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Everything posted by chel

  1. chel

    Mikhail Gorbachev

    My parents used to say this: Andropov tried to ventilate the room without opening the windows. Gorbachev tried to open the window, but the whole frame fell out. Many condemned him and condemn him. But he was kind and gave people faith in change. And he was also from the occupied territory, like my father. Rest in peace.
  2. chel

    Vladimir Putin

    this morning, an unidentified group of persons approached the parents of one boy demanding that they take educational measures against their son. the appeal was left at the Serafimovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg. (We hope that the parents of this cunt will someday take him to themselves). The inscription on paper: “Dear parents! Your son is behaving badly! He skips history lessons, fights with classmates, threatens to blow up the whole school. Take action!" The inscription on the pedestal: Maria Ivanovna Putina (1911-1998) Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (1911-1999) © party of the dead https://t.me/partyofthedead/1685
  3. chel

    Where Will The Next School Massacre Be?

    Already 17 dead: 11 children and 6 adults. Another 23 people (including 21 children) are in city hospitals with injuries of varying severity. The shooter shot himself. 34-year-old Artyom Kazantsev, who attacked a school in Izhevsk, was a graduate of this school. He was diagnosed with sluggish schizophrenia back in 2011. The last time he saw a psychiatrist was a week ago. Hefired from two air pistols converted to fire live ammunition.
  4. chel

    Where Will The Next School Massacre Be?

    Izhevsk https://viter.bksfe.com/погиб-охранник-школы-в-ижевске-в-которой-произошла-стрельба-42477.html
  5. Igor Maslennikov (10/26/1931 - 09/17/2022) director of Soviet films about Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson. https://www.fontanka.ru/2022/09/17/71662109/ https://www.fontanka.ru/2022/09/21/71672459/
  6. chel

    World War II Veterans

    Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. My English is bad.
  7. chel

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Russian geneticist Oleg Balanovsky died a year ago (03.07.1977 — 05.07.2021) Obituary on the site from the place of work: http://vigg.ru/news/news-single/article/oleg-pavlovich-balanovskii-03071977-05072021/ Circumstances of death: https://rg.ru/2021/07/06/reg-cfo/pod-kostromoj-pogib-genetik-oleg-balanovskij.html It so happened that during the period of covid restrictions, I came across the works of Balanovsky. There are differences in the presentation of data in articles in English and Russian. I have doubts about some of the results presented. Conclusions about the genetic unity of the Slavic peoples could serve as a scientific basis for Russian aggression. I'm sorry
  8. chel

    Life In Prison

    Kyrgyzstan, 18.06.2022 around 00:55 The special services of Kyrgyzstan announced that ex-banker Bakyt Asanbaev hanged himself in the cell of the pre-trial detention center of the State Committee for National Security in Bishkek. He was arrested in April in a corruption case. The cellmates, according to the secret services, were busy praying at 12 o'clock at night and could not stop the banker. Asanbaev's relatives do not believe in the version of the special services. Bakyt Asanbaev was supposed to leave the pre-trial detention center of the State Committee for National Security on the coming Monday. This was announced by his relative Talant Asanbaev. The ex-deputy head of Aiyl Bank, Bakyt Asanbaev, who was hanged in the pre-trial detention center of the State Committee for National Security, had broken ribs and bruises on his elbows. Talant Asanbayev, a relative of the deceased, told the civil activist about this. Bakyt Asanbaev was born on August 31, 1978 in the Naryn region. His pages on social networks indicate that in 2005 he got married and raised four children. From 2004 to 2007 he studied at the Academy of Management under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. According to Cactus Media, he has worked in the banking sector for 23 years. He held various positions at Aiyl Bank, in November 2019 he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board. Prior to that, he headed the credit administration department. https://www.currenttime.tv/a/31906554.html https://kaktus.media/doc/462097_rodstvennik_bakyta_asanbaeva:_on_doljen_byl_vyyti_iz_sizo_gknb_v_predstoiashiy_ponedelnik.html https://rus.azattyk.org/a/31905020.html https://vesti.kg/proisshestviya/item/101196-rodstvennik-povesivshegosya-bankira-u-bakyta-asanbaeva-byli-slomany-rebra-i-gematomy-na-loktyakh.html
  9. chel

