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Star Crossed

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Posts posted by Star Crossed

  1. I think someone's mentioned Crumble previously in this thread, but I couldn't find it*


    4 ingredients, 4 instructions, 40 minutes. 0 bullshit


    1 medium sized casserole dish


    2 measures plain flour (Wholemeal is great too)

    1 measure butter

    ½ measure sugar (I used brown but white is fine)

    3 measures [pride] freshly-picked blackcurrants from my garden [/pride](or virtually any other fruit).


    1) Mix the flour, butter and sugar with your fingers for a few minutes until they are of breadcrumb consistency.

    2) Put the blackcurrants in the casserole.

    (Things went a bit Carmen Miranda at this point; I decided to add a chopped-up banana. I thought about adding half an onion just to see the look on Mrs SC's face when she ate it, but decided I'd rather have the crumble than a good laugh.)

    3) Place the crumble in an even layer on top of the blackcurrants.

    4) Pop it all in the oven, roughly just-above-medium heat for roughly 30 mins.


    If you've a sweet tooth, take it out half-way through baking and sprinkle some more sugar on top :)


    Eat it on its own or serve with custard, or vanilla ice cream, or fresh cream, or evaporated milk, or toffee-flavoured yogurt or pretty much anything else, possibly including gravy, if that's your bent.


    *I used the search function for the word "crumble"; it couldn't find it. Not believing that nobody had mentioned crumble, I began to read the whole thread but got bored after the first 5 pages.

  2. I'll see your Father Christmas and raise you a Rod Hull!



    He was getting stuck in to the scotch well before the sun was over the yard-arm at a charity 'Fun Day' and my approach for an autograph was met with those exact words.

    The dénouement of that story ought to be "I had the last laugh, though, when I sold him that dodgy bracket for his satellite dish."

  3. Perhaps Brooke's going down the same obsessive-compulsive disorder path that Howard Hughes did. There were all sorts of rumours (most of them probably false), relating to his faeces-ridden abode, his storing of urine in jars, wearing tissue boxes on his feet etc. etc.


    From Wiki:

    His reclusive activities and drug use had made him practically unrecognizable, his hair, beard, finger and toe nails having grown grossly long, his once strapping 6'4" frame now barely weighing 90 lbs, and the FBI had to resort to fingerprint identification to identify the body.


    Nice barnet!

  4. Jesus, I wish Gerald Ford would die already. It would be better if he just killed himself, with all of the problems he's been having lately. He is slowly getting worse and worse. Every few months he is in the hospital. I think he may die in November or December of this year. It just really seems like he won't make it. I want to know what anyone else thinks.

    Hi Kristen,

    If you want to know what anyone else thinks, have a read of the full thread. That should get you up to speed... then find yourself an avatar, join the forum and join in the fun. It's not really about wishing people would die, but you won't find many detractors 'round these parts. When Gerald goes, especially if it's this year, we'll consider it a success of the selection committee.


    Incidentally, does your 333 mean that you're, like, half-devil? That would be a good starting-point for your avatar search. Maybe a photoshop mock-up of you with some little red horns?

  5. First off StarLost, I...and only I...have the right to refer to Edgar as Barnshoes. It is an agreement he and I made some time back while I nibbled on his toes one evening back when I was still partaking in liquid dinners. You, as a slobbering slovenly simpleton are to refer to him as Banshees or something else.

    Second item StarTossed, if you don't like the drivel here then create better drivel and stop driveling on about it.

    Thirdly (or fourthly if you are from Jupiter) pass me the rosin I have some violin music to play to your whining...you really shouldn't whine, the salt laden tears might rust your shoe and hat buckles.

    Lastly, I would like to thank anyone other than you but that would take time away from me and what fun would that be?

    And now off to sing a song (and not of sixpence or pockets full of rye)

    I got bored reading that load of sh*t.

  6. Horse 'Please nobody over 200 pounds' I beg you!
    Are you begging the horse not to please fat people, perhaps because this horse is showing signs of developing Homo-Equine Obesity Based Altruism Syndrome? If so, wise words indeed; it's a nasty condition to have and no mistake. <_<


    No, I've got no idea what I'm talking about either....

    That's my favourite TLC post yet. Taking the p1ss out of Banshees' poor grammar and rambling deliriously like Pete Doherty an hour after breaking into Alexander Shulgin's garage. Brilliant!


    Britain's in the grip of a heat-wave and your posts are becoming more surreal by the minute; I presume there's no air-con in your office, TLC? <_< Sweat it out, bro, sweat it out