Hello, I’m Evil Grimace.
First things first. I am not a sock account and I’m certainly not Iain.
I am a long time lurker. I was aware of the site in January 2010 at the death of J.D. Salinger. He was on my 2009 list and was a drop for 2010. Of course the phony went and died.
For those of you who read the DDP analysis I did – many thanks to @Death Impends for posting - it is clear that I am a maths nerd. My interests in subjects relevant to the diversion that is dead pooling will be clear with my posts. I have a list of items or information to share, and slowly, slowly I’ll get around to them.
Finally, it is unlikely that I’ll create any new threads as i) the forum and various members aversion to them ii) I can’t think of a useful/valid contribution to make. I’ll take my cue from @Sir Cunto (iirc) the six month self-imposed ban and @msc and try to be a ‘helpful ghoul’.