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About EndOfTheRoad

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  1. I have came here for YEARS as a lurker but not active member of these forums. I thought it was entertaining. That entertainment is now meaningless to me as I've realized the owner/operator of this website has basically forsaken it. I mean come on... how many people die a year on these lists? On average it would require an update once a month. Yet it is taking weeks for updates. That is ridiculous because it never used to be like this. If you are incapable of keeping up your own website, give that authority to some talented person here who will. Maybe now some regulars will take shots at me saying "Owner of the board can do what he wants" etc. but the facts are facts... He doesn't update nearly as often as he should. Some witty comment parodying "don't leave home without it" a month later doesn't cut it. He can certainly do "whatever he wants" and he has chosen to do nothing. So I can choose to not frequent the site just because that bothers the &$#& out of me. And I'm not going to be a mean spirited guy about this... I've got great advice for the missing-in-action website admin: You should apply for a job as an American mass transit vehicle operator. You seem to have what it takes to do that kind of job. Not paying attention to your responsibilities goes a long way. PS: I do apologize if that bloke has cancer and is laying in a bed surrounded by family and friends as they struggle to breathe.

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