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Posts posted by Cerberus

  1. I was only watching her yesterday in the 1979 remake of 'The Lady Vanishes' - funny that she was getting 'old lady' parts more than 40 years ago, though she was almost 20 years younger than May Whitty was when she played Miss Froy in the original, and only 13 years older than male lead Elliott Gould. Incidentally, I guess everyone has gone from the '38 film, now? There were no children in it as I recall. 

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  2. Yeah, the infection rate has been going up for a while but we've been told it's mostly young people, as long as they don't infect older family members it should be OK. Well we're starting to see the second spike bite in western Europe now. 32 dead in Britain, 78 in Spain and 38 in France. Only Germany, as ever, seems immune. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:


    Dancing With the Stars in Ireland and Australia (and that is what I can quickly find on Youtube) have had same sex couples dancing so not exactly breaking barriers when other countries have done it first. Just look at Courtney Act dancing here. I hardly think you'll be giving her a chance when you say you will turn off as soon as she appears. Maybe open your mind a little.


    Just because she's queer (more specifically bisexual) - doesn't mean she's going to be dressed in a suit all the damn time and if so then she'll rock the fuck out of it.


    Queer people have been dancing with same sex partners for a while now and so it should be broadcast to show representation, especially to girls who are black and bisexual and have never felt represented.


    To those conservatives who don't want queer folks on TV - then bye bye.

    Try reading the first line of my last post again ... that's exactly what I said I wouldn't be doing. Still think she'll be voted off early doors though. 

  4. I will still watch, and I'm not so furious about this that I will switch over as soon as she appears. Good luck to her, I guess ... but plenty of gay contestants - male and female - have appeared on the show in the past and had no problem with dancing with someone of the opposite sex. Like I said, a precedent is being set here, and I don't see it going down well with the show's largely middle-aged and 'small c' conservative fanbase. 

  5. Not really DL-related but the chance for a quick rant. Former boxer Nicola Adams is on the show, having specified that she will only dance with another woman.  I'm not homophobic in the slightest, I'm really not, but is it right for the 'stars' to hold the BBC to ransom like this? Presumably she will be dressed as a man for the whole series - or as long as she's in it (I don't see the Strictly demographic voting for her en masse somehow) and leading. Two women in big frocks dancing a waltz is going to look ridiculous after all. She will effectively  be a male contestant. Not sure this sets a great precedent, but hey, maybe I'm just an old reactionary. 

  6. Any thoughts as to when we might reach a million deaths? At the current rate it seems we might get there in around three weeks or so. Then again, we've almost certainly had it already, but that's another story. The 'official' figures for countries like Yemen and Sudan are absurdly low. Testing is pretty much non-existent in that part of the world. I saw a news report from Yemen a few weeks ago; they were digging mass graves then. 

  7. One that went unnoticed at the time, even by the usually excellent Cricketer magazine: NZ keeper-batsman Graham 'Jock' Edwards, on 6 April. Big Jock played two Tests in England in 1978 but in a wet summer his agricultural approach was ineffective and he was replaced behind the sticks by opening batsman Bruce Edgar for the last Test. 

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  8. One place to keep an eye on: South Africa has doubled its cases since the end of May. Not yet reflected in deaths but we know it takes a while to catch up. Fat lot of good that alcohol/tobacco ban did, then. Also Chile, into the Top 20 almost out of nowhere. Could be that Latin America and southern Africa are the areas to keep an eye on.  

  9. On 03/04/2020 at 00:03, Torva Messor said:

    Where are UK residents getting up-to-date statistics on confirmed cases,  recoveries and deaths? The websites I use show no change in recoveries since 23 March 2020: 135.


    Yeah, I've been wondering about that too. Likewise the Netherlands has been stuck on 250 for a while. A number of other countries - Portugal, Norway, Ireland and Australia for instance, have ridiculously low 'recovered' figures, which in turn has skewed the supposed death rate up to an artificial 21%. 

  10. 26 minutes ago, Boudicca said:

    I've just bought the last box of wine in the highlands. There's none on the west coast. This is going to be interesting. Death toll from abrupt withdrawal to add to it.


    If your supermarket has run out of booze try a garage. Plenty of beer, wine and spirits in my local Shell today. Bit of a mark-up though as you'd expect. 23 quid for a bottle of Morgans? Profiteering indeed. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, theoldlady said:

    Good Morning! Today is Monday, March 23rd.

    There are now 14,703 deaths worldwide, not counting the deaths China is hiding.

    The numbers at the end of the day yesterday in Norway are: 2385 cases, still only 7 deaths :rip:.

    NB! The news here is reporting a somewhat lower amount of cases (2132 cases) than the Worldometer website? Strange.

    24,000 people have registered Online here, within only a few hours,  that they are showing symptoms of the disease. The news said that they will not get any help until their symptoms get `serious`. :o
    13th day of working from home for me.

    Let's not forget North Korea, which last I heard claimed not to have had a single case - if the true death toll there is less than 2000 I'd be very surprised, but of course we'll never know.


    Hoping - against hope - for a sub-600 total from Italy today. Spain has declared 41, but expect that to be up tenfold before the end of the day.


    Italy should overtake China in total cases by the end of the week at this rate.


    Not allowed to work from home - I'm on Sainsburys supply chain - but enjoying a day off. Got to the bakers this morning and so have bread for the first time in four days. 

  12. 11 hours ago, paddyfool said:


    This raises a good point re the total confirmed cases per capita nationally.


    Currently, the ranking is as follows:


    Countries ranked by cases per 1m population: 

    1 S Korea 137

    2 Italy 97

    3 Iran 69

    4 China 56

    5 Bahrain 50

    6 Switzerland 31

    7 Norway 29

    8 Singapore 24

    9 Sweden 16

    10 Belgium 15

    11 France 15

    12 Hong Kong 14


    30 UK 3


    41 USA 1





    Ineviably, of course, cases in the UK and USA have featured very strongly in the British news cycle.


    San Marino, with a population of just 33,000, has 36 confirmed cases, which surely ought to put it top of that table. It seems that it doesn't take such small countries into account.  A similar proportion in the UK, if my maths is correct, would represent 70,000 cases. 

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  13. Has Robert Maudsley been mentioned in these parts? (nothing coming up on the search) - quite an interesting doc on him at the moment on Virgin/On demand. He's been in solitary for a scarcely believable 42 years after killing other inmates in the 1970s. Still only 66 but basically being allowed to waste away in a specially built 'tomb' under Wakefield prison. Given that he was horrifically abused as a child, and only killed other abusers, I suspect his case would have a lot of public sympathy if it were better known. 

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  14. Harry and Meghan going to drop the 'Sussex Royal' thing in the next couple of months, as if anyone cared  … I tell you what though, if Phil carks it in the near future, they're going to cop a lot of the blame - never mind that he was almost 99 … much as Bertie was blamed by his mother (for the rest of her life) for Prince Albert getting typhoid back in the day. 


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