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Posts posted by Cerberus

  1. News just in on the BBC about the Godfather of Soul ...


    The question is, is this a Christmas Day death a la Charlie Chaplin? Not sure how long ago it happened, or what time difference applies.


    Seems like the 'hardest working man in showbusiness' never got to retire. :lol:

  2. He was recently interviewed in the special Ashes supplement that was given away with the Times a couple of weeks ago.


    "Sir Alec Bedser, the one surviving member of the England party that toured Australia 60 years ago, is contemplating making what will be his 25th visit to his favourite country this winter."


    Quite a few interesting facts: he still lives in the Woking house his father built in 1953, he has portraits of himself and former Surrey and England captain Peter May and a letter from Sir Donald Bradman "detailing in the friendliest of terms how his bowling could be improved [bedser's bowling, presumably]."


    He goes on to complain about the state Britain is in today, and criticises the modern game in the manner common to long-retired players. On Kevin Pietersen: "It's a pity he's a South African and not an Englishman. He's a cocky bugger and I can't stand him."


    He wrote to Lancashire suggesting how James Anderson might improve his action, " but, although the club replied, the player did not." Rather like Tom Finney offering tips to Wayne Rooney.


    "Ray Lindwall [old-time Aussie bowler] was the best bowler ... he never bowled a wide, not like Steve Harmison." (I wonder if he saw Harmy's first ball at Brisbane)


    And so it goes on. He finishes, "I have stayed with the same families in Australia for 40 years and would like to be there now, given the state this country is in."


    It's being so cheerful that keeps him going, you know ...

  3. I saw Henry Allingham today! He was a guest at The Oval at the match between Surrey and Gloucestershire and had his photo taken on the outfield as the PA was telling spectators about him. Then he got wheeled off. Apparently he'd only been there once before - when WG Grace was playing.


    Paul, Hein and others will have to work that reference out for themselves.

  4. Special day for this person today. spends most of her time dozing, apparently. Maybe that's the secret. Or perhaps it only works for cats.

    It doesn't work for cats - they only live about 15 years! The woman in that link looks like she's dead already.



    Our Tabitha celebrated her 17th birthday recently making her about 120 in cat years. She can't get over a five foot wall anymore - but I don't suppose Ms Hernandez could either.

  5. They're showing the programme on television tonight about the fattest man in the UK: he can pack away 29,000 calories a day.




    That'll be this chap then. Nine curries and 40 pints? I never understand how they can afford that sort of lifestyle, apart from anything else. You couldn't do it on disability benefit, surely?

  6. And presumably the successful line will be ...


    "BOING!! Time for bed!"


    How could she resist? :D


    Not unattractive in her prime, but I always thought she had a rather annoying whiney voice.

  7. I'm a bit pissed, cause he announced he would call up witnesses like Clinton, Rubin, Cook, Blair etc, and would cross examine them for their part in the unlawful bomibings by NATO that took place on 1999.




    If it was Robin Cook he was planning to call, serving the witness summons might have proved a bit tricky. But I suppose he could be forgiven for being out of touch with the news.

  8. Apart from a certain J Caesar, has anyone else of note come a cropper on this day over the years?


    And if Ides means "middle", shouldn't it really be the 16th? That would make 15 March days before, and 15 after.


    Just a thought.

  9. I hear that Tony Blair described him as "a politician with a glittering career who made a serious mistake." Rather an ungenerous tribute, if that's what it was, to a man who spent the last 40 years working for the poor in London's East End. Perhaps Tone would have spoken of him more kindly if it'd been someone from his own side. Come to think of it, he could have been describing himself.

  10. Close, but your sentence appears to have no verb. And I thought you Canucks were all bilingual. :pop:


    I would try "donc, pourquoi etes-vous ici?", but Hein is the linguist around here, I expect he could come up with something better.


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