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Posts posted by Cerberus

  1. I am beginning to think my record collection is cursed :(



    With "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now" McFadden & Whitehead became one of the great one-hit wonders. I recall I was at school at the time and I seemed to be the only one who admitted to liking that sort of music - with everyone else it was either prog or punk.

  2. Thanks for posting that link, Tempus. I had no idea Ronald Searle was still alive. Sometime in the early 1970s I was given a copy of How to be Topp, one of the classic Molesworth books (think a 1950s version of Adrian Mole with atrocious spelling). For a while there I was back in the grim world of St Custards, with Grabber, Fotherington-Thomas et al. I lost my copy a long time ago chiz. Sadly the co-author Geoffrey Willans died shortly after publication, in 1958.

  3. The chap that draws Bristow in the Evening Standard must be getting on now. Frank Dickens I think his name is. You got me thinking about the newspaper strips of the 70s and 80s. There was Fred Basset, the Gambols, Sporting Sam, not to mention George and Lynn who seemed to live in a permanent state of undress ... I'm pretty certain Giles is deceased though. How would you describe a dead cartoonist - de-syndicated?

    • Like 1

  4. Does anyone have any tips on how to live a long life?


    It says here that exercise can help prevent Alzheimers.

    I always understood it was exercising the mind which was the key to warding off senile dementia. So doing a regular crossword or Sudoku would help, watching Big Brother for hours on end would certainly not.

  5. Watching it now. Dennis and Jessica are tonight's models. Not quite sure why it was necessary for him to shave "downstairs" but not her. :D


    As for the unfortunate subjects, they appear to have dead for several days at least, so not too much blood and gore. Fascinating viewing.

  6. It's funny how all the people that disliked him come crawling out the wood work and give him a glowing epitaph.


    The crocodile tears don't fool Saint Peter.


    I wonder what they will say about me when I hit the wooden box :rolleyes:

    There was a tribute to him on the Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2 on Monday - JV went so far as to describe him as "a great man," which I thought was going a bit over the top.



    Then yesterday Andy Kershaw came on batting for the Lib Dems, so perhaps they're all nailing their colours to the mast. What next I wonder - Terry Wogan fronting a PPB for the Tories? :lol:

  7. Shaw Taylors programe was called POLICE 5

    And the theme music was the middle eight of Nantucket Sleighride by Mountain. Saturday and Sunday afternoons before the wrestling and Hart to Hart respectively.

    That's interesting - "World in Action" used that tune as well. Or was it "Weekend World?" :lol:

  8. I wonder if anyone remembers his "classic" Christmas single:


    " 'Old up, 'ere comes Chisholm."


    "He's giving me a funny look!"



    Note: this thread was relegated to page two just four hours after the last post. It's easy to miss 'em nowadays!

  9. British TV presenter of yesteryear. His 1970s (and early 80s?) programme, whose title escapes me, sought the help of the public in solving recently committed crimes. Hence his catchphrase - "keep 'em peeled."


    He didn't say "don't have nightmares" though, did he - that was the other one.

  10. The only thing that would persuade me to watch Big Brother or its celebrity equivalent would be if they burned down the house with all inmates inside.



    [cut to shots of onlookers pointing and laughing] :D

  11. He's doing quite well if he went through Hogmanay without so much as a sip. More than I could manage.


    Who is going to contest the leadership? I wonder if Simon Hughes is going to stand again. They do have 64 MPs I believe, but not many who are familiar to the general public.

  12. Just played some poker with the girls. One word= POOR



    Are we to understand that you were the only one to end up with no clothes on? :unsure:


    Bit cold for that sort of thing. :blink:


    But yes the mods can be a little hasty with their delete buttons sometimes - a couple of weeks ago we had some twunt trying to flog phones, and he got shown the door pretty sharpish, but a thread such as this harms no-one.


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