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Posts posted by Cerberus

  1. Hi Matt!

    You picked a good night to join! It's been hectic on here tonight, for some reason. You are 123 lbs, that's less than 9 stone - seriously puny. Keep eating, you're giving your countrymen a bad name!

    That's another thing. you'll probably know, if you've been lurking around here awhile, that some of the subject matter will not be familiar to Americans. we spend (well waste, really) a lot of time discussing ageing British politicians, actors and entertainers, esp. "Carry On" stars and those who appeared in 1970s sitcoms. If you start to suggest baseball players, senators and ice hockey stars nobody will know who you're on about, except Bruno Brimley, and no-one takes any notice of him. Cheers!

  2. How do you do those italics? I tried once and it didn't work. Also, I tried to post the link from the Telegraph (see, I need italics there) about Patrick Moore and couldn't work out what to do. Something came up about MY WEBSITE and I just panicked and clicked on "home". Pathetic, I know. :banghead:

  3. By my reckoning, they would have to be at least 104 years old. At the last Remembrance Sunday I heard there were only a dozen or so left from Britain. I'm surprised it's that many (tho' of course we could have lost a few since then). The point is though, that they would not qualify for the DL as "famous for being old" is not really enough.

  4. He has been discussed at some length on the Gerald Ford thread but I would say yes. As an octogenarian in poor health he should be considered for next year if he makes it that long. Has he been listed before?

  5. Interesting that he's not being taken to hospital this time. The reason being given is that the trip would be too arduous for him, but it sounds as if they feel nothing more can be done for him. I expect him to be gone by the morning.

  6. I regret starting this thread seen as there have been alot of rubish remarks are being expressed on it.  Josephine-Charlotte was head of state in Luxemborg; the fact her brother was King of Belgian was a minor point.

    But that's when it started to get interesting, surely? Anyway a lot of threads go "off topic". We haven't really spent 19 pages discussing josco's little feller you know, it wouldn't stretch that far. :pop:

  7. That said, King is clearly a grade A, self-pitying dickhead and pervert who should have his anal cavity opened up with a roll of barbed wire.  It appears the only reason this didn't happen while he was inside is that he spent the whole time on a nonce's wing under protection.  Nice.

    Well if that's the case, and it's called Rule 42 or 43, I don't remember, he was only receiving the same degree of protection that anyone else in his position would have been entitled to. King would presumably have been able to sue the Home Office if he had been assaulted by one of the upstanding burglars, kidnappers or armed robbers who seem to become so self-righteous when there is another prisoner even they are able to look down on.


    And no, of course I'm not a JK supporter, it's just all the hypocrisy I don't like.

  8. Ah, thank you. I had a feeling Krupa had "upped sticks," but I could've sworn I saw Buddy Rich playing on the Performance Channel a year or so back, that's why I asked.


    Obviously it was an old recording.

  9. Simon, it would take you no longer to register than it did to type your posts on Lord Callaghan and the Pope. And you do seem to have some "interesting" views, could fuel some lively debate. I know you can argue with Guests, but it's not the same somehow, a lot are just drive-by ranters.

  10. Bad time for drummers at the moment. I wonder if Messrs Fleetwood and Starkey have checked their life insurance recently.


    From an older generation, are Buddy Rich and Gene Krupa still with us?










    {threads merged - HCW}

  11. He'll be getting fulsome tributes in the broadsheets tomorrow, which was more than he ever got in office. Guardian and Mirror aside, the press was vehemently anti-Labour in the 1970s. Now they tend to be seen as the lesser of two evils, except by the Mail and Express of course.

  12. Heard some interesting news on the radio this morning. Sir Ranulph Fiennes (crazy name, crazy guy) is going to attempt a solo climb of Mount Everest, despite being 61, in indifferent health and with very little experience of mountaineering.


    It's all for charity of course, so let's wish him well, but could he be about to go the same way as Mallory and Irvine?

  13. Thank God for Easter and four days off!

    Very nice for you, I'm sure.


    I will be working Sunday and Monday, comme toujours [i don't know how to italicise]. Plus the offspring is now offschool so my time at the PC will be severely restricted (before she gets up basically). I may have to resort to the local library ... (thinks) Damn! That'll be full of kids as well!


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