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Posts posted by Schism

  1. bird.jpgpeteburns.jpg


    In response to your question, the lead singer of "Dead or Alive" was NOT Bernard Matthews, but Pete Burns.


    I'm not sure where your confusion arises, unless it's something to do with being trussed up like a turkey...




    Looks like a Rod Hull wannbe.

  2. [snipped for brevity -- MH]
    I agree with you as you say joe's publicity people need not talk up his illness and yes we as many are going to see joe get his honour on june and looking forward to it so please do not have a go at joe he has been through a lot

    Awwww bless

  3. A couple was on their honeymoon, lying in bed, about ready to consummate

    their marriage, when the new bride says to the husband, "I have a

    confession to

    make, I'm not a virgin." The husband replies, "That's no big thing in


    day and age." The wife continues, "Yeah, I've been with one guy." "Oh


    Who was the guy?" "Tiger Woods." "Tiger Woods, the golfer?" "Yeah."

    "Well, he's rich, famous and handsome. I can see why you went to bed with



    The husband and wife then make passionate love. When they are done, the

    husband gets up and walks to the telephone. "What are you doing?" asks the


    The husband says, "I'm hungry, I was going to call room service and get

    something to eat." "Tiger wouldn't do that." "Oh yeah? What would Tiger


    "He'd come back to bed and do it a second time."


    The husband puts down the phone and goes back to bed to make love a second

    time. When they finish, he gets up and goes over to the phone. "Now what


    you doing?" she asks. The husband says, "I'm still hungry so I was going


    get room service to get something to eat." "Tiger wouldn't do that." "Oh

    yeah? What would Tiger do?" "He'd come back to bed and do it again."


    The guy slams down the phone, goes back to bed, and makes love one

    more time. When they finish he's tired and beat. He drags himself over to

    the phone and starts to dial. The wife asks, "Are you calling room



    "No! I'm calling Tiger Woods, to find out what the par is for this damn





    [Merged - HCW]

  4. Bin Laden could already be dead. There have always been rumors of him dying after being injured in the “Toro Boro” battle more than 3 years ago.

    I think you'll find that the place where Bin Laden was supposedly pinned down is called Tora Bora. The battle of Toro Boro sounds more like a lawn mower (http://www.toro.com) race on Teeside.


    W as intelligent and thoughtful. Hmm. He's been called many things, but I dare say those two adjectives may have never before been used to describe him or his presidency.



    Hmmmmmmm "Toro Boro" a lawn mower, was that the one that "Mo the grass" ( The Jewish informant) used?




  5. I see a dvd the other night, it was the Eagles playing in Australia.

    I was shocked to see Joe Walsh, such a great tallent but alas did not look to clever.

    Just curious, has any one heard anything bout his health of late I have done teh Google thing but have not found out to much, but in the 14 yrs since i see him last perform he looked a wee bit worst for wear.

  6. What was the most pain (not physiclogical) you have have the misfortune of enduring?.






    For me it was a Renal Collic, i think it was when i passed a stone from me kidney and it became trapped in the little tubby thing between the kidney and the bladder. As for the term "Tubby thing" please excuse me for i know as much about biolagy as i know about spelling :blink: It took 2 shots of morpeine just to help me stand up and stop crying like a baby.

  7. Yep - as far as I know, TPS is only legally binding within the UK, so as a heck of a lot of calls come from Asia, they will still get through.


    Has anyone ever actually used a service offered via a cold call?





    No matter what they are selling my reply is always the same, "It's ok matty, i have a machine upstairs that makes them". Whatever it may be they are trying to sell me, all be it double glazzing,soffit's,new internet providers.

  8. My late father accidentally (so he said) shot me in my face with an air pistol when I was 12, it didn't really cause me any harm, although I still have a small dent just below my cheekbone. He was so upset and guilty he wanted me to shoot him back so I could get even. I did.





    where did you decide to shoot him btw?


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