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Dave to the Grave

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Posts posted by Dave to the Grave

  1. Jade threatened by hammer-wielding intruder


    He's good, that Max Clifford, innee.


    Jade, who had returned to London hospital to relieve her agonising bowel pain, screamed out in terror as she awoke to find the woman 'chanting and praying' over her.


    The miraculous road to a miraculous recovery begins with one miraculous step. I think this is that step, a bit of chanting and praying and miraculously, she'll start felling better in no time.


    Was this the chant perchance? Or perhaps



    Maybe even this...


    Perhaps she'd watched 'Prick up your Ears' last night, dozed off, and woke up listening to her favourite Spice Girls CD, got confused with Geri and Kenneth... Bob's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt.....much screaming.

  2. I'm sorry, but those standards are crap. I'll stick with my death penalty and accessible doctors (since I'm firmly middle class and have insurance, anyway).

    As with so many things, if you have money you are o.k. This is true with regard to whether you get the death penalty or quality health care.


    The W.H.O. rankings make interesting reading. This is quite old so perhaps things have changed for the better. Let's hope so for anyone unable to afford, or get health insurance.

  3. Noticed a news item that says the LHC will not be running again for some more time yet.


    I don't like the idea at all. To aim to make a tiny black hole is folly. In that when one is "made" who is to say that it would not grow ever larger? These clever chaps ever asked the question - if a black hole forms does it ever close or stop? What happens to us if in fact an overlooked common law in physics is such that if a black hole forms, then there is no way to stop the insuewing actions everytime?


    Stop medalling in things you don't understand.


    "If it is't broke, don't try and fix it!"


    I have to stop myself from being rude here and resist the urge to tell you to f**k off and go buy a cave to live in.


    We do research in order to improve the quality of life. If you don't like it then please think twice before visiting a doctor, before stepping onto a train plane or bus, before turning on your washing machine, before reheating your dinner in a microwave...ad infinitum. We do research to design new materials with amazing electronic/optical/thermal... properties to make life easier, better, longer. If you don't like it then please think twice before turning on your DVD, MP3 player, Wii, TV, electronic data storage devices or before wearing clothes, (gore-tex, kevlar, viscose etc.). We do not apologise for bringing entertainment and comfort into your lives nor for making your life easier, if you wish to go back to sweeping chimneys, to shitting out of windows, to annual plagues then please do not let us stop you.


    Mankind has seen unprecedented progress in the last 200+ years. Where do you think we would be if some numpty were to have said to Faraday to stop fiddling with all those wires in case he blew up the world because he himself had received little formal education? In the dark that's bloody where. He was a phenomenal experimental scientist who achieved so much with so little. He, like many scientists, made his discoveries through curiosity, which incidentally may or may not have killed Schrödinger's cat. What about Marie Curie? She died as a consequence of her research but there had to be someone to go ahead so that we could benefit from knowing the advantages and the disadvantages of radiation. It is far better that such research is conducted in a highly regulated manner than by a bunch of renegade malevolent humans.


    Naturally, as the world moves on we have bigger and better tools with which to do our jobs. Yes, sometimes risks are involved but believe me they are well calculated. There are rigourous safety appraisals, risk assessments and legislation that has to be carried out which is more than can be said of the science of the Victorian era. And remember, you could always be run over by a bus (or pony and trap) tomorrow so what the hell, I say take that very very very slight risk that us mere human mortals could endeavour to create a black hole on a scale so very very very much smaller than the universe.


    Oh and if you despise everything that CERN stands for please leave your internet cable at the door on your way out. I wouldn't want you to be inadvertantly championing "one of theirs".


    Personally I'd love to live in a cave. We're lucky enough to have one which I'd love to convert, but what to do with those bats? But who cares, it's my quality of life that counts.


    Just a thought, but great though those achievements are, was it necessary to, for example develop, and test, a nuclear bomb, in order to have a DVD or a cure for nasty diseases and stuff. I am sure I'm missing something here, but the more educated here will probably put me right.

  4. I'm told it was -12C in Fraserburgh this morning.


    I didn't think it was that cold, but what can you do...

    ....do the



    That'll keep you warm, while you wait.

    Of course if you got yourself one of those blue jackets, you'd be chased all the way to Aberdeen. All that friction and man made fibres, you'd probably ignite.

  5. Bill Roach for 2010 anyone?


    He's 77 this year.

    A good catch for someone's bream team perhaps.


    Good cod, that was terrible, even by my low standards, I'm starting to flounder, (and I'm not fishing for compliments).

  6. Its why we still have The Trooping of The Colour etc, etc. French tourism is simply not comparable, as beautiful a Country as it is. Im sure there is data regarding tourism figures and I would imagine many a survey has been done to quantify who comes from where and why.

    Not comparable at all. Would more people visit if they hadn't gone around revolting?:) I doubt it.

    I wonder how important the current Royal family are to U.K. tourism? I would guess, not a lot. Off with their heads

  7. I'm not, joking 'ere, but Joe Kinnear has been taken to hospital before a match.


    Probably nothing but he never looks very well, unless of course, he's standing next to Harry Rednap. Then he appears quite peachy.

