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Everything posted by chel

  1. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    "Righteous among the Nations" are people of different nationalities who saved Jews during the Nazi occupation. One of the two remaining "righteous men", Ivan Levchuk, died in Ulyanovsk on 5 October at the age of 92. Photo: Ivan Levchuk, left, saved by him - Yakov Belilovsky in the centre, 2003, Israeli embassy. https://rg.ru/2022/10/26/reg-pfo/v-ulianovske-skonchalsia-odin-iz-pravednikov-narodov-mira.html
  2. chel

    Darwin Awards

    A church singer in the Moscow region tried to learn the mysteries of fly agaric and died of poisoning https://www.sovsekretno.ru/news/v-podmoskove-pevchiy-khrama-pytalsya-poznat-tainstva-mukhomora-i-umer-ot-otravleniya/
  3. chel

    Notable Victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war

    The son of a midshipman from the "Kursk" submarine died in the war in Ukraine. Danis was 25, his father Fanis was 26 when he died. https://news.obozrevatel.com/russia/hotel-prodolzhit-dinastiyu-voennyih-v-ukraine-likvidirovali-okkupanta-syina-moryaka-iz-zatonuvshej-podlodki-kursk-foto.htm
  4. chel

    Liz Truss

    Better 45 days than 23 years
  5. chel

    Political Frailty

    Edit needed: Abkhazia! http://www.knowbysight.info/1_GRUZ/04059.asp Valery Khintba (1940-) First Secretary 1975-1978 Public and political figure, doctor of law, professor Taras Shamba would have turned 84 today. What a man and friend he was and what his contribution to the national liberation struggle of Abkhazia was, told the politician Valeri Khintba (29.07.2022) https://sputnik-abkhazia.ru/20220729/khintba-o-tarase-shamba-geroy-ne-tolko-dlya-abkhazov-no-i-dlya-vsekh-kavkazskikh-narodov---1040589626.html He may still be alive. Matches Shamba in age (2 years younger), maternal relative and same field of work (law). Vladimir Khishba 15.07.1936 - 29.12.2008 http://az-libr.ru/Persons/000/Src/0004/f9fa862e.shtml https://youtu.be/CUPGeN9s1tY
  6. chel

    Political Frailty

    News from 07-03-2022 The Minister of Education and Science went to congratulate industry veteran Nizoramo Zaripova, congratulated her on Mother's Day on his own behalf and on behalf of industry workers and presented her with symbolic gifts. November 6 will be 100 years old... https://maorif.tj/ahborot/tabriki-sobiadoroni-soai-maorif-va-ilm-bahshida-ba-rzi-modar
  7. chel

    Political Frailty

    Interview - July 15, 2022 https://www.ekhokavkaza.com/a/31944556.html
  8. chel

    Political Frailty

    Order of Buyan-Badyrgy I degree awarded to Chimit-Dorzhu Ondar, a prominent statesman of Tuva 28.04.2022 https://rtyva.ru/press_center/news/jubilee/47426/ https://youtu.be/UyZLWyahUTc
  9. chel

    Political Frailty

    The only news item of 20.10.2021 reports: "Alexei Batmanov's funeral service will take place tomorrow at the Svyato-Kazansky Church in Syktyvkar. He was born in the capital of the republic in 1939. He graduated from the Ufa Oil Institute and the Correspondence Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee." https://www.xn--80af5aj3e.xn--p1ai/video/tag/%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5+%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8/367275/ Yurgan is a regional television channel broadcasting in the Komi Republic.
  10. chel

    Political Frailty

    On 23 September in Igor Gorbunov, former first secretary of the Bashkir republican committee of the CPSU, died in Ufa https://www.bashinform.ru/news/social/2022-09-23/v-ufe-skonchalsya-byvshiy-pervyy-sekretar-bashkirskogo-respublikanskogo-komiteta-kpss-igor-gorbunov-2963121
  11. Galina Pisarenko, Soviet and Russian opera singer, People's Artist of the RSFSR, passed away on 23 October 2022. She was 88 years old. https://www.classicalmusicnews.ru/news/skonchalas-galina-pisarenko/
  12. chel

