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Posts posted by Cerberus

  1. Surely the Tories shot themselves in their collective foot when they rejected the best two leadership candidates: Ken Clarke and Michael Portillo. As a lifelong Labour voter, I'll resist the temptation to gloat. I'm actually quite pleased the Government's majority is down in double figures - should make things a bit more interesting.

  2. I wonder what's going to happen with "Countdown." Richard Whiteley has never missed a show to my knowledge. Do they suspend the show, or bring in a guest presenter (and who would you like to see? It's hard to imagine anyone else doing it)

  3. Yes these can be merged at some point perhaps. I just wanted to add this: while we won't hear from DLO again under that name, perhaps the mods can keep an eye out for "another" time-waster posting similar drivel from the same IP address. Regular tedious updates on the health of Lady Bird Johnson should be a clue.


    {mreged again HCW}

  4. I'm with Bruno on this one - I don't think she's famous enough. Certainly her demise will not be reported in any UK news bulletin, or anywhere outside the US. Well, Canada maybe. And after so many years out of the public eye, there can't be too many under the age of 45 who know who she is, even in the States. Still, the DLO seems to find it gripping stuff.

  5. Well as I've said before I won't insult the intelligence of my fellow Deathlisters by telling them how to use their vote - I leave that sort of thing to The Sun - but I think Labour will do a little better than suggested here. They've become the new Conservatives: nobody admits to voting for them, but they keep getting in!

    Incidentally I'm surprised to see the Death list Observer will be voting on May 5 - I had him down as American for some reason.

  6. .. Had a stroke and i bealive can only walk with crouches

    .. Shes only mentioned when shes in bad health or in the hospital

    Can only walk with crouches? That sounds a bit like Groucho Marx.


    There does seem to be a concerted campaign by the DLO and friends to get some fairly obscure US politicians on the List. They're to be commended on their persistence, but really, would all these people pass the famous test?

  7. We're waiting for someone to solve the mystery. Questy is apparently member number 490, yet it says at the foot of the page that we have 400 members. We need softcell1 to say something, even if it's just "hello" to ascertain their "alternative" number. Then they can wave goodbye if they wish.


    We've already established that the forum was re-jigged (?) in 2003, which is the earliest date that anyone is shown as having joined, but it's clear that some members were on here long before that. So who was member number one? And is number 6 Patrick McGoohan? I think we should be told.

  8. They're re-running that series over here at the moment. It was, what, the 1980s, and she looked old then!


    Always had an endless supply of nieces, didn't she. Every other episode, she was visiting her niece. With the Grim Reaper not far behind.

  9. So, to recap, Gloria Stuart was not on the Titanic; she was in "Titanic." I know who you mean now, yes I have seen the film but I didn't know the old lady's name.


    And I apologise for doubting your name Mike, but you may know the scene I'm referring to.

  10. I've been working recently with Portugese and Spanish-speaking people and I noticed that they tend to converse in Spanish (or English). What our friend was trying to say, I think, was that Portuguese people, without necessarily learning the language, can understand spoken Spanish more easily than vice versa.


    I imagine it's similar with the Danes/Norwegians/Swedes, or with German/Dutch, but I'm sure Hein could help us out here.


    I suppose having a mother tongue that hardly anyone else speaks, is more likely to make people learn a foreign language or two.


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