    Its not the first time that Kinnear has been taken ill, dodgy ticker and all that.

    Dave, how could you dis our Lord and Master Redknapp? :)

    Dis him yes, spell his name, no :)

  8. It's a tribute, no bullshit.


    I've been onto Kevan Jones MP lately, along with a few others, suggesting as veterans' minister he does something about the posthumous Military Cross for Walter Tull. Going to Northampton Town last Saturday and walking to the ground down Walter Tull Way reminded me of the whole thing.


    This matters.


    Walter Tull


    Kevan Jones MP - sadly no direct e-mail from his site, but bother him by post, tell him who you are and tell him you support the Military Cross campaign and the statement in Early Day Motion 1851, he'd love to hear from you, and he - just about - has the power to do something about it.


    Oh aye and....Early Day Motion 1851


    Tabled by Northampton MP Brian Binley and signed by the 54 MPs below. Assuming your MP isn't a minister and isn't listed on the names below, you could always get on his/her case and ask them to get behind it. You could probably do that by e-mail via their site but you have to give them your address to prove you are a genuine constituent and not that mad bastard from Maryport who keeps bothering them.


    Binley, Brian

    That this House remembers Walter Tull for his contribution to British sport as a professional footballer for Tottenham Hotspur and Northampton Town football clubs; expresses its sincere gratitude for his lesser-known role as a soldier who fought in the 17th Middlesex Regiment during the First World War; notes that he was accepted for Officer Training and appointed to a Commission in the Special Reserve of Officers in 1917; remembers that he sadly lost his life as an officer of the 23rd Middlesex regiment in 1918; notes that his Commanding Officer mentioned him in despatches for his `gallantry and coolness' on the Italian Front and recommended him for a Military Cross; regrets that he was not awarded the Cross because, as a British citizen of non-European descent, he should not have been commissioned at all; and calls upon the Government to right this sizeable injustice by posthumously awarding him the Military Cross for his gallantry.

    Signatures( 54)

    Standard Order Party Groups Alphabetical Order Party Totals


    Open signatures All signatures


    Binley, Brian

    Hepburn, Stephen

    Illsley, Eric

    Jenkins, Brian

    Lancaster, Mark

    Holloway, Adam

    Kumar, Ashok

    Evans, Nigel

    Fraser, Christopher

    Walker, Charles

    Scott, Lee

    Hunter, Mark

    Hoyle, Lindsay

    Cryer, Ann

    Campbell, Gregory

    Corbyn, Jeremy

    Stringer, Graham

    Wareing, Robert N

    Simpson, David

    McCrea, Dr William

    Bottomley, Peter

    Pope, Greg

    Hopkins, Kelvin

    Hancock, Mike

    Simpson, Alan

    Vis, Rudi

    Pound, Stephen

    Purchase, Ken

    Hayes, John

    Meale, Alan

    Campbell, Ronnie

    Clappison, James

    Etherington, Bill

    Goodwill, Robert

    Bailey, Adrian

    Boswell, Tim

    Syms, Robert

    Winterton, Nicholas

    Wright, Anthony D

    Bone, Peter

    Davies, Philip

    Dorries, Nadine

    Hands, Greg

    Jackson, Stewart

    Timpson, Edward

    Russell, Bob

    Keen, Alan

    Duncan Smith, Iain

    Wallace, Ben

    Browne, Jeremy

    MacNeil, Angus

    Farron, Timothy

    Grogan, John

    Webb, Steve


    Bet you're sorry you asked about the Avatar now, eh?

    Not at all. I did know who he was, I just wondered as to your reason of choice. My son played at the Stade Jacques Chaban-Delmas last year with a THFC shirt under his club shirt. This year he will have one with Walter's name on the back. Better that than the Berbatov one.


    Terminator has a point about the comments under the avatar. Perhaps a campaign can be started to have the 'sad W**ker' title changed while Walter Tull's picture is above. Perhaps to 'sad Walter'. Obviously it should be changed back if the avatar is changed :)

  9. That bloody overrated Hallelujah song. But it's a modern classic, you say? Pah. Didn't rate it when grumpy Len did it, when dead Jeff did it, when gnarly Bob did it and I sure as shite don't rate it when some Beyonceyesque no-mark does it. I'm going to wear earplugs for the next month just in case I hear it.



    I agree, but it still stands up well against the other so called 'classics' we are supposed to love, such as American Pie, Bohemian Rhapsody and, I shudder as I type this, Layla.


    I think where these talent shows go wrong is having Mariah-Jackson-Beatle nights. A level playing field is needed. One that doesn't pander to the warbling Whitney Houston's and Justin Timberlake's. I would suggest a Doug Anthony Allstars Night. If you can sing

    and still have people discussing the quality of your voice, you know you have the X-Factor. I think
    is a classic. A song about my favourite shape, playwrite and musical instrument. Definite Christmas number one.

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