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Steve Whatleys Gas Oven

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Posts posted by Steve Whatleys Gas Oven

  1. Other than the misspelling, great username you have there. Welcome!


    I remember Leonard Parkin copping it - it gave YTV an excuse to knock 'Prisoner Cell Block H' off the schedules for a few weeks (not that they needed any excuses *blithers on in incoherent fashion for the next 100 years*)


    Thanks Matey!, I got the idea after I discovered the death list and found out about the perma-tanned ones demise on here. Ill have to pop along to the rename thread and ask for one less 'T'. Love your handle too by the way. Big fan of Pris back in the day when Central used to have it on 3 times a week. Bea Smith was the best, remember when she lost her memory when the bus crashed taking her from Barnhurst to Wentworth, then although she regained it she had to pretend she had still lost it to get parole? Ha ha , that was a great show. Poor old lizzie Birdsworth eh? how old was she when she died? :banghead:

  2. I dont know if they have been mentioned already, but Ive' got a feeling that either Kenneth Kendall or Richard Baker are going to turn up their toes in the next 12 months...


    That's news to me. :banghead:


    I thought both were long gone. Well, there you go - you learn something every day.............and then you die.


    PS Any news on Robert Dougall & Reggie Bosanquet? :lol:



    Wellll Old Robbie Dougal joined the choir invisible in 1999, and that wild man of news Reggie Bosanquet copped it way back in 84. Its been ages since leonard parkin died so I just think that theres got to be an old nersreader on the verge. And with Kenny Kendall being 82 & Richie B 81 they could cop it soon...

  3. Ok, I’ve just worked my way through this thread and enjoyed it immensely, however I was wondering just how famous is this Doherty Bloke in the Uk?. I left Blighty in 2002 for a small town in BC, so I’ve never heard of him. When I first came across the thread I thought it was about that Scottish bloke who was in Absolutely and had that chat show on Channel 5.

  4. :lol: A brilliant user name! Shame about the spelling; I suspect someone's going to be posting in the "Name Change Request" thread soon... "Can I have one less 't' please, Bob?"


    Welcome to the DL, Steve Whattley's Gas Oven.


    Thanks for the Welcome!, I realised my mistake about the extra 'T' the minute I finished creating my account. Ah well never mind :banghead:


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