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Tempus Fugit

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Posts posted by Tempus Fugit

  1. We got a step closer to world war 3 on friday when the FBI director made that announcement about Hillary Clintons emails.If Donald Trump becomes president it'll be a miracle if he doesn't start it, either by accident or design !

    Trump is no Warmonger, That evil cuntmonster Hillary though would start WWIII.

    • Like 1






    That was tongue in cheek. But I do hear there is an army of Mexicans waiting to march on Washington if Trump wins.

    Well Washington DC probably could do with a good clean so those Mexicans will be put to good use.

    Hmm, I can't tell if you really are an idiot or you're just pretending.

    You mean anyone who isn't a faggot libtard like you is an idiot?


    Trump will be a fine President, C unt Hillary will burn in hell.

    Well you have an idiotic avatar,you make idiotic statements, you support an idiot who promotes greater idiocy in others .. you get where this is going?


    So you prefer the lying c unt Hillary to win, if so expect war with Russia soon, cause that crazy bitch and her Jew backers will make it happen.




    That was tongue in cheek. But I do hear there is an army of Mexicans waiting to march on Washington if Trump wins.


    Well Washington DC probably could do with a good clean so those Mexicans will be put to good use.


    Hmm, I can't tell if you really are an idiot or you're just pretending.


    You mean anyone who isn't a faggot libtard like you is an idiot?


    Trump will be a fine President, C unt Hillary will burn in hell.


    That was tongue in cheek. But I do hear there is an army of Mexicans waiting to march on Washington if Trump wins.


    Well Washington DC probably could do with a good clean so those Mexicans will be put to good use.


    There's a Porridge one as well. The only one I'm looking forward to is the Hancock's Half Hour one because I've heard the radio version with Kevin McNally and he's very good.

    Just watched it; brilliant!


    I'm just amazed the BBC didn't attempt to shoehorn in an ethnic minority into the cast.


    Those multi-culturist pushing fucktard cuntgerbils usually try to stick them in everywhere.



    What was the server migration early about. Given up the shit one you migrated to a few months back? Or are we moving hosts because we haven't got enough to pay the meter and need free trials?

    Stop being a dick.



    It was a reasonable question?


    It was a tad aggressive and a little snide. Do remember we are all guests here and can be booted out anytime the owner feels like it.

  7. If the UK wanted to really stir up shit we could approach the Northern European nations of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.


    Offer them a new deal to rival the EU if they also leave and join us in an alternate trading block, one that isn't interested in political union but based solely on trade.

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