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Everything posted by Zarch

  1. Zarch

    Who is Next?

    Could do with some inside info on who could be next to pop there clogs. Any critical illness that you know of? Doesn't even have to be on the list, just a celeb. Need it to be in with a shout in our very own "death bet" at work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Z.
  2. Zarch

    Who is Next?

    Cheers for the input, sadly both of those have been snapped up. Any less obvious candidates?
  3. Death bet at work, need to pick one to be the next. My current pick is former Tory Ted Heath, but i cannot find any further info on his illness from last year. My other thoughts are Max Schmelling and Pat Roach. Roach due his incurable cancer and Schmelling cos of his age, could really do with some more info on old Max amd even Roachy! Up against the likes of Reagan, John Mills, Margaret Thatcher and Michael Foot so really need to pull one out of the bag to scoop the loot. Any help on the above or any other suggestions? Cheers Zarch
  4. Zarch

    People in this death list

    Cheers Reaper. Forgot to mention that somebody has already got the pope. :-( Looked up Fay Wray and found shes writing a book. Surely she'll finish the last chapter before going. Thats usually how it works aint it? Ronnie Biggs, very interesting. Just read about his brawl with Ian Huntley (well he through a box of tissues at him). He's got pneumonia, wellchair bound and being fed by a drip. i think he's the one for me. Thanks for all your help Zarch

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