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Star Crossed

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Posts posted by Star Crossed

  1. Two choices.

    You are caught and convicted of a crime which means that you will spend the rest of your life, until you die, locked away in Prison.

    Everyday you are at risk of attack, your food is tampered with and you know that you will never be free of the four walls of a prison.

    Do you

    A: See out your days in a living hell


    B: Take you own life

    That would be a fitting premise for the next "I'm A Celebrity; Get Me Out Of Here"-type show. We could have Phil Tuffnell, Jonathan Ross, Vanessa Feltz, Jamie Oliver, Ainsley Harriot, Gordon Ramsey, (insert hated z-lister here) et al, bang 'em up under the above-said conditions and discover in which order they kill themselves, and by what method.


    I'd like to see Jamie Oliver crudely slashing his wrists with a sharpened toothbrush handle, before slow-hanging himself with a strip of bed linen.

  2. ... I can't answer that question.

    ... he has the intellect of a genius and the wisdom of Soloman ...

    The wisdom of Solo Man?

    A fossil hominid specimen previously classed as a distinct species but now generally regarded as an archaic example of Homo sapiens. Early man of late Pleistocene; skull resembles that of Neanderthal man but with smaller cranial capacity, despite its apparent 143 IQ; found in Java.

  3. A gentleman and a flirtatious woman walk into a bar. ... He says 'But I thought they only had SPAM for men?

    That sh*t, let's not call it a joke, is so bad that it deserves a forum of its own, where people can log on and heap abuse on it. It's so bad, my pc actually discharged a cloud of foul vapour as soon as I clicked on "View This Post".


    nice emoticon, btw, 'arry.

  4. ... I was cutting school regularly and 'having a 143 IQ' 'so they told me' I felt that I could pass my classes by only attending about three days a week. Sometimes four. I did pass most of my classes, but to screw me over the attendance office couldn't deal with my success so to use me as an example, they rang up social services.
    As honez noted, BS does display narcissistic tendencies but, if one looks very closely, one detects a whiff of paranoia in there to boot. Banshees Scream; as complex as a fine claret, as simple as a hammer.


    I f****n hate it when anybody tries to use something very insignificant about themselves as a reason for there own screw ups.
    Don't we all, BS, don't we all? :rolleyes:

  5. I wonder who'll play Kate & Gerry in the movie? I was thinking maybe Kate Winslet & Brad Pitt.

    There's been something nagging at me every time I've seen the gorgeous Kate McCann... "I know that face from somewhere..." Today it finally dawned on me why she seems familiar...



    Sarah Alexander plays Kate McCann in "Find Maddy: A True Story"

  6. So this member is bragging about ... 'More pushin' for the cushin' and ... 'like animals' they see meat and they hussel for it. It's sad.

    Are you saying that ladies who are overweight with tattoos don't value themselves or their feelings or reputation?

    Yeah, why the hell not? BS has offended almost every other minority group recently, so to leave out the overweight, tattooed women would surely itself be some form of discrimination?

  7. I did a search, vaguely recalling a previous browser-debate thread, but I couldn't find one. Maybe it was on another forum. :unsure:


    Mods: This topic is verging on spam, so happy am I to evangelize the many, stable, reliable virtues of Mozilla Firefox. But if you could let it run until there have been a few replies on the poll, that would be nice. Cheers!


    I switched to Mozilla Firefox last week because IE had "encountered some trivial, probably flash-related problem and needed to close" one thousand times too many, despite Spyware and Adware and Firewall and blah blah blah. For me, it had just become too unstable a product, as I tend to run quite a few browser windows concurrently.


    I recently sent a PM in which I noted the "new active spellchecker function" on the DL software. Imagine my embarrassment, upon realizing that it's not the DL sofware, it's Mozilla Firefox, my clever new vulpine browsing-buddy, checking my spelling for me! Awww... how cute! (there must be some way of switching that off)


    Anyone have any opinions on this matter? I mean browsers, not spellchecking.

  8. So what was the name of the cat that people actually voted for when the editor decided it would be called Socks?


    Never ones to court controversy, the Blue Peter management should have gone with something topical; "Madeleine McCat", for instance. I'm sure, once all the hoo-ha had died down and people had stopped writing to Points Of View about it, they'd realize it's really quite a nice name for a cat.


    "Maddy! Maddy! Where are you? Here puss-puss-puss-puss-puss... MA-DDY! *rattles fork in Whiskas tin*"

  9. ... "I said Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grubb. ...
    Does anyone know if Pugh and his twin brother Pugh are still alive?
    Weren't they called Hugh and Pugh?
    I once met two brothers from the Outer Hebrides who were both called Donald. Donald Angus and Donald John, if I recall correctly.

