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Posts posted by Cerberus

  1. I was thinking of featuring him in a "quiz show presenters" thread. David Coleman, Magnus Magnusson, Derek Batey, a lot of them are getting on. Magnus had to remain seated when he was on "The Weakest Link" recently.

  2. Surely this year will be remembered in DL folklore as the year Windsor, Banshees Scream and Tempus Fugit joined and changed the nature of the forum forever. Whether for the better or not, I leave for others to say. :P But all three are in the Top Ten posters now, so it would have been kinda quiet without them.

  3. I don't want to live that long, early 60s will be good enough for me.

    Handrejka, I doubt if you'll feel that way when you're in your late 50s. As long as I'm not incapable of looking after myself, I want to go on as long as I can, at least long enough to see my grandchildren's weddings.


    Besides, I want to get back everything I'm paying into my company pension, which means that I need to live to about 112. :P


    Don't really mind how, as long as I'm not in pain (so no burning, please), and I have the chance to say goodbye, and of course to post notification of my imminent demise on Deathlist, like Death List Observer. :o

  4. I'd take issue with one statement in that report. Surely, anyone who was born before 1901 has lived through the reigns of six monarchs (assuming, of course, that they lived in the UK or a Commonwealth country). They might not be able to recall much of Queen Victoria, though.

    She didn't live through the reigns of six monarchs. She was alive during only part of the reigns of Victoria and the present monarch.


    In order to live through the reigns of all six, she would have had to have been born at the latest in 1837 and couldn't die until after Elizabeth II dies or abdicates.

    You're right, of course, but I'm sure the report said "five monarchs" earlier. :lol: In any case it should have been four, in which case someone would only have needed to live from 1900 to 1953, not very impressive really.

  5. I'd take issue with one statement in that report. Surely, anyone who was born before 1901 has lived through the reigns of six monarchs (assuming, of course, that they lived in the UK or a Commonwealth country). They might not be able to recall much of Queen Victoria, though.

  6. It's proving difficult to find out anything about Mary (Lady) Wilson, who was married to Prime Minister Harold Wilson until his death in 1995. Searches throw up lots of references to the one-time Supremes singer of the same name, but nothing about this one. I assume she's still alive, because she was apparently interviewed in the Cherie Blair/Booth progtramme that was on Channel 4 recently. But Harold's Wiki entry doesn't even mention her. My guess is that she lives in the Scilly Islands, where he was buried. Anyone know?

  7. I see Cyril Fletcher, the world's least funny entertainer went this year.

    Oh I don't know about that.


    Jim Davidson and Freddie Starr, two "funnymen" who I watch (under duress) with a face of granite. Seldom seen on TV nowadays, thankfully.

  8. The Taylor/Barton case is on the news now.


    Both got life sentences. Taylor to serve a minimum of 23 years (before he can be considered for parole), Barton a minimum of 17 years.


    So Windsor was being unduly pessimistic.

  9. Sounds like a cock and ball story to me. :P


    Did anyone catch Jonathan Ross's interview with Sharleen Spiteri a couple of weeks ago? I was only half-listening, but I'm sure he said Jilly Goolden had once described a wine as having "a penis-y taste".


    It was meant as a joke, presumably :blink: but it could take on the stature of an urban myth.

  10. In my opinion if his sons decline the throne then his sister Princess Anne would make perfect queen she reminds me of good queen Bess 1st.

    You go back a bit, then? <_<



    Lady Die, I'm not sure Windsor is anatomically qualified to be the next Queen of England - Elspeth, on the other hand ... only a couple of divorces in the way.

  11. Enjoyed the picture, anyone got any "George Best Jokes"?

    I'm kind of surprised that we haven't been utterly in-undated with George Best jokes! Despite the poll, to be honest it really wasn't a suprise to see him pass on to the 'other-side', but the part tht did make me laugh was the fact that we've just got the 24 hour drinking lark going on now and both of our 'legendary drinkers' missed it! :D


    I can actually picture Best and Olivier both <_< to the sound of 'Last Orders'.

    I hadn't realised that Larry Olivier was a legendary boozer.


    Or did you mean Oliver (Reed)?


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