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Diana De Sisac

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About Diana De Sisac

  • Rank
    Pointless Ranter
  1. Diana De Sisac

    New Here and saying Hi.

    I did discover, from looking around this website after having entered my previous post, that Mssrs. Mills and Wisdom have indeed been, "done to death." Apologies for that. I did try using the, "search", but as has been mentioned, it didn't work the last time I visited. I always thought that Mollie Sudgen was getting on a bit in AYBS, so thought she'd be a prime candidate for kicking the bucket, soon. She was looking her age in that follow-up the the, "Liverbirds", some years ago. Also, as an after-thought, there is also Frank Thornton, who I believe is currently in, "Last Of The Summer Wine", who's gettin on a bit, too. Other names who I've since thought of are:- Melvyn Hayes. John Noakes. Kenneth Kendall. Dick Van Dyke. Harry Morgan. Red Buttons. Ernest Borgnine.
  2. Diana De Sisac

    New Here and saying Hi.

    I've just found this site and have read through it, finding a lot of interesting stuff about famous people who I've either thought had died, and hadn't, and those who I thought hadn't died, and had! If that makes any sense! Anyway, I just wanted to say, "hi", and add a few names to the list of people who I think may be, "shrugging off this moral coil", within the next 12 months. Norman Wisdom Sir John Mills Mollie Sugden Frank Bough Apologies if any of the names mentioned are already on any lists.

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