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Dave to the Grave

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Posts posted by Dave to the Grave

  1. They are expecting another video from Ossama Bin Laden.


    According to a recent artical he urges Americans to abandon capitalism and democracy and to cash in on his Islam religion. I'm still pissed off about 9\11. I mean today marks the sixth anniversary and now this mother f****r is trying to preach the Islam religion to Americans? He says "I invite you to embrace Islam.' and says his soldiers will "escalate the fighting and killing against you"


    Bin Laden can send out his envelopes and Bin Laden can dye his beard and shine his shoes and Bin Laden can cuttle up like a dog in a little corner of his cave and pray to his god Allah, but the bottom line is the American troops went to Iraq and they've kicked some ass. I mean as much as I want world peace, these sheet heads threw the first stone and everybody has payed for it.


    To clean this up we need to solve the oil problem, kill Bin Laden, and bring the troops home. The word is strategy and we need an open mind. The greatest question is 'what will Bush do with the rest of his presidency? Will he bring the troops home before his exit or will this sh*t carry into the hands of the next president.


    I think Bush believes he is doing what is best for the safety of this country, and I think he may have had an idea sooner or later Arabs would try and pull a stunt like this which obviously it did happen. If Bush did know about it he should have done what Reagan would have probably said in so many words 'try it and we wipe Iraq off the face of the earth' and I think three thousand people would still be alive today if that were the case.


    I mean the concern of today is 'what is next?' it's not like you know exactly who the enemy is, as some sheet heads might tie a bomb around there waste and make sure it goes off as they are on a bridge or inside a coliseum. I want peace on this earth and these people are jealous mother f***kers, they are jealous that we live in a developed country and they are jealous we have freedom in religion and the list goes on and it probably hits the floor. The word freedom symbolizes peace in my view, freedom is dreams. I hope someday it will come true.



    Dear BS


    On behalf of the diplomatic service I would like to thank you for your application. Unfortunately you were unsuccessful on this occasion and the position has now been filled. We wish you the best of luck with your future career.


    :rip: Although the panel may reconsider if the candidate can explain a connection between the events of 11th September 2001 and Iraq, which is, and this is the important bit, stronger than that of any other country, Saudi Arabia for example. :unsure:

  2. So CNN is saying Osama Bin Laden is due for probably another fifteen minute video on the sixth anniversary of 9\11.


    Senior editor for Arab affairs Octavia Nasr says Soon, God willing, video message by the Lion Sheik Osama bin laden, may God protect him," ? May god protect him? The guy masterminded the death of over two thousand people.


    'May god protect him' I think some of these Arabs seriously need a beating. I never thought they would get Hussein, and they did. I have faith they find this towel head mother f****r and I have faith they bring this scum bag to justice! I say they catch Bin Laden, he stands trial .. blah blah blah and they hang him in Yankee stadium. I say make it a big affair, tickets and all.


    Every single cent raised that night should be divided and given to the families that lost a loved one.



    I agree that help should be given to those that have suffered due to this conflict.


    While the recording of civilian deaths in Iraq has obviously not been seen as particularly important, and 'under reporting' of casualties is apparently common practice, an estimate of 100,000 dead Iraqi civilians due to direct 'Coalition' military action would not be unreasonable. (Although CNN ran a story in 2006, that 655,000 is more likely.)


    A lot of tickets will need to be sold to make this magnanimous gesture worthwhile, because I am sure you realise that Iraqis have loved ones too.

  3. was just reading about Frank Sinatra on wiki. What a titan. The musical career, he won an Oscar for best supporting actor, was married to Ava Gardner and Mia Farrow, father of Nancy Sinatra, was in the Rat Pack, was buddies with JFK, had a character based on him in The Godfather. Etc. Everyone in the world knows New York, New York.


    One of my fave DL picks ever. Sniff.


    Here he is singing My Way. http://youtube.com/watch?v=JUlRhetVxNY

    Not quite as famous, but this chap did write and perform the original. A significant death for 1978 too. Well it was for him anyway.

  4. Is it OK to eat oysters if you're a veggie? I read somewhere that the cut off point in animal cruelty laws was somewhere between the shrimp and the oyster. The oyster doesn't have a complex nervous system so, I assume, doesn't mind being eaten much. I like oysters but am thinking of becoming a vegetarian (again), preferably an oyster-eating vegetarian.

    Godot, I would say yes.


    I would add that I am a cow eating vegetarian, who is also fond of oysters.

  5. According to wikipedia, Edith Bowman has some sort of heart defect, which could require a full transplant. I'm not a doctor, but I played one on TV, and that sounds kinda serious. Anyone know if there's a shred of truth to this, or is wiki getting its facts from the Man in the Pub again?


    And so long as the names of those responsible are kept confidential, it would be pretty cool to listen to discussion about the DL on Radio 1. Their phone lines would probably overheat, the site would be flooded with traffic, and we'd probably get an injunction shutting us down.


    Oh do tell who you played - Dr Kildare? Dr Findlay? Dr Who? Share!

    She wasn't a Doctor, although I think Sonny was a scientologist, which is almost the same.

  6. I mentioned Harry's Bar in my previous post. This could be left (if incorrect) and I could act as a decoy and draw their fire. I'll be able to spot the 'Royal Forum' members since they always wear tiaras, and that gentleman in the pastel polo shirt and gold chain that will follow me into the toilet will be a Paul Hunter fan. The others however.......


    I will endeavour to log on from my hospital bed, and anyway if SttG goes I will find out how things went.

  7. Well then, I'll be there at 'Harry's Bar'. Freshly blow dried in my red, crushed velvet smoking jacket. Watch out all you rough boys (or girls) :) . I think I may be quite lonely.


    Should I also post this drivel in the other DL convention thread?





    Post moved - LG

  8. For me, Harry Potter is like oral sex, sh*t, but when shared with a 6 and 8....ah bugger.

    :pop: Perhaps if you tried it with an 86 year old the experience may be more pleasurable. Something to do with their ability to remove their teeth. Apparently.

    • Like 1

  9. Harsh ATJ, harsh bordering on brutal. She speaks very highly of you I hear. I read the first one - thinking it competent but hardly life changing. Then again, I'm not arguing with her bank balance. It's kinda like standing outside Tescos and screaming; 'you don't sell the stuff people really want.'

    For me Harry Potter is a bit like Christmas; sh*t, but when shared with a 6 and an 8 year old, absolutely brilliant.

  10. To be described as Flemish i snot to be sneezed at either. Oh my aching sides.


    Hi iain!


    I'll get me coat.

    It wa snot my intention to impersonate iain. Who nose, perhaps to bond with others on this most Flemish of threads is what I Handker. Chief reason for this post however is to get something off my chest.

    My sides, nurse, a suture.

  11. Dave I'm sorry I watched the first thirty seconds.

    No Banshees, I'm sorry. At best a puerile 'joke'. (But he did say number 2's, and I love that song).


    Perhaps you can try to watch more than 30 seconds of this. :)

  12. That's because you haven't really watched Tavares. After a rocky start he's been a very solid starter often beating the other team's #1's and #2's.

    I do not pretend to understand baseball, but perhaps a little more fibre (or curry) is needed in his diet. Having spent time in India, Sri Lanka and Bradford, my number 2's would've been hard to beat too.


    Some footage of Tavares in action for Banshees, which I hope you enjoy.


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