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    On June 17, Elizaveta Koshkina, the daughter of T-34 tank designer Mikhail Koshkin, died in Novosibirsk. She was 93 years old. Elizaveta Mikhailovna said that she was born in Vyatka in 1928 in a monastery rebuilt for a Soviet party school. Elizaveta Koshkina worked as a teacher in Kazakhstan for about 50 years, and after perestroika she moved to Novosibirsk. She had a large family: three children, six grandchildren and great-grandchildren. https://ngs.ru/text/gorod/2022/06/19/71421359/
  10. Actor Regimantas Adomaitis dies Lithuanian actor People's Artist of the USSR Regimantas Adomaitis died at the age of 86. The information was confirmed by the actor's relatives, according to the LRT portal (Lithuanian Radio and Television). Among his famous film roles are Donatas Lokis in the film Nobody Wanted to Die (1965), Kasparas in Feelings (1968), Girdvainis in The Devil's Bride (1974), Alexei Pavlishchev in the film From the Life of Vacationers (1980), Andy Tucker in The Trust That Failed (1982), Morgan in The Mirage (1983). He received the title of People's Artist of the USSR in 1985. In 1989-1991 he was a People's Deputy of the USSR. https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5422356
  11. chel

    Mikhail Gorbachev

    The condition of 91-year-old Mikhail Sergeevich periodically worsens. The exact diagnoses are not advertised, but doctors have been observing the former Secretary General for about a year. And recently they began to take me to a Moscow hospital for dialysis. From time to time, Gorbachev undergoes blood purification. https://mash.ru/news/152703
  12. chel

    Art For Death's Sake

    18.06.2022 Artist and art critic Anatoly Kanushkin died at the age of 82. Anatoly Kanushkin is a painter, graphic artist, art critic, teacher, member of the Union of Artists since 1977. The main genres of the artist's works were landscape, still life, interior and portrait. Kanushkin's works are in the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum, museums and private collections in Russia and abroad. During his life he participated in 80 exhibitions. https://iz.ru/export/google/amp/1351914 Individual works can be viewed here: https://www.nikolskayagallery.com/painters/kanushkin-anatoliy/?lang=eng
  13. chel

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    On Friday, June 17, in St. Petersburg, friends, drinking alcoholic drinks, decided to have fun and began to beat bottles on each other's heads on a dare. As a result, one was hospitalized with a closed craniocerebral injury, a brain contusion, and a bruised head wound. The man died from his injuries. His friend with similar injuries is in the Emergency Research Institute in serious condition. The body was sent to the morgue to determine the cause of death. It is known that both men were convicted. https://78.ru/news/2022-06-18/peterburzhec_umer_razbivaya_s_drugom_na_spor_butilki_ob_golovu gif illustration
  14. chel

    Alexey Navalny

    The Great Patriotic War veteran Ignat Artemenko died in Moscow at the age of 95, Telegram channel 112 reports June 18. Artemenko's grandson Igor Kolesnikov confirmed this information to Podyom. In June 2020, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal libel case against Alexei Navalny after the politician called the heroes of the RT television channel's propaganda video about amendments to the Constitution starring Ignat Artemenko "corrupt lackeys" and "traitors". The Investigative Committee considered that Navalny's comment discredits the honor and dignity of the veteran. In February 2021, a justice of the peace sentenced Navalny to a fine of 850,000 rubles in the case of libel against a veteran. The politician did not admit his guilt. The appeal against the verdict was rejected by the court. https://meduza.io/news/2022/06/18/umer-veteran-velikoy-otechestvennoy-voyny-ignat-artemenko-po-delu-o-klevete-na-nego-sudili-alekseya-navalnogo Foto: RT / Youtube ©
  15. chel

    Alexey Navalny

    In May, Navalny said that he had learned about the preparation of the penal colony IK-6 in Melehovo in the Vladimir region to receive him. "My sentence has not yet entered into force, but the prisoners from the strict regime colony Melehovo write that they are equipping a "prison within a prison" for me," the politician said at the time. Pro-government RIA Novosti reported that Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny was transferred from penal colony No. 2 in Pokrov (IK-2) to colony IK-6 in Melehovo, Vladimir Region. https://www.dw.com/ru/navalnogo-etapirovali-iz-kolonii-v-neizvestnom-napravlenii/a-62128595
  16. chel

