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Posts posted by Cerberus

  1. Unless I've missed it, nobody has been "mocking" Ronnie Barker, or "saying horrid things" about him. The worst anyone has said, is that some of his TV work was not as good as "Porridge" or "The Two Ronnies". What's wrong with that?

  2. Many vet's surgeries send the carcasses of dead animals - like horses - to their local zoo as a source of animal food.


    And I bet they tell the owners they "buried them in the garden." B)

  3. Actually we have a sick cat - she's 16 and has a kidney disease (if that's the right term). Seems to be doing well under medication, but she has to have a check-up every three months. And it's an extra £50 or so for a blood test. B)

  4. He's only had the new liver for 3 years - that doesn't sound like very good mileage. Anyway, who'd consent for their dead relative's liver to be donated to George? It's be more useful to fry it up with a few onions (yummy).

    Or even with some fava beans and a nice chianti. B)

  5. I'm not surprised he wasn't listed (and never has been to my knowledge) - under 80 with no well-documented health problems. I don't think anyone could have expected him to meet his maker this year. The only clue came from the title of one of the Piggy Malone & Charley Farley series:


    "DEATH ... can be fatal." :referee:

  6. I hit upon this show while looking at the credits for "Porridge", Brian Wilde being the common factor. It's perhaps a little surprising that a show based principally around old-age pensioners has been going since 1973, and unsurprisingly many of the original cast have passed on, (in actors' parlance "resting" - permanently). But some well-known British character actors have appeared in the programme, including:


    Peter Sallis b 1.1.21 (perhaps equally well-known as the voice of Wallace)

    Brian Wilde b. 1.6.21 (played Mr Barrowclough in "Porridge")

    Frank Thornton b. 15.1.21 (formerly Capt Peacock in "Are You Being Served")

    Kathy Staff b. 12.7.28 (ex-"Crossroads")

    Dora Bryan b. 7.2.24 (made several TV shows and films in the 60s)


    Can I offer them as a job lot?




    (Mods: I couldn't find a "LOTSW" thread, but if there is one, please merge - Done-Teddy)

  7. When the news bulletin began "one of Britain's best-loved comic actors ..." I was certain we'd seen off Sir Norman. Ah well ... :)


    Incidentally, does anyone know if the "third Ronnie", theme composer/conductor Ronnie Hazelhurst, is still about?

  8. I don't think any ruling was made (re: the Kirsty Howard thread) but I seem to recall that there was a consensus that children were unlikely to be famous in their own right (not too many child stars around nowadays) and "famous for being ill" was not good enough.

  9. This month it will be nine years since the end of her last (8th) marriage to Larry Fortensky - that's the longest she's been unmarried in her adult life. So she's facing all this alone, it seems. Anyone know if she has a "companion" at present? I gather she's no longer matey with Michael J.

  10. It depends how long they've been in the show I suppose - we had Gretchen Franklin in the Deathlist for this year and I'm sure June Brown ("Dot Cotton") would also qualify - but I can't think of any others (of that age-group). Of ex-cast members, Ross Davidson and Anna Wing have been discussed at some length and they haven't been in it for nearly twenty years!


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