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Posts posted by Fridaythe13th

  1. On 19/10/2023 at 01:38, maryportfuncity said:



    Interesting question is which of those statements is more likely to be true


    I think Biden will see Trump out, though both will likely linger in a semi-useful state for quite a while in their final days


    As for the USA being fucked, depends what the USA is for...leaders of China and Russia meeting today, totally ignoring the flashpoint in the Middle East whilst they celebrate the Belt and Road initiative in China and basically behave as if American dominance achieved in the wake of WW2 is now history and the future belongs to China, with help from others who did badly out of the western alliances over the years.


    Biden looks like a walking corpse! 
    Who knows though - you can be a perfectly healthy individual and just keel over. 

    Thank you for a wonderful response.

    Be interesting what happens over the course of a year and especially leading up to the 2024 election.


  2. 35 minutes ago, Joey Russ said:

    I’m gonna take a wild guess that you are that troll account from a while back who constantly tells old politicians to die, aren’t you?

    You can believe whatever you want. 

    The committee picked him for a reason! 
    Then I randomly picked him out of the 50!


    I believe there’s several politicians on the Deathlist. I decided to pick one - and your issue of me picking one is why exactly?


    Most ppl picked Jimmy Carter. 

    • Like 1

  3. 24 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    I'm willing to bet a lot of money that Alan Greenspan will outlive your time on DeathList Forums.

    Because some member decided to click on a link I put. He didn’t like what he seen, that was up to him.

    Such a stupid thing to whine about. 

    Making a mountain out of a mole hill. 

    horror movie time. 

    Maybe by tomorrow Alan Greenspan will go 6 ft under and hope we get a long awaited hit. 

  4. 45 minutes ago, TQR said:


    Right, well at least you've admitted, in a roundabout way, perhaps even without realising it, that your post was a waste of time, maybe just don't post until something worthwhile springs to mind. Now thank Perhaps for the sound advice, and bugger off.

    It’s up to the member of this forum to click on the link or not.


    I’m not here to hold his hands.


    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1

  5. 4 minutes ago, TQR said:


    No offence to you either but you posted a Wiki link to a list consisting mostly of dead people and/or people who no sod knows.


    A good post is one that is entertaining, informative, original, pertinent and/or interesting. You scored 0/5.

    I was just thinking of the score at the end of next year. There is four on there and a hit is a hit. 

    Not every post has to be one of those above listed.

    if it did I would assume no one would be conversing. 

    I don’t know them either. 

    • Like 1

  6. On 18/08/2023 at 07:25, maryportfuncity said:

    Ah, the usual then


    Another appaling inmate joins the prison population. Lucy Letby, nurse who killed seven babies. Likely in extreme danger from here on in wherever she is. That said, there's a history of such mentions on this thread, no doubt of the dangers, random attacks - most recently on Ian Watkins - a certainty, but severe injuries don't bring dead pool points and the variables in this tawdry mess make calling the potential deaths a lottery at best. However, for those building stables of talent for future competition, "Here's Lucy...!"    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-66180606

    I hope she dies a slow painful agonizing death ever. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, TheSpinosaurus said:


    So clearly you don't do much research then? A simple Wikipedia list here mentions at least 20 living politicians older than your supposed oldest politician pick, who isn't even a centenarian mind you. And that's just for the living ones.

    Apparently I didn’t haha. 

    Now with that - all those other ones will croak and my original pick will out live then all.


    Thank you for correcting me on this. 
    Retract my statement above.


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