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Posts posted by Cerberus

  1. :( raider+Oct 16 2005, 06:41 AM-->

    QUOTE(Tom(:( raider @ Oct 16 2005, 06:41 AM)
    And just don't try to pronounce 'magere', it's going to kill you. (Which may sound appropriate for this forum, but whereas you're probably not a celebrity included on this year's list, there's nothing in it for us.)

    I have a pretty good idea how to say it - I know the "g" is pronounced "ch" as in "loch", but do you stress the "a" or the first "e"? Is it magere or magere?

  2. Here's one that filled me with good cheer, usual apologies if someone has posted it somewhere else.


    Bears' revenge


    Beijing: A man who made his living extracting bile from the gall bladders of live bears for use in traditional medicine was killed and eaten by six of them. Han Shigen was cleaning the bears' cage when they attacked him.




    (from Wednesday's Times/AFP)

  3. I never quite get what's being suggested with stories like that. Is that 11,000 people who would otherwise not have died? Is it 11,000 on top of the normal death figures? Presumably many of them were very old and frail, and would have gone anyway, whether there'd been a heatwave or not. So it must be very difficult to quantify how many deaths the heatwave was directly responsible for.


    I suppose anyone whose last words were: "this heat! I can't stand it! Aaaaargh!" (expires) would be a "tick." :blink:

  4. I believe Tim Brooke-Taylor is a regular on the Radio 4 panel game "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue" (hosted by DL mentionee Humphrey Lyttleton) but I can't imagine that supplies him with a living wage. As for what else he does, after-dinner speaking would be my guess.

  5. I couldn't find a decent avatar, so ended up with the rather bland one I now use.

    My avatar disappoints me every time I see it. I'm jealous of Tempus Fugit's classic stormy Big Ben look, or my personal favourite, Anubis' (Carlos the) Jackal photo, which I though was a stroke of evil genius. One day, maybe, just maybe, I'll find an avatar that better suits my name.

    You may disagree StarCrossed, but I thought this picture from a previous thread was rather stylish. Would it work as an avatar do you think?

  6. Strange, I always thought it was spelt "Alzheimers." With the i before the e, shouldn't it be pronounced to rhyme with "beamers?"



    Just checked that link ... I was right! :D

  7. Oh God please send them back to the obscurity they so richly deserve.

    AIUI Mr Beckham is working hard on that.





    "As I understand it, " perhaps?


    Congrats from me, Mr Josco. I am working on the slowest-ever thousand, myself (should get there in 2008 or thereabouts)

  8. Possibility I suppose, but I reckon Ronnie C has another five years minimum. Don't forget Ernie Wise outlived Eric Morecambe by 15 years despite doing very little solo work, it's not always the end for the surviving half of a double act.


    Oh and welcome to the forum Ravenstorm. :D

  9. I reckon quite a few people select their name in haste and regret it later.



    I was originally Pining For The Fjords (not exactly catchy) before I lost my internet connection and forgot all my passwords, so it was easier to re-register. I don't mind my name now, but my wife thought of a much better one shortly after I joined - Mr Macabre - which has now been taken, by a non-poster :D


    Only trouble with a name like this is that it's a bit limiting, avatar-wise, though I may branch out into non-dog related images before long :referee:

  10. So who saw the re-run of the BAFTA tribute show tonight then? There were plenty of prospective DL choices there: Warren Mitchell, Eric Sykes, Bill Cotton, Leslie Phillips, Peter Vaughan ... surely one of those gentlemen could oblige next year?

  11. I've just read all those comments (the debate on the BBC page, that is) - thought I recognised a familiar name or two there? :D For months I've been reading about this DDP, and at last I know what it is!


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