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Posts posted by Eesti

  1. I would like to suggest three names:


    1. Ramón José Velásquez (President of Venezuela 1993-1994) age 96

    2. Octavio Lepage (President of Venezuela 1993) age 89

    3. Jaime Lusinchi (President of Venezuela 1984-1989) age 88


    As we see Hugo Chavez condition, I guess god doesn't like Venezuela presidents.


    Other Venezuela ex-presidents:

    Carlos Andres Perez died 2010 age 88

    Rafael Caldera died 2009 age 93

    Luis Herrera Campins died 2007 age 82

    Wolfgang Larrazábal died 2003 age 91

  2. I think it would be fair to allow points* for a late December death if the qualifying obit came on 1 January. This would not cause an undue delay to the final results.


    * just to clarify: points to count for the year ending, not the year just starting.


    This was exactly what I thought. Nice to see that we have an open discussion here now. My suggestion was to give one week time to get obit but if that is too much then maybe less would be still better than 23.59 @ 31.12.


    I guess it is a question if this game should be bittersweet or honest. I would chose honest rules but I can also understand the positive-bittersweet side of being strict with the rules.


    So far so good for me. I haven't lost any points because of late obit yet :)

  3. I am wondering, why teams don't get points if a person dies in 2012 and gets obit 2013. I understand that in some point you have to draw a line, because otherwise the results wouldn't be final. Neverthe less it is sad to see people lose points. Wouldn't it be better, if the person gets points if the obit comes within the first week of new year? It is obvious, that you don't get points in 2013 if a person dies in 2012, but still - the obit question.


    What do others think?

  4. DFF Tofoa



    1. Michael Winner JOKER

    2. Nelson Mandela

    3. Wojciech Jaruzelski

    4. Hugo Chavez

    5. Penny Marshall

    6. Ronnie Biggs

    7. Zsa Zsa Gabor

    8. Sir Henry Cecil

    9. Clive James

    10. Nancy Reagan

    11. George H.W. Bush

    12. Robert Mugabe

    13. Billy Graham

    14. Bob Dole

    15. Van Cliburn


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