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Posts posted by Cerberus

  1. We're waiting for someone to solve the mystery. Questy is apparently member number 490, yet it says at the foot of the page that we have 400 members. We need softcell1 to say something, even if it's just "hello" to ascertain their "alternative" number. Then they can wave goodbye if they wish.


    We've already established that the forum was re-jigged (?) in 2003, which is the earliest date that anyone is shown as having joined, but it's clear that some members were on here long before that. So who was member number one? And is number 6 Patrick McGoohan? I think we should be told.

  2. They're re-running that series over here at the moment. It was, what, the 1980s, and she looked old then!


    Always had an endless supply of nieces, didn't she. Every other episode, she was visiting her niece. With the Grim Reaper not far behind.

  3. So, to recap, Gloria Stuart was not on the Titanic; she was in "Titanic." I know who you mean now, yes I have seen the film but I didn't know the old lady's name.


    And I apologise for doubting your name Mike, but you may know the scene I'm referring to.

  4. I've been working recently with Portugese and Spanish-speaking people and I noticed that they tend to converse in Spanish (or English). What our friend was trying to say, I think, was that Portuguese people, without necessarily learning the language, can understand spoken Spanish more easily than vice versa.


    I imagine it's similar with the Danes/Norwegians/Swedes, or with German/Dutch, but I'm sure Hein could help us out here.


    I suppose having a mother tongue that hardly anyone else speaks, is more likely to make people learn a foreign language or two.

  5. I don't think so - only Gerald Ford even got an invitation as far as I can tell - so any carnage among the great and good would have to have been discussed on the "other" page, as with Prince Rainier.

  6. I must say it was quite an impressive array of Heads of State. In a way though, it was a pity that Al-Qaeda's Man on the Ground ;) couldn't get a bit nearer, we could have had a busy few days on here.

  7. Yes they were briefly en vogue on Jeremy Vine's show on Radio 2 a little while back. He played their versions of "Ace of Spades" and "Walk This Way" quite a bit. I'd like to know what Lady Grendel makes of them.

  8. ...just about to go and listen to some great music on cd at 4 in the morning, to be continued,........... Stryper and AC/DC are calling me ......................................................

    For the sake of your neighbours, i hope you have headphones - you can't play that stuff quietly!


    Heard some AC/DC on the radio last night: "You Shook Me All Night Long."

  9. (Are records even called albums anymore now that everything is cd and not vinyl?)

    I think the answer to that is that they're still called albums, but not records, unless they're LPs. "Album" is a generic term (I hope that's right, Mr Josco!) encompassing CDs, LPs and cassettes, but as I expect you know it's almost impossible to buy new releases on vinyl these days and cassettes are also falling from favour.


    Having recently invested in a new record player, I will be going to a record fair in Maidstone on Sunday week and will no doubt be coming back with armfuls of second-hand LPs and singles, much to the dismay of Mrs Cerberus, who then has to listen to them (cue cries of "what's this rubbish!" etc)

  10. And if we take total postings on a thread, not necessarily on this years list, the next one to go will, sadly, be Mr Josco's Little Man.

    Wow, have you been looking at my files?


    Shouldn't that have read "flies?"


    By the way, I wonder what's become of josco's little man's greatest admirer. We haven't heard from Amanda for a while now. :dead:


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