    Political Frailty

    clarification Deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of the VIth convocation (1963 - 1967) number 98 http://www.knowbysight.info/1_rsfsr/10371.asp 6 months ago https://m.facebook.com/photo.php/?set=a.208463679326256&fbid=1926315264207747
  17. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    The former fighter of the Alpha group, master of sports of the USSR and multiple champion of the KGB of the USSR in sambo Alexander Plyusnin passed away. He was 72 years old. In December 1979, during the storming of the Taj Beck royal palace in Kabul, Alexander Plyusnin killed the chairman of the Revolutionary Council of Afghanistan, Hafizullah Amin. https://alphagroup.ru/news/show/380
  18. chel

    Notable Victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war

    10.06.2022 14:21 Commentary by MFA Spokesperson Maria Zakharova on the Supreme Court of the Donetsk People's Republic's sentencing of British mercenaries fragment: We would like to emphasize that, contrary to the statements of British officials, the mentioned citizens are not prisoners of war, but mercenaries. Mercenaries sent by the West to help the Kyiv nationalist regime are not combatants under international humanitarian law and do not have the right to prisoner of war status. https://www.mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/news/1817234/ Meme Text: M. Zakharova entered the Top 100 most influential women in the world who abuse alcohol
  19. chel

    Life In Prison

    Kyrgyzstan, 10.06.22 Political scientist Marat Kazakpaev has died. He was accused of treason and kept in jail for more than a year Kazapbaev was detained in April 2021 on suspicion of high treason. He was kept in the pre-trial detention center of the State Committee for National Security. On June 9 of this year, it became known that Kazakpaev suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, a cerebral hemorrhage occurred, and he was taken from the pre-trial detention center of the State Committee for National Security to City Clinical Hospital No. 1. Marat Kazakpaev was born in 1966. In 1996, he graduated from the Faculty of History of the Kyrgyz National University (KNU) and began his career at the Department of Philosophy and Theology of the same university. In 1998 he moved to the Department of Political Science of KNU. In recent years, the expert taught this specialty within the walls of the Kyrgyz-Russian (Slavonic) University. https://kloop.kg/blog/2022/06/10/umer-politolog-marat-kazakpaev-ego-obvinyali-v-gosizmene-i-bolshe-goda-soderzhali-v-sizo/ https://www.azattyk.org/a/31892418.html
  20. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    09.06.22 The former commander of the Baltic Fleet, Admiral Yegorov, died (82 years old) He was awarded the orders "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree, "For Military Merit" and "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" II and III degrees, the Order of the Syrian Republic "Combat Training I degree", twenty-three medals, honorary weapons. The third governor of the Kaliningrad region was a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, as well as a candidate of military sciences and a full member of the Academy of Military Historical Sciences of Russia. In addition, Yegorov had the title of an honorary citizen of Kaliningrad, an honorary member of the Swedish Royal Naval Society, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Naval Assembly and an honorary member of the Association of Military Attachés. https://vz.ru/news/2022/6/9/1162297.html
  21. chel

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    09.06.22 The champion of the 1980 Olympics volleyball player Oleg Moliboga died at the age of 70 after a severe and prolonged illness. After the end of his playing career, Moliboga coached the USSR men's team, the United Team (CIS), and the Russian national team. Under his leadership, CSKA Moscow won the Russian Championship three times and won the Russian Cup once. https://volley.ru/news/26844/ https://sportrbc.ru/news/62a1bf669a79476d0f5ca219
  22. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    08.06.22 Andrey Shumilin, winner of the 1999 European Freestyle Wrestling Championship, has died at the age of 52. Recently, he served as president of the Olympic Council of the Kaliningrad Region. Shumilin performed in the weight category up to 130 kg. In 1999 he became the winner of the European Championship in Minsk. He also has bronze medals at the European Championships in 1990 and 1994. In 1993 and 1998 he became the bronze medalist of the world championships, and in 1999 he won the silver of the world championship. In 1998, Shumilin won a gold medal at the Goodwill Games in New York. https://wrestrus.ru/news/16259 https://sportrbc.ru/news/62a0b9a69a794719acf6967e
  23. chel

    Notable Victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war

    Сringe Moscow. TASS building. Creeping text: "The Supreme Court of the DPR sentenced to death mercenaries from Great Britain and Morocco." https://youtube.com/shorts/ZUE2OIXS1EQ
  24. chel

    Vladimir Putin

    About a month ago, an investigation was published based on available information. The staff of accompanying doctors has increased. An endocrinologist is always present among them. In the coming weekend I can prepare a brief retelling.
  25. chel

    Boris Johnson


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