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Posts posted by Corpse

  1. [L]like [D]death[,] i was shocked that [the member name] Corpse was [still available]avaliable on a [web]site like this[.]

    just came across this site today[.]

    i don[']t use punctuation[,] and my spelling is [probably]prolly like that of a [Grammar]grammer [school]school kid['s,] so sorry if I'mim hard to read[.]

    [i']ill be around here and there[.]

    [it's N]nice to meet everyoneyall.

    Five sentences; at least twenty five errors.

    Troll alert.

    Thank God for the ignore list. ^_^



    /sigh wow ignore list cause i cant type >.<

  2. Rue McClanahan dead of a stroke aged 76. Three Golden Girls in three years, if I'm Betty White, I'm going to bed not expecting to wake up throughout 2011.


    Still, remember them this way.


    Damn. She was pretty high on my 2011 possibilities. If I remember correctly she suffered strokes earlier on in the year.


    i had heard the same thing about her having a stroke earlier in the year also

  3. like death i was shocked that Corpse was avaliable on a site like this just came across this site today i dont use punctuation and my spelling is prolly like that of a grammer school kid so sorry if im hard to read ill be around here and there nice to meet yall


    I'm guessing this is bait?


    Sounds vaguely familiar doesn't it?


    thanks for the welcome not sure if i should be worried about being called "bait" O.o but ill check in from time to time


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