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Everything posted by DaMa

  1. DaMa

    Nazi of SS

    Recently alive: Irmgard Furchner, Gregor Formanek, Yaroslav Hunka Status unknown: Helma Kissner, Harry Paul Fritz Schulz, Bruno Dey, Herbert Fuchs, Karl-Heinz Lipok, Otto Duscheleit, Klaus Kleinau, Johann Robert Riss
  2. DaMa

    Nazi of SS

    Formanek said to be unfit for trial. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13574971/Last-known-surviving-Nazi-concentration-camp-guard-gas-chambers-medical-experiments-unfit-trial.html He may be (one of) the last...
  3. DaMa

    World's Oldest

  4. DaMa

    World's Oldest

    Are there any surviving veterans of the Spanish Civil War??? Those two pages are heavily outdated: https://gerontology.fandom.com/wiki/Last_surviving_veterans_of_the_Spanish_Civil_War https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Last_surviving_veterans_of_the_Spanish_Civil_War Olivera, Faustino, 1914 Piñol, Antoine, 1915 Gallego-Nicasio, Manuel 1914 Gonzalez Francisco, Luis 1920
  5. DaMa

    Nazi of SS

    Andersen dead, Furchner and Dey - alive, according to private message from Efraim Zuroff.
  6. DaMa

    Nazi of SS

    From what I found, Irmgard Furchner was mentioned in numerous sources in December 2022, when she was found guilty, while Bruno Dey was mentioned last in June-July 2022, when he was a witness in Furchner's process*. No word of other nazis in the last 12 months, appart from those that died, so all others mentioned in this topic might be dead already, as well. * https://www.bild.de/regional/hamburg/hamburg-aktuell/bruno-d-95-sagt-im-prozess-gegen-irmgard-furchner-96-aus-kz-wachmann-will-kz-sek-80323078.bild.html * https://www.abendblatt.de/region/pinneberg/article235938065/KZ-Prozess-stockt-wegen-mehrerer-Terminausfaelle.html
  7. DaMa

    Nazi of SS

    I've asked the Nazi hunter Efraim Zuroff about these names. He is sure only of Helmut Rasbol being dead.

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