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Posts posted by honez

  1. My money's on pretty conclusive evidence of arsenic-based organic molecules on one the moons of Saturn. Thus proving organic nonterresrtrial life exists and doesn't necessarily take the form we'd expected previously.

    I'm happy to be proven wrong, as whatever it is, it's going to be interesting. Like I said though; moons of Saturn

  2. Gawd blessya, yer majesty, hip hip hooray!!

    Hopefully, a day off.

    We took a vote in the office and unanimously decided that she definitely takes it up the arse.


    Another quick office poll just came back unanimous that it's not her that takes it up the arse.

    "She was raised in a modern five-bedroom detached house in the Berkshire village of Bucklebury and her family, who are self-made millionaires, run a mail order toy and party goods company."


    Are the two preceding sentences linked in some way, I wonder?

  3. Esure are an absolute bunch of cunts. Michael Winner can go and fuck himself.

    I had no idea who/what Esure and Michael Winner is, but a quick Google later informed that "On New Year's Day 2007 Winner acquired the bacterial infection, Vibrio vulnificus from an oyster meal in Barbados. He almost had to have a leg amputated and was on the brink of death on several occasions. Before he fully recovered Winner caught the "hospital superbug", MRSA." A sequence of events that, no doubt, you approve of Lardy.

  4. The USA is set to execute the 1000th person since the death penalty was reintroduced in 1976.


    What do you think about capital punishment?


    Personally I'm against it, because miscarriages of justice can occur. A punishment should act as a deterrent, and there's no good evidence that the death penalty does this. It should also attempt to rehabilitate the offender - which execution clearly can't do.

    No, it can't rehabilitate but it's a pretty sure fire way of guaranteeing they're not going to re-offend.

  5. My iPad


    Yes, they're over priced

    Yes, they're tacky and ostentatious

    Yes, you're tied in to Apple (and No, I have not jail broken it)

    Yes, I love it



    Please don't tell Mrs Josco what it really cost, I didn't want the 16Gb WiFi only version.

    On a similar note Josco, I recently acquired a 32Gb iPhone 4. This being my first interaction with this generation of smartphone, I've got to admit, it's the duck's nut.

  6. I once stole from Sir Clive Sinclair.

    He must have had a little too much rum and coke one night, as the following morning when boxing up his postal deliveries, he mistakenly sent me two ZX Spectrums instead of the one I had paid for.

    I sold one and bought loads of computer game bling with the cold hard cash. Probably Chucky Egg and Manic Miner and all sort of other technological marvels.

  7. I don't anticipate that Mrs T is going anywhere soon. She - IMHO- is going to be one of those who lingers for what might seem like an age. Nothing less than a stake through the heart to see her on her way, if you ask me! :lol:

    Someone from the list needs to surreptitiously paint/etch/engrave a devil's trap on/under her final resting place, and salt and burn her bones.

    Just to be sure.

  8. An ex-pat living in Bulgaria writes...


    Those waiting to crack open champagne the moment they hear a former prime minister dies must be really sad and twisted individuals


    Twisted maybe, sad no.

    The quote does seem a little odd coming from an ex-pat , why an ex-pat? maybe left the sinking ship when the Lady came to power with all her Public school conservative cronies started to ruin this great country!!!! I for one will gladly drink a toast to her passing. The sooner the better.

    There's more straw men in that article than at a Worzel Gummidge convention.

  9. I'm totally upset that Paul the Octopus has died and not first been quoted in this thread till now - please everyone - we have a good range of topics - and a little effort keeps things tidy.



    That'll be because this is the squid thread and not the fucking octopus thread. There is a difference, you know, as anyone with even the most basic knowledge of things cephalopodic would be able to tell you.

    Ten legs good, eight legs bad.

  10. Thanks to the Scottish Cup 2nd Round our brave Highlanders are with out a game today.


    Away at Turiff United next Saturday.


    In other club news the Fort William FC Lotto is a rollover this week.


    Turriff eh. Thats not too far away from me.

    If I had an interest in football I might have went...

    Oh, Windsor. Someone might think you're trolling.

    Anyway, it's not football. It's far more important than that, it's Fort William FC.


    I think you should go and give us a full write up. It's not like you've got band practise to go to or anything.


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