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Star Crossed

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Posts posted by Star Crossed

  1. love Paris the art, history and romance :wub:

    ... and that certain je-ne-sais-quoi of les petit gobs de salive, copiously and frequently ejected from Parisians' romantically-slobbering mouths, which adorn all horizontal surfaces of their public transport system. "Attention! Éviter le spittle!" :P

  2. oWKAy im geTTINg croSS NOW !! i trIED tO haVe soME MORe waNKS but my saCK IS EMpty whiCH i do noT LIke !! i alreddY HAd a s hit thIS MOrninG and have no pOO leFT in my tuMMy tuBes and weEINg dos noT givE mE the sAMe plesure .my smaLL BAlls teLL me thAt marGRATE THatchur is ill . youw heard it HERE FIrst and she wIll be dEAd soon !


    neVer diSS ME AGain or i wiLl eaT yOur rims!


    iain \"ruddy annoyED\' smith





    Just another day of suburban bliss at the Lard Bazaar household...

  3. No it's ... a good night , a night for good people man. A night for good ... appreciation and doing ... alright. We should all be alright. We should all be alright.


    This image seems almost too apposite. Now, I'm not a physicist, but... it's almost as if, refracted in some quantum way through the lens of the eternity of a warpable space-time continuum, BS's entire existence on this forum were, in fact, not only the precursor to, but also the result of the epiphany imbued upon us by Anubis' post. ;)


    The soundtrack to this post can be found


  4. ... any praise or hand of friendship given to female members here can now be viewed as anything from sycophantic to harrassment.

    For that, Banshees Scream you are a complete and total C**T!!!!!!!!! ;)

    That's right, dear, yes... you let it all out... all better now? You silly thing, dry your eyes and let me have a feel of those jubblies.

  5. fidelcastrosmxx6.jpg

    Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz


    President of the Council of State and President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba

    13th August 1926 -

    17th February 2009




    "Don't be afraid over that lone white strand you found in your dark hair. My problem is trying to find a black one among my white head of hair..." Fidel Castro to Hugo Chavez, 2007

  6. His death has been imminent for the past couple of years. just ignore the comments.

    It's similar to how Michael Foot was supposed to die last year and his death was supposedly imminent :banghead:

    Its sooo difficult to ignore, it gets my goat!!!!!!!!

    ... Might be a good task for some mod on a rainy afternoon to give this thread another well-deserved once over.

    I beg to differ.


    It's comprehensively not the Mods' job to clear up this sh*t on a rainy afternoon. It's up to the membership, people like you and me and Windsor and LFNelson especially, not to keep responding so pathetically, cheaply, soullessly and predictably to every vaguely-annoying guest comment that appears in the thread. The bulk of utter sh*t in this thread comes from members who just can't let a guest comment lie, for whatever reason.


    Stop cheapening the experience for the rest of us and stop abdicating responsibility for thread quality to the Mods.


    Castro's still alive.

  7. I'm no statistician, but a job where your chances of being killed are nearly 2% (114 missions, two explosions) every time you undertake a particular activity sounds pretty bad. And for what, exactly?

    FFS, I'm posting a lot today, and most of it off-topic. I'll have to remind Mrs SC to burn a little bit more of me at the stake than usual tonight. Anyhoo, I proffer an answer to your question...


    If you mean "and what for, exactly?" on a personal level, for the astronauts who take the risks, I think it boils down to a combination of personal and professional satisfaction. NASA's accepted risk factor for shuttle crew members is usually around 1%. It has, however, been higher e.g. in the wake of the Challenger incident, as documented well here. It's worth considering that fighter pilots, anyone in front-line military service, firefighters, in short people from many occupations work in environments greater in assumed inherent risk than space flight.

    The shuttle flight crew (not the payload specialists or scientists, and especially not the bloody obligatory primary school teacher) all have military flight service under their belts; the risk during a space flight is minimal compared to situations they will have encountered (and demonstrated skill/resolve under) in their past careers.

    The reward for having contemplated this stunner of a planet from space, and the sheer egotistical caché of having done so, must be worth a greater risk than a few percent, surely? I'd give my right nut to go into space (albeit that, as an environmentalist, I would commit hypocrisy of the most heinous order by travelling on such a polluting vehicle) and would accept far higher risk for the opportunity. I mean, I'd literally give my right testicle, if that were the price.


