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Posts posted by Eesti

  1. I would like to suggest three names:


    1. Ramón José Velásquez (President of Venezuela 1993-1994) age 96

    2. Octavio Lepage (President of Venezuela 1993) age 89

    3. Jaime Lusinchi (President of Venezuela 1984-1989) age 88


    As we see Hugo Chavez condition, I guess god doesn't like Venezuela presidents.


    Other Venezuela ex-presidents:

    Carlos Andres Perez died 2010 age 88

    Rafael Caldera died 2009 age 93

    Luis Herrera Campins died 2007 age 82

    Wolfgang Larrazábal died 2003 age 91


    With all the focus on the Presidential elections in Venezuela, might I mention that a former occupant of the office is turning 97 later this year.


    I would suggest all these three former presidents.

  2. A man walks up to an attractive woman at a bar and begins to tell her a story.


    "The other day, I was walking through the park, when something unexpected bumped against my shoe," he says.


    The girl is intrigued. "Well, what was it?" she asks.


    "It was a magic lamp," the man says. "I rubbed it, and a genie came out. He said, 'I'll grant you one wish, but this isn't like Aladdin. You don't get to choose your wish. I'll give you two options, and you have to pick one.'"


    "What were the choices?"


    "The genie said I could have either a flawless memory, or a giant dick."


    The girl thinks for a moment. "Wow. Which did you pick?"


    "I don't remember."

    • Like 1

  3. /rant

    Football does my head in.

    Overpaid self satisfied wankers with opinions that they think others should listen to because they can kick a ball about better than most.

    People paying any attention at all to these jerks because they can kick a ball better than most.

    All over the news as if it were some kind of news. It isn't it's 22 twats kicking a ball about.

    Can't have a ten minute conversation with any of your friends about anything else without one of them mentioning some bloody football topic and the other sheep following.

    Constant Facefuck updates about some damn team/result/upcoming fixture/managerial issue/ etc etc.

    99 page threads about it on a site about deaths. If there were proportionally this many deaths in football perhaps I could grasp that.

    Oh there's more, but i'd merely be fanning the very flames I am complaining about and miserable old git that I am even I can only rant for so long.

    /end rant


    If this isn't even vaguely amusing to anyone (particularly those with no interest in football) please delete it.

    As you were.


    NB. Yes, I am aware that anyone not interested in football is unlikely to be reading page 99 of a football thread, never said I was too smart.


    tl; dr

  4. Yes I watch the SPL football. An it is SHITE !!


    Henrik Ojamaa is the best player in SPL!


    I watch the Dutch Eredivisie. The football is not exactly good, but since there are five or six teams that can win it, it's quite exciting. One of those is, I'm glad to report, my beloved Feyenoord.





    I like Utrecht. This season is really interesting indeed. I bet that PSV will win. Fav players: Ragnar Klavan used to play for AZ and today Marko Meerits is Vitesse GK.

  5. I doubt many members have language skills in Foreign, though.


    Kui sa arvad, et ka mina olen kohalik, siis eksid rängalt :) Minu võõrkeele oskuste hulka kuulub teiste seas ka inglise keel. Elagu Eesti!


    My Estonian is a bit rusty, but let me try a translation anyway:

    Cooeeh, Sir Arvad, I can mine oil and coal, so exit the range. My fore keel is coast hull, cool up the west seas, an English keel. Sail east!





    That's fucked up.

    • Like 1

  6. I doubt many members have language skills in Foreign, though.


    Kui sa arvad, et ka mina olen kohalik, siis eksid rängalt :) Minu võõrkeele oskuste hulka kuulub teiste seas ka inglise keel. Elagu Eesti!


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