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Posts posted by Cerberus

  1. This isn't quite a first - 60s soulstress Fontella Bass (Rescue Me) was sometimes photographed with a cigar, but in Victoria's case she's probably heard that smoking can help you lose weight. So keep it up, dear ...

  2. Why do Americans always sue for such ridiculous sums? $180 million! Well, I suppose it's only fair that a few dozen people have their ops cancelled and die needlessly, if it means Mr Lyonne, sorry Braunstein, can be rich beyond his wildest dreams. :)


    Now if he'd just gone for a couple of grand, I'd have said "fair enough." But that's not the showbiz way, is it.


    BTW I think we've established that the power of prayer is of somewhat limited effectiveness.

  3. I like that idea. The Deathlist convention would be so cool. London please, a Saturday just before Xmas (the 17th is good for me).


    Of course, we'd all have to wear little name-tags except for Dylan who will, I hope, still be in school uniform.

  4. No I don't blame the victim. As you say he probably didn't know what was going on (although, coming from Brazil, where the police apparently shoot dead about 600 people a year, he might have had an idea).


    I blame the maniacs who set off the bombs on July 7th, without whom Londoners would be going about their business feeling relatively safe.

  5. Well I've just read that post twice, trying to work out whether he likes us or not ... and I don't think he does. I think he's berating us for not being homophobic. While personally I've never seen "Queer eye ... " and don't go much on "Will & Grace" I don't think that's anything to be ashamed of. I expect things are different in the Deep South, though.


    And no, I don't mean Brighton. Quite the opposite, I believe. ;)

  6. Hmmm... well yes, MHR HCW, if it is your "special day." One doesn't want to sound too churlish about these things, but why are some birthdays noted on the calendar, and not others? I notice that a number of us have February birthdays, but that month is left blank. Do you have to have 700 posts or something to qualify?


    I wouldn't mind, but HCW didn't even bother to put her/his birthday on the profile.



  7. You gave me a scare then Janeo - I had to check your profile. My sister Jane is the same age, but in a different location thankfully, unless she's moved without telling me (Possible, as we don't speak from one year to the next).


    Exactly the same birthday though. Spooky.

  8. Or alternatively, don't start legging it when told to "stop" by armed police. ;)


    Let's not be too hard on the police, they have an awful job in London at the moment. I know I wouldn't want to do it.

  9. Janeo has already been mentioned. I must admit I have wondered about GracieJC8, but who else could he mean? Yvonne, Eileen, Diana de Sisac (a promising start, then nothing).


    Many females seem to get frightened off, or else fed up with all the juvenile antics on here. Let's face it, there are a lot of male members on this forum.

  10. Are people who are famous "by association" eligible for the deathlist?

    e.g. a famous person's widow/spouse/partner

    Lady Bird Johnson is, apparently, well-known :rolleyes: although i must say I'd barely heard of her before I became a regular here.

  11. When you are a little older Dylan, if you are still partial to beer, takeaways, fry-ups etc, you will find that an expanding waistline can't cope with an appendix scar. I have a pronounced "dip" on the right-hand side. :pop:

  12. The yahoo! search engine is just brilliant. Not only does deathlist.net not appear in the first 40 results, but none of the links mentions her untimely demise. Indeed no. 33 is "Mo Mowlam - Live on Stage."


    Shome mishtake surely?

  13. I'll just add ... uninvited and unwelcome "guests" who come on here purely to harangue and insult our esteemed members. This is the only internet forum I've come across where guests are allowed to post - I realise it adds a certain frisson to proceedings, but I sometimes wonder whether it's a good idea. :deathban:

  14. I seem to recall Mr Josco saying things had changed at his workplace and he doesn't get as much opportunity to visit us as before. I'd have thought he'd have internet access at home, though ...


    Anyway, the result is that he's lost his lead in the "most posts" table. Mr Notapotato is now top, and at the current rate of progress should pass the 1000 mark sometime in October.


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