    If you mean "and what for?" in the more functional sense, you have a point. As great a fan as I am of mankind's endeavour to reach beyond our earthly horizons, I can't help feeling that the idiots in charge of the world's space programmes have, as with so much in life, corrupted and transmuted the beauty and purity of the science for political and economic ends.


    In short, we do it because we can, because we're curious and because we all have egos, but we often do it for the wrong reasons. I say "we", obviously I mean "them".


    SC (no, it's not short for Space Cadet)

  8. D-o-G isn't Iain and he posts with a passion that suggests he'll be around a while and clear evidence of a sense of humour. There's more to our newcomer than the slips in English.

    Such an endorsement must surely be the DL equivalent of Dr. Harvey Crippen's recommendation to the General Medical Council that one Harold Shipman be granted a licence to practice medicine on the grounds that "he seems a thoroughly bloody good egg to me".

  9. Fidel Castro is dead.


    Either that, or he's not.




    Here's hoping that the next post contains a link to some bona fide report either way...


    Edited to add: Obviously my hope was in vain, given the moronic drivel below.

  10. People who can't be arsed to read/fix up/make any sense out of their own signatures, even though they took the time to write them for other people to read.

    Mods who ever-so-subtly-and-wittily change members' sigs but who, in doing so, miss the point entirely because they don't understand any of the current DL in-jokes.

    Edit to add: Why do I *still* have a 20% warn level? Let's have it down to zero where it belongs, shall we?

    SC, the sig was changed after a discussion in the chat with the member who was mentioned in the sig, this was not done lightly but rather out of concern that other members who were not in on the 'in-joke' might perceive said member as being a lady of loose morals.

    If you or the lady in question had simply PM'd me, I would have removed it earlier (as i have now done, as the quote cannot be displayed verbatim); no need for the cloak-and-dagger act.

  11. People who can't be arsed to read/fix up/make any sense out of their own signatures, even though they took the time to write them for other people to read.

    Mods who ever-so-subtly-and-wittily change members' sigs but who, in doing so, miss the point entirely because they don't understand any of the current DL in-jokes.


    Edit to add: Why do I *still* have a 20% warn level? Let's have it down to zero where it belongs, shall we?

  12. Still on the subject of bears ... came to a sticky end on a ... local sheep farmers ...

    'immense satisfaction' ....

    Is it the most significant bear death of 2007, or does that honour go to some American bear we've never heard of?

    I've made several bearly relevant posts today, and this one's no exception. Love their flag...

  13. I would suggest that, for those of us for whom Engrish is a first ranguage, confusion between "to" and "too" should be considered taboo.

    Try as I might, I can't seem to find ranguage in the dictionary.

    :rolleyes::):P Blirriant! Thanks for collecting me. Plick...

  14. ... So the question is "What is to taboo for Deathlist ?"

    That may well be a question by virtue of the use of the word "what" and a correctly-placed punctuation mark, but it's not one which makes any sense. The judicious addition of another "o", however, would have made the question perfectly comprehensible. I would suggest that, for those of us for whom Engrish is a first ranguage, confusion between "to" and "too" should be considered taboo.


    It's always worth remembering that we like to keep it subtle and classy here at DL; saying you'd like to sk**l-f**k J0s1e Gr0v3's rott1ng c0rps3 would, I imagine, be too taboo for this forum and it'll probably earn you a warning, so don't do it...


    In other news, the bridleway which runs next to my house has been made "off limits" by the local council, who have deemed it "unsafe" following recent heavy rain. This is, of course, utter nonsense; the product of some feeble-minded local official's minor power-trip following a complaint from some equally brain-dead local busybody, keen to cash in on the "Tewkesbury Effect". The bridleway is perfectly safe for all except blind toddlers with phenomenally poor self-preservation instincts, who happen to be walking alone in the countryside and are pathologically attracted to the sound of rushing water.

    • Like 1

  15. I'd like to see everyone at the DL Con wearing a T-Shirt with their avatar on it; much cooler than name-tags, relatively cheap to do, and some of you would have a T-Shirt which you could wear for other subsequent occasions, such as mowing the lawn, painting, or attending Shari Lewis/Lamb Chop conventions.

  16. To brain dead moron, which Gods have ... Meeting.

    In the desert the goddess ... calls him madly insane.

    Er yes, so did you not work out who she was reffering to? :huh:

    Or, indeed, to whom she was referring. ;)


    Fidel Castro?


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