I did discover, from looking around this website after having entered my previous post, that Mssrs. Mills and Wisdom have indeed been, "done to death." Apologies for that. I did try using the, "search", but as has been mentioned, it didn't work the last time I visited.
I always thought that Mollie Sudgen was getting on a bit in AYBS, so thought she'd be a prime candidate for kicking the bucket, soon. She was looking her age in that follow-up the the, "Liverbirds", some years ago.
Also, as an after-thought, there is also Frank Thornton, who I believe is currently in, "Last Of The Summer Wine", who's gettin on a bit, too. Other names who I've since thought of are:-
Melvyn Hayes.
John Noakes.
Kenneth Kendall.
Dick Van Dyke.
Harry Morgan.
Red Buttons.
Ernest Borgnine.