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Bald rick

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Posts posted by Bald rick

  1. What is it recently with people (mainly unregistered people) who visit a site called deathlist and expect us to be able to give the names and addresses of the people mentioned on the site? Do they think that the moderators (or whichever other semi-deities :lol: who compile the list) contact them all before inclusion to get their approval and these details so that 'fans' (stalkers?) can be helped out. The purpose of the site is fairly clearly explained in several places, nowhere to my knowledge does it say 'this is a fan site - we have all contact details for any (semi) famous people who may or may not be close to death and we will be happy to supply them to those people who are too lazy or inept to obtain this information by other means'. (Except there, it does say that now, but never mind...)


    If he's an actor/ singer/ author/ comedian, he's probably got an agent. That would be a good place to start, don't you think?


    If he's a politician, he probably belongs to a party, why not try them?


    Why the hell do you feel the need to contact them anyway? What are you going to say - chances are lots of other random people will have already spouted pathetic sycophantic simperings already?



  2. Just for you, Boudicca.


    (Been a bit bored today) <_<

    If you watch that with the right persective in mind it's a little bit like Josco On Ice. :rip: As splendid as it is though (and it really is) it might be nice to include a natural end or at least a warning that there will be no end. I'd like the last 10 minutes of my life back.

    10 minutes!? What were you expecting? How could you stick that muzak for that long?


    I like the way that josco's little man seems to have grown a coat of bum-fluff too.


    I suppose there couldn't be an ending, as that would mean that josco's little man had gone for ever - and that'd be no good at all - especially for josco himself.

  3. I don't understand why they waste all that money on training. All they seem to do is lie on their backs for a couple of hours before they light the blue touchpaper and the computer flies them up into orbit. And a fully trained pilot seems overkill for the return journey. No matter how much training they give him/her, a couple of hundred tons of flaming catherine-wheel isn't going to respond to feathering the controls no matter what the NASA procedures say.

    I think the training is supposed to prevent the shuttle turning into 'a couple of hundred tons of flaming catherine-wheel'. Maybe, on the off-chance, if it does get back through the upper atmosphere NASA thought it would be a good idea to have someone on board who would be able to glide it back to base, rather than plummeting nose-first into a cornfield.


    Just a thought.

  4. emmigrated[/i] , at least in the loosest sense of the term, rather than immigrated to Brazil.


    Emigrate (note the spelling - is that what you meant by 'loosest sense of the term'?) means 'to leave one's native country and settle in another'.


    Immigrate means 'to come to a foreign country with the intention of settling in it'.


    So it should be obvious that Mr Biggs emigrated from the UK, and immigrated into Brazil. I think the length of time he spent in Brazil would be regarded as 'settling'.


    So there.

  5. This being the first forum I've ever joined, it's only now that I've considered my cyberspace identity. The avatar seemed to be a quite important part of this - a face in a faceless universe and all that. There is an image similar to the one I chose, but it is of a male. I prefer it, but somehow the idea that I would be assumed to be male as a result was a strange sensation.


    Not that I'm not in touch with my masculine side; I like a good car chase film as much as the next guy.


    BTW - boats always featured quite prominently in the Price is Right, as well. I think it was just an excuse to have the prize models wear bikinis.


    So you are indeed a lady. It's interesting how I assume from the name and/or the avatar whether a member of this forum is male or female. I was kidding myself as I read your first posts yesterday that I knew you were female, but I don't know how much of that was caused by your avatar. I know that some members have additional information, but I hardly ever look at that.


    I like to think my avatar speaks for itself...

  6. An Englishman, American and a Frenchman came across a magic lamp, which when rubbed, produced a genie, who gave them a wish each. The American went first: "I would like the soil of my country to be fertile for ever so we can produce as much food as we can ever eat."


    "It is done."


    The Frenchman was next: "I would like to have a huge wall built around our beautiful country so that we can keep all our delicious cheeses and wines for ourselves, and to stop people invading us all the time."


    "It is done."


    Then came the Englishman: "Tell me about this wall..."


    "Well, it's about two thousand metres high, and encloses the entire country."


    "Fill it with water".

  7. I was going to post this morning and mention the name of the person who I was Googling when I first stumbled across the splendid thing that is Deathlist.net, only I completely forgot his name. I knew he had an uncommon first name, and that he was a 90+ year old journalist/ author, who one of my colleagues had mentioned one day at work last year (and who I had never heard of, hence the Googling). I tried searching through the Deathlist archive this morning, and other internet searches (difficult when you don't know the name of the person you're searching for!) to no avail, so I abandoned the post. Then I revisit the Deathlist just now, and the Chapman Pincher (for it is he) thread is near the top of the leaderboard. Uncanny.


    Hey ho, like anyone cares...

  8. I heard an entertaining definition of evil last night, at the Theatre of Science show in London:


    Teletubbies were created with the investment of lots of time and money, so they can be thought of as a product of time and money, ie


    Teletubbies = time x money


    But, time = money, so


    Teletubbies = money x money = money2


    But, money is the root of all evil, ie money = √ evil




    Teletubbies = evil


    (from Simon Singh)


    Scary stuff.


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