    The Ukraine Crisis

    Photo 1. Siegfried Line (1940) - present day. Photo 2. Wagner line (2022) The Wagner PMC fighters, after whom the large-scale fortifications are named, are actively involved in their creation and oversee the entire process. https://www.gosrf.ru/v-belgorodskoj-oblasti-sozdaetsya-vtoraya-chast-linii-vagnera/
  13. chel

    Vladimir Putin

    Is the missile landing on the right in the video? Actors: Vladimir Putin, Emomali Rahmon, Alexander Lukashenko, Valentina Matvienko, Valery Zaluzhny
  14. chel

    Vladimir Putin

    Mykhailo Podolyak is an adviser to Andriy Yermak, head of the Office of the President of Ukraine.
  15. chel


    On 1 July 2022, the well-known Belarusian and Polish social activist and publisher, Count Aleksandr Pruszynski, passed away in Minsk (Belarus). Aleksander Pruszynski was the son of Polish poet and diplomat Xaverius Pruszynski. He was born in 1934 in Rogoznica estate in Grodno region. He emigrated with his family to Poland. He later lived in the US, France and Canada where he was involved in business and publishing. He took part in the election campaign in 1994. The extravagant Count Pruszynski was not allowed to run because he had not collected the necessary number of signatures for the nomination. But even then the mad agrofuhrer, as noted in a leaflet, "attacked the working office of Pruszynski". And the Belarusians are still reaping the fruits of nearly 30 years of dictatorship. Photo 1. Alexander Prushinsky Photo 2. An election leaflet of 1994 https://www.svaboda.org/a/31928226.html
  16. chel


  17. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    In Kamchatka, on October 4, the last speaker of the Aleutian language in Russia, Gennady Yakovlev, died. https://knife.media/last-aleutian/
  18. chel

    The Ukraine Crisis

    Photo 1. 1945. Boxes with torn out gold teeth of prisoners, found in Buchenwald, where the German Nazis tortured and killed people. Photo 2. 2022. A box with torn out gold dentures found in Kharkiv region in the liberated village of Piski-Radkovskie. Russian Nazis tortured and killed people there. https://www.facebook.com/nakipelovo/posts/499855632150173
  19. chel

    From Cleric To Relic

    "On March 18, 2014, Kirill himself was absent from the events dedicated to the annexation of Crimea to Russia, he did not appear in the Georgievsky Hall of the Kremlin Palace, where the president read out his address, and further avoided commenting on the Crimean issue." Quote from here: https://www.rbc.ru/society/18/08/2014/570420d59a794760d3d40c5f
  20. chel

    Darwin Awards

    It was planned to open a temporary mobilization point at the Darwin Museum in Moscow News about reopening plans: https://newizv.ru/news/society/24-09-2022/v-darvinovskom-muzee-moskvy-reshili-otkryt-vremennyy-punkt-mobilizatsii News about cancellation: https://newizv.ru/news/city/25-09-2022/v-darvinovskom-muzee-moskvy-peredumali-otkryvat-vremennyy-punkt-mobilizatsii
  21. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    Scientist Valery Mitko, accused of treason, has died. The 80-year-old scientist was under house arrest. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/865912
  22. chel

    Businesspeople, Investors, CEO's

    The top manager of one of the subsidiaries of Russian Railways - Digital Logistics LLC - Pavel Pchelnikov committed suicide. The businessman's body was found on the balcony of his apartment on Kolomenskaya Embankment. He was 52 years old. He did not leave a note, and a month before his death he published a photo from his vacation. https://www.mk.ru/incident/2022/09/28/direktor-po-kommunikaciyam-dochki-rzhd-pokonchil-s-soboy.html This is the eighth mysterious death of a Russian top manager since the beginning of the year.
  23. Boris Moiseev (03/04/1954 - 09/27/2022) - Soviet and Russian artist, pop singer, dancer, choreographer, film actor. One of the first gay singers in Russia to come out. https://www.bbc.com/russian/features-63051534

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