview FIVE former SS men." https://www.evangelisch.de/inhalte/198976/24-03-2022/sachsenhausen-prozess-anwalt-beantragt-vernehmung-frueherer-ss-maenner
  17. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    Leon Schwarzbaum, a Holocaust survivor and defender of the memory of Nazi crimes during World War II, died yesterday at the age of 101. "Leon Schwarzbaum died Sunday night. His death is a great loss to the collective memory. We will miss his humanity," Christoph Heubner, executive vice president of the Auschwitz International Committee, told to AFP. In late 2021, Leon also witnessed the trial of 101-year-old former Sachsenhausen concentration camp guard Josef Schütz. This week he was due to attend a further hearing in that trial, Thomas Walther, a Nazi war crimes attorney, told to AFP. In a written statement to be read by Walther, Schwarzbaum had planned to ask the accused to "tell us the historical truth". "Talk here in this place about what you experienced," he wrote.
  18. Luca@1996

    World's Oldest

    I'm a classical musician and music teacher, so I share the name of the current oldest living composer: İlhan Usmanbaş, born on October 23, 1921.
  19. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    I agree with you, talking about prison is really pointless. I would prefer that they perform socially useful services. For example, tell their experiences to students in schools (as Hans Werk did). Even via video. As several survivors had requested during the trial against Reinhold Hanning for example. I disagree that many people have been "forced" to work in concentration camps, to follow orders etc. Some certainly were against it and were forced to do so, but most were absolutely consenting. See the recent case of Josef Schütz, just to name one.
  20. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    With the spread of conspiracy theories, denial etc. (of all kinds), in my opinion these processes help to bring the facts to people's attention. In a short time, victims and torturers will no longer be there and it will be up to us to carry on the memory of these events. My great-grandparents were deported to Buchenwald and Ravensbrück, and frankly, I am glad to know that in 2022, 77 years later, some of the Nazis who forced them into such non-life are brought to trial, despite their age. Time and money wasted now, you say? In my opinion that's a lot of time and money saved in 77 years and now it's worth it.
  21. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    New article. "Nine investigations are currently being conducted in the central office, involving former guards in the Buchenwald, Ravensbrück, Neuengamme and Sachsenhausen concentration camps, but also guards in two prisoner-of-war camps, one of them in Ukraine." https://www.rnz.de/politik/suedwest_artikel,-ludwigsburg-suche-der-nazi-jaeger-neigt-sich-dem-ende-zu-_arid,834775.html
  22. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    One aspect that baffles me a lot is that the youngest SS guard to have worked in Auschwitz was only 16 in 1945, when the camp was liberated by the Russians. Erich Wenzl, born on 3 June 1928. https://truthaboutcamps.eu/th/form/r1602812568,WENZL-alias-WENZEL-alias-WELTZL-alias-WELZL.html
  23. Luca@1996

    World War II Veterans

    Franz Wielander was born in 1914, he is 108 years old now. In 1941, he had to join the Wehrmacht. He was in captivity in Siberia for two years.
  24. Luca@1996

    Nazi of SS

    Are there Nazis who worked in Auschwitz still alive in 2022? Maybe just Helma Kissner? (if she is still alive). Also, these names were in the news in 2015: Charlotte S. (1919) Gisela S. "Demming" (1923) Gertrud Elli Schmid (1921)
  25. Luca@1996

    World War II Veterans

    Karlheinz Stauber was born in 1914, he is 107 years old now. He is a German WWII veteran. He returned from imprisonment in 1950.

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