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Lady Die

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Everything posted by Lady Die

  1. Lady Die

    The Dead - 2007

    You're a bit late ... it happened 240 million years ago
  2. Lady Die

    Room 101

    People who repeat themselves, repeat themselves. Have you run out of things to say Lady Die? Who can blame you? This forum is now as dull as Father Stone. I guess these things must REALLY bug me for me to mention them twice. Agree that the forum is not too exciting right now. We need a death (or two) to liven it up a bit.
  3. Lady Die

    Room 101

    (1) Couples who take their small, badly behaved children to the supermarket. Surely one parent could stay at home with the brats whiles the other does the shopping? (2) Old people who go to the bank/shops/post office at lunchtimes and weekends.
  4. Today is No Pants Day (pants=trousers)
  5. Lady Die

    The Dead - 2007

    I'd check the Animal Antics thread if I were you That's where he found out about it.... And then he cunningly found a different link to make it look as though he found it all by himself
  6. Lady Die

    Animal Antics

    Goat that was "married" to a man dies after choking on a plastic bag
  7. Lady Die

    A Joke

    From BBC website ..... am I a bad person for laughing? "German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, attending a solemn ceremony at Jerusalem's Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial, was invited to turn a handle to boost the eternal flame commemorating the death of millions of Jews during the Holocaust. "To the acute embarrassment of everyone present, the chancellor turned the handle in the wrong direction and extinguished the flame."
  8. Lady Die

    Animal Antics

    This clever octopus can open bottles.
  9. There are a lot of gingers in that pic .... was the local milkman a ginger-haired chap?
  10. Lady Die


    WOO HOO! Poor old Chelski (not).
  11. Lady Die

    Peter Andre

    He must be really ill if he doesn't notice her boobs & pregnancy bump.
  12. Lady Die

    World's Oldest

    I wonder if anyone has placed a bet on this man reaching the age of 110? I saw him on the TV news & he looked as fit as a fiddle. Photo here
  13. Lady Die

    The Dead - 2007

    He's seen some interesting things in his time....
  14. Lady Die

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Apparently he's going to have brain scan...presumably to find one! I don't hold out too much hope ...
  15. Lady Die

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Peter Andre has got suspected meningitis. Not sure which type. "Bacterial meningitis, which includes the meningococcal strain of the disease, is more rare but around one in 10 cases are fatal."
  16. Lady Die

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Out of hospital & "feeling better". Back in hospital and critically ill. (He'll be dead by the time he gets his own thread ) He's dead Beat you to it!!
  17. Lady Die

    The Dead - 2007

    Rostropovich has died.
  18. Lady Die

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Sorry to bother you with this life altering brain smashing piece of information Mr Wells, but if you're going to take a shed loads of SLEEPING pills, there's a 100% chance you'll start to feel TIRED. Seeing as you like being high, why not take yourself off to the Golden Gate Bridge and fall off it? Sheeesh.... I notice that this story is under the category "Healthy Living"
  19. Lady Die

    Animal Antics

    Sadly this is a hoax
  20. Lady Die

    The Dead - 2007

    The Dowager Lady Ponsonby of Shulbrede (nee Windsor), Maureen Estelle. She died on 17th April in Hove, according to an announcement in yesterday's Guardian (can't find a web link). I have no idea who she is but thought she was worth a mention by virtue of her name. I guess she must be a distant relative of the Queen.
  21. Lady Die

    The Dead - 2007

    At least they won't need to embalm him.
  22. Lady Die


    According to this, the Queen is an Arsenal supporter.
  23. Lady Die

    A Joke

    Love it
  24. And don't use too much toilet paper
  25. Join the Association of the Dead

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