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Posts posted by chel

  1. 1 час назад, Улитцер95 сказал:

    Умер 7 апреля?


    1. Message dated May 24 (link provided).

    2. The man disappeared during the fighting.  The territory was occupied.  It was hoped that he was captured, possibly injured.

    3. I understand this: either during the exchange of prisoners there were reliable witnesses who confirmed the death, or after the exchange of corpses, his body was identified.  


    Did you have relatives living in the occupied territory?

  2. In the battles for Mariupol, the champion of Ukraine in kickboxing and the world champion in Thai boxing, a soldier of the separate special forces unit "Azov" of the National Guard Alexei Yanin, died. This was reported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine.




  3. 57 minutes ago, maryportfuncity said:



    To be fair, ensuring he enjoys no benefits are their expense is one target the Kremlin can hit- result then!


    These actions are designed for the domestic consumer, whose requests are formed by channels 1 and 2 of the state television.  "They give us sanctions - we give them counter-sanctions." 

    The average layman is not able to understand that Morgan Freeman is not in line for shooting at Mosfilm, Mark Zuckerberg will not buy the Odnoklassniki social network, Biden's son will not pass the competition for admission to the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, and Hillary Clinton does not have a ranch on the Volga  ...



    Statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the publication of the list of American citizens included in the "stop list"


     In the context of responding to the constantly imposed anti-Russian sanctions by the United States and in connection with incoming requests about the personal composition of our national "stop list", the Russian Foreign Ministry publishes a list of American citizens who are permanently banned from entering the Russian Federation.


     We emphasize that the hostile actions taken by Washington, which boomerang against the United States itself, will continue to receive a proper rebuff. Russian counter-sanctions are forced and aimed at forcing the ruling American regime, which is trying to impose a neo-colonial "rules-based world order" on the rest of the world, to change its behavior, recognizing new geopolitical realities.


     Russia does not seek confrontation and is open to honest, mutually respectful dialogue.






    • Sad 1

  4. 21.05.2022 the Russian Foreign Ministry published a list of US citizens, which include cases of personal punishment, including a ban on entry into the Russian Federation


    List of the deceased (to be updated)


    Alcee Lamar Hastings - member of the House of Representatives from the Democratic Party (State of Florida) (deceased April 6, 2021)

    number 149


    Melissa Anne Drisko - First Deputy Director of the United States Department of Defense Intelligence Agency (deceased November 14, 2018)

    number 255


    John Sidney McCain III - member of the Senate from the Republican Party (Arizona) in 1987-2018, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee 2015-20 (passed away 25 August 2018)

    number 475


    Steven Thomas O’Neill - judge of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (deceased January 16, 2018)

    number 577


    Harry Mason Reid - Democratic Senator from Nevada (1987-2017), Senate Democratic Majority Leader (until 2015, died December 28, 2021)

    number 648


    Jeremy Sivits - retired military (deceased January 16, 2022)

    number 703


    Оrrin Grant Hatch - Republican Senator from Utah (deceased April 23, 2022)

    number 906



  5. Viasna human rights activists declared May 21 the Day of Political Prisoner in Belarus.


     It was on this day a year ago in Shklov colony No. 17 that Vitold Ashurok, a political prisoner from Berezovka, died under unknown circumstances.


    Instead of telling the truth about Vitold's death, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against those who chanted "Shame!"  at the announcement of the five-year sentence to Ashurka.  Among the suspects was Vitold's younger brother Andrei, who was eventually forced to leave Belarus for Poland.


    Andrei Ashurak: I remember this moment, it was May 25 last year. The body was taken out on a wheelchair. Here he is, lying with his head bandaged, and next to him stands a comrade in a vest and smiling. He says: "Sorry, we wrapped his head, we accidentally injured his body when we took it out of the fridge." Who are you telling this to?

     It was a moment of helplessness. I want to take revenge on them when you see it, but you can't do it, because you still need to bring it home. That was the hardest moment, and you're getting used to the rest.









    • Like 1

  6. Nina Mazaeva

    Years of life 12/27/1921 - 05/15/2022


    The debut of the actress in the cinema was the film "Sky over Moscow", filmed in 1944. After that, Mazaeva took part in another project called "You never dreamed of ..." (1980). After that, the star continued her career as an actress, performing on the stage of the theater on Liteiny, located in St. Petersburg.