    I'm not even sure if you're being ironic or not, DDT. I presume these scots brothers also shared their surname, but that doesn't mean they had the *same* name. Now, if only we could find out whether or not Hugh & Pugh, or Hugh & Hugh, had other names besides their surname, we could solve this conundrum.

  10. ... "I said Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grubb. ...

    Does anyone know if Pugh and his twin brother Pugh are still alive?

    Weren't they called Hugh and Pugh? I can't imagine that, even in the rural backwaters of Trumptonshire, people were so hopelessly in-bred as to think it fitting to call identical twins by identical names.

  11. ... When the engraving is done before assembly of the bullet, it should be safe ...


    Will the DLCon1 attendees be receiving any sort of official, exclusive-to-attendees, memento of the occasion? I recalled the DL bullet and thought it would be a nice gesture, maybe even if people have to pay a small amount to cover costs.

    I presume there'd be some other engraving on it, like the date etc., maybe even a serial number. Who knows, in 100 years' time your descendants could get onto some bloody antique-flogging show on (holographic or better, by then I hope) television, with a full set of 100 DL Bullets; imagine! They could be worth a few quadrillion eurodollars...

  12. Okay, this will be my last post in this thread.
    Thank heavens for small mercies. Allow me to play Richard Dawkins to your Kent Hovind...


    Apologies to the anonymous member who posted the above. In hindsight yes, my analogy was screwed. However, I don't think I ever said that I think it's better to be dead than raped. I'm sorry if it was misconstrued that way. It would never be my intention to belittle the plight of rape victims.
    Housekeeping done, then...


    All I have been trying to convey is my incredulity and disgust at some posters in this thread who seem to hold the opinion that Langham was only looking at images of children being raped and that they appear to think that's okay.
    Which posters in this thread hold the opinion that child abuse, or the perusal of images thereof, is ok? Which ones, BHB? As I'm sure your mathematics teacher once told you, show your working...


    Somewhere along the line I seem to have come out as the bad guy here, which to be honest surprises me more than a little.
    It's because you behave as though there is only one level of paedophilia-related crime, as though this issue is completely black and white, with no shades of grey. You implicate anyone who offers a rational, educated viewpoint on the matter in some sort of middle-class, Langham-adulating conspiracy, to wit;


    I have a theory concerning the apparent Langham appreciation society camped in this thread. I think it's because he's a middle classed media luvvie (or rather was). If this case involved, for the sake of arguement, a Premiership footballer then you'd all be tripping over yourselves to be in here slating them and making snide comments. Yet, because it was the 'creative genius' that is Langham, certain members seem to be in denial and actually appear to defending and making excuses for his actions.
    :lol: Laughable, paranoid, class-inferiority-complex-laden claptrap, BHB.


    To be labelled as an illiterate chav etc. purely because I have voiced the opinion that any form of child abuse and its perpetrators disgust me strikes me as bizzare.
    Nobody "labelled" you an illiterate chav; I said that your rants are "reminiscent of" illiterate chavs (who don't/can't understand the issues at hand and who parade thourgh the streets demanding draconian punishments for crimes they scarcely understand), which they are.


    ... I made one sh*t analogy, but hey, let's not forget that there are at least three members in this thread who seem to be justifying and excusing what Langham did.
    Which three members, at least? Show your working...


    How you can begin to sympathise with or defend him is totally beyond me- I'd sooner be irrational than sick.
    The ability and willingness to sympathise with someone who may or may not have a psychosexual predeliction for children, through no fault of their own is, I think you'll find, one which is gained only through maturity.


    I take it that none of those defending Langham here are parents? If they are then my total disbelief has doubled.
    Is it even possible to double disbelief that is already total? You're fond of reminding us that you have kids of your own, as if that gives you some unique wisdom or perspective, but by "maturity", I don't mean sexual maturity. I'm talking about sociological maturity, something you clearly lack in spades.


    I don't think any normally-adjusted person would say that child abuse is good, or right, or acceptable but the rational, mature people in our society accept that it is a problem, one with many permutations and levels of severity and offender interaction, and with many possible punishments/treatments, and are able to discuss or debate these issues as the "shades of grey" that, in common with most things in life, they are.


    In your sig, you ask any editors who may be reading your posts to "gissa a job" (fyi, no need for the second "a" in "gissa a job"; "gissa" is a contraction, albeit a poor one, of "give us a"). It beggars belief who'd give you a job on the strength of your contributions in this thread, or what sort of publication they edit. :unsure:


    Yours, never ever afraid to speak his mind, defend his opinion, defend rational and sane discourse, or be contrite when he's wrong,


  13. Bad news for Nepalese goats, good news for Nepalese holidaymakers!


    New goat-intensive airliner maintenance procedures announced by Nepal Airlines.


