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Everything posted by Lewd_Squirrel

  1. Lewd_Squirrel

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glynn_Wolfe Here's the list of his wives, look them up, & see who's still alive.
  2. Lewd_Squirrel

    Moon Dust Between Their Toes

    I voted for the astronaut.
  3. Lewd_Squirrel

    Dead Pop Stars

    An unintentional Club 27'er.
  4. Lewd_Squirrel

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Link or it didn't happen oh ye of the asininely-long signature. I hope she wasn't living in Australia. SC I'm getting sick of you, how about, instead of being your usual cunty self, you look it up yourself, if you want proof so badly. Oh, & Jennifer Aniston's mom also died, recently.
  5. Lewd_Squirrel

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Johnny Depp's Mother has died.
  6. Lewd_Squirrel


    George "the Animal" Steele tweets that he's dealing with health issues. http://rajah.com/node/52037
  7. Lewd_Squirrel

    Morgan Freeman

    I think that Sir Creep gets off on insulting members, new or old. Hell, if he insults a veteran member, of 11 years {me}, for not posting links, etc, then anyone is game, for that vulture.
  8. Lewd_Squirrel

    Anthony Kiedis

    Since he's famous enough for his own thread, & has been recently hospitalized with stomach pains, I figured it'd be ok to start a thread about him.
  9. Lewd_Squirrel

    Iggy Pop

    I thought that "Dust For Life" was a good tag.
  10. Lewd_Squirrel

    Anthony Kiedis

    KiedisDone Thank you, kind sir.
  11. Lewd_Squirrel

    Anthony Kiedis

  12. Lewd_Squirrel

    Anthony Kiedis

    CRAP!!! I just noticed that I hit the "d" button, a second time, instead of the "s" button, can a mod fix this, please. I tried, but it wouldn't let me edit the title.
  13. Lewd_Squirrel

    Shove Off, Eh?

    Actor Michael Roberds http://www.langleytimes.com/entertainment/379696811.html
  14. Lewd_Squirrel

    The dead of 2016

    So rather than post in the comic book thread OR supply a link... [FTFY http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2016/05/14/comic-book-artist-darwyn-cooke-dies/84371734/] Why you acting like a damned newbie? SC One, numb nuts, I couldn't find the comic book thread, I tried looking for it. Two, I don't do links.
  15. Lewd_Squirrel

    The dead of 2016

    Comic book Artist, Darwyn Cooke has died, of Cancer.
  16. Lewd_Squirrel

    The dead of 2016

    Apparently, she's still alive, from what I can find.
  17. Lewd_Squirrel

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    I don't know but Lady Gaga had a wasp named after her. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2012/sep/16/new-to-nature-aleiodes-gaga Wasp? Even the erstwhile presenters of Top Gear have had wasps named after them! Then again who hasn't? Spiders are a much more select group including Brian Eno, Lou Reed, Elvis Presley Pink Floyd & er, Bono. There's a full (?) list of organisms named after famous people here, quite interesting/mildly diverting! (and Prince isn't on it). Johnny Cash has recently had a tarantula named after him.
  18. Lewd_Squirrel

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    I liked that album. Little Wonder was the reason why I bought that album. Afraid of Americans came out, after I bought the album, & it is also a great song.
  19. Lewd_Squirrel

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    What about Ralph Bakshi?
  20. Lewd_Squirrel

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Here's ol' Patty Os https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patton_Oswalt
  21. Lewd_Squirrel


    I'll be blaring Batdance, in honor of Prince.
  22. Lewd_Squirrel


    Chyna has died, from what I've read on yahoo, & Facebook.
  23. Lewd_Squirrel

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    I suspect you might need to play a few subs before the year is out. Will be interesting to see how many make the starting line next year. I found notebook from about 10 years ago where I had a possibilities list jotted down. Went though the list and only 4 remain still alive, and they're on this years DL Dear diary, these people will die this year. *ten years later* Dear diary, only these four are left, on my list. lol
  24. Lewd_Squirrel

    Rob Ford

    Hit 5 for me, so far this year is turning out to be a stellar one, for me. I hope it continues.
  25. Lewd_Squirrel

    Video Game Nerds

    Or simply "Game Over"? Or Both.

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