    • Like 1

  7. 3 hours ago, arghton said:

    Кто-нибудь видел Герасимова в последнее время? 





    A fragment of a conversation between Oleksiy Arestovich (Freelance Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine) on the YouTube channel of Mark Feigin (a Russian politician and lawyer, currently in exile) dated May 12.




    Arestovich: We are undergoing grandiose changes... First and foremost, in Russia they have removed (pause) the leadership of the General Staff... purges, removals and reshuffles. According to preliminary data, Gerasimov was de facto removed, de jure he still holds a position. Now he decides to give him time to correct or not to give. This all needs to be verified. But how could they leave, they can say "try the chance again." The commander of the 1st Panzer Army has been removed...



    • Like 1

  8. Renat Islamovich Ibragimov (in Tatar Ренат Ислам улы Ибраһимов).  Born November 20, 1947, Lvov, Ukrainian SSR, USSR - May 14, 2022, Moscow, Russia).  Soviet and Russian pop singer (baritone), actor, composer, producer, film director, theater figure.  People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981).  Laureate of the Tukay State Prize of the Tatar ASSR (1979).

    The artist sang in five languages, Ibragimov's repertoire included hundreds of folk, pop and opera compositions.


    "Russian Pavarotti" (с)





  9. Nikolay Lebedev (December 15, 1921, Moscow - ...)


    People's Artist of the Russian Federation

    Member of the Great Patriotic War. He fought in Ukraine, in August 1941 he was captured near Uman and fled. Several times he was arrested by the Germans and again escaped from captivity. He was caught trying to cross the front line and sent to a concentration camp. Changed several camps, including Auschwitz. After being liberated by the Soviet troops and being checked by special agencies.returned to Moscow.


    59 film roles.


    Page on the website of the Moscow City Council Theater, where the actor has worked for over 60 years:



    Interview about war and captivity (2020 - in Russian):





    • Like 1

  10. Female lawyer who was swept to her death in front of her young children when she jumped into Russian ice hole to mark Epiphany



    A complete list of places for bathing at Epiphany in the Leningrad Region
    (this means that these places have been previously checked by the sanitary and epidemiological service, and doctors and rescuers are on duty here during the work period)


    The nearest place for bathing on Epiphany is one kilometer from the site of the tragedy.


    The opinion of the priest of the Russian Orthodox Church



    • Like 1

  11. Omsk News (Western Siberia)


    Write a letter to deceased relatives for the new year 2022!


    Everyone who writes a letter to the deceased will receive a response letter from "Dead Morose"


    Play on words in Russian: "Дед Мороз" -  Ded (grandfather) Moroz (Frost) &

    "Dead Morose" - Death Frost


    What is the difference between Ded Moroz and Santa Claus?






    • Like 1

  12. December 16, 2021

    The oldest Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Michurin (105 years old) passed away in Belarus.

    He was the last of the surviving Hero of the Soviet Union in the world to receive this title for the Soviet-Finnish war and before the start of the Great Patriotic War.




    Last interview (2017)







    • Like 3
    • Shocked 1

  13. December 13, 2021


    Писатель и режиссер Сергей Соловьев скончался в Москве, ему было 77 лет. 


    Всего на счету режиссера 20 фильмов, в том числе «Асса», «Черная роза - эмблема печали, красная роза - эмблема любви» и «Сто дней после детства», награжденных Серебряным медведем за лучшую режиссуру. Берлинский кинофестиваль.

    В 1981 и 1987 годах Соловьев входил в жюри Венецианского фестиваля, в 1993 году ему было присвоено звание Народного артиста. В 2002 году выступил инициатором создания международного фестиваля кинематографических дебютов «Дух огня» в Ханты-Мансийске.







    • Confused 3

  14. 2 hours ago, arghton said:


    Очередная стрельба в школе в России, теперь в Пермском университете. Пять человек погибли


    It's already minimum six.



    It's a good time to attack.

    The Russian police are exhausted, ensuring security at the elections (this is at least four days from the time the ballots were handed over to the election commissions).


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