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Posts posted by Cerberus

  1. I've been here before, but I would suggest that Farmer Martin is better known in the UK than Crooner Martin. Perhaps he should be listed too, though he seems fairly capable of defending himself. :)

  2. yeahright2cj.th.png

    Death toll - Asian Tsunami ~250 000

    Hurricane Katrina ~ 5 000



    Also, the victims of the Asian Tsunami had no warning..

    To be fair, this is by far the biggest natural disaster that's hit the United States since the country came into being. It's entirely understandable that the US media will compare it with the Asian tsunami even if the numbers don't match up. Of course we all know that it wouldn't be getting the same blanket coverage if it had happened in, say, Bangladesh, but that's just the way the world is.


    What would interest me is to know how it's all being reported in Arab countries, the Middle East in particular. Are they calling it "the revenge of Allah" or similar?

  3. Speaking of Queen Victoria, and she doesn't come up for discussion on here very often (having died in 1901), it always annoys me when someone says "of course, she never actually said 'we are not amused.' " And I'm like, how do you know? How do you know she never said it? What they mean is, never said it in public. She could have said it anytime, even in her sleep.


    Just wanted to get that off my chest. I'm alright now. :lol:

  4. Yup, we're arrogant, but hey! We're going to stuff the Aussies in this test at least! :lol:  :)  :lol:


    (and yes, I'm prepared to have this one bite me on the arse if it rains for the next 3 days)

    Cricket, some say is the sporting equivalent of war ie 99% boredom, 1% terror.

    A bit like painting or perhaps golf?

    A five test series is a form of preparation for death, after enduring the full series,death seems positively welcome. Wars are over in less time,than this futile sport takes to decide who wins a cup full of ashes.

    That's fine Tempus, you don't have to watch it. How about the spectacle of 22 numbskulls hoofing a bit of leather up and down a field for 90 minutes, I'm sure that's much more your cup of tea. And we've got at least 9 more months of that to look forward to. :D


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