No, definitely not for the '06 list!
The man has been unwell in his mind and emotions, not his body. He's only 51 for heavens sake. He may have hit some hard times, but he's definitely not at death's door. OR if anyone was elluding to suicide? I assure you that will not happen! Adam is a father, and his love for his daughter has made him whole again, and given him the determination to do whatever it takes to stick it out through the long haul. He is not about to leave her behind!
Trust me when I say I know the difference the love of a child can make in a persons life!l Goddess Bless them both!
p.s. Thank you to those who are only curious about the circle of life itself and not in wishing others dead, and to those who have shown their support and best wishes for Adam and for my sensibilities!
And to the fellow who doesn't give a damn? Well, you don't have to, but neither have you escaped without knowing exactly what I think of your compassionless behavior.