    Officials at Nepal's state-run airline have sacrificed two goats to appease Akash Bhairab, the Hindu sky god, following technical problems with one of its Boeing 757 aircraft.
    "The snag in the plane has now been fixed and the aircraft has resumed its flights," said Raju K.C., a senior airline official, without explaining what the problem had been.

  14. ... I was stuck on the motorway and in a field at Donington Park yesterday ...
    You're some sort of farm machinery? :crossbone: You should change your username to "Missy Ferguson".


    From a tractor, to one of my favourite detractors; Happy Birthday, Six!


    Here's Elvis to sing you a birthday song...

    "Maybe I didn't love you quite as good as I should have,

    Maybe I didn't hold you quite as often as I could have,

    Little things I should have said and done,

    I just never took the time...

    You were always in my mind,

    You were always in my mind."

  15. OoO it's just a game lad. ...


    He's a deadpool wizard

    There's got to be a twist

    A deadpool wizard

    He's got such a stunning list ...

    That clued up Go Fish

    Sure plays a mean deadpool

    Kudos, Godot. I hardly ever read this thread, given that my DDP team are currently all probably either:-

    1) in training for their next triathlon,

    2) limbering up for a round of bedroom golf with a partner 50 years their junior,

    3) attending a spinning class, or

    4) free-diving with Tanya Streeter off the coast of Belize.


    But... to follow up your laughable suggestion to OoO that it's just a game, by paraphrasing the Who in such a manner, is a display of euterpean percipience from the top drawer.

  16. No, he's worse than a serial killer.

    'All he did was download some pictures off the net.' WTF? The very nature of what he was downloading and wanking over makes him a beast of the highest nature. The whole scenario fills with me with a rage and the wish to vomit.

    First things first... he certainly is not "worse than a serial killer", BHB. Your hysterical ranting is reminiscent of illiterate chavs, marching through the streets with placards demanding "Peedofiles Owt!" The British criminal justice system is thankfully, whilst far from perfect, run by people eminently more qualified than yourself to pass judgement on others.


    Secondly, in order to know he was "wanking" over the images he downloaded, you must have been spying on him. What's worse, a man wanking over some kiddy-porn or a man wanking as he watches another man wank over kiddy-porn? See, you don't like it when I assume your implicit masturbation, do you?


    I wonder which part of Langham masturbating, to videos of children being raped, they don't understand?

    Masturbating, was he? I don't think that came out in the court case... it's your half-cocked masturbatory assumption, possibly fuelled by BHB's delusionally-paranoid rant, that we don't understand.


    You're both more intelligent and rational than these posts make you appear, surely?

  17. The whole, 'today is ... years since the death of ... the singer, ;) who died 30 years ago today <_< .

    I'd like to put HMV in room 101 for having their foreign language section and adult film section together. I always feel as if people are thinking I'm a pervert and all I'm doing is seeing if The Commissar is available.

    Quite how ANYBODY could possibly think that you were a perv is quite beyond me H!!

    Having seen some clips from The Commissar on YouTube today, I'd like to put perverts like H into Room 101. Then jump right in after them :o

  18. People that post in foreign languages (muppets)

    Je crois que vous avez raison!

    Merci! :unsure:

    Continua com o bom trabalho, HCW!!

    I concur, hcw! As they say in Argentina, el hombre es dueño de su silencio, pero prisionero de sus palabras - words to live by, especially on a forum.

    Or, as german technopopsters Trio once sang, "Ich lieb' dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht. Da. Da. Da." etc.

  19. which no doubt signifies some bizarre sexual perversion - all dreams do, don't they?

    I really really hope not. Not considering what I usually dream about.

    :lol: You know, Handrejka, there are certain websites you can visit to cater for those sort of tastes. I think you'll find a link or two in the "Bill Clinton's Cat Socks" thread :P

  20. Oddly enough, 'arry, I too had a DL moment in my dreams last night (not the first one). I was talking to CarolAnn and her son about something. I can't remember what exactly, but I think it involved money, or numbers or something. :P I often recall dreams later in the day, so I'll update if it becomes clearer.

    Usually, my DL dreams involve me being on a train with Lord Fellatio Nelson; a train which seems to enter an unusally high number of tunnels. Often, the train carriage morphs into the missile-room of a submarine, which "floods its tubes" and launches a missile or two. Sometimes, just occasionally, I'm piloting a zeppelin, easing its way slowly but surely into a hangar...


    Croquet? Hmmm.... maybe that's what Fossett is doing, scouting a decent site for a long-distance-croquet-shot record attempt. Or maybe he's just dead, having died instantly on impact with a dried-up creek bed; his ghastly, putrid remains wrapped in the mangled wreckage of his stunt plane, sundry maggots eating what little flesh the vultures and coyotes didn't scavenge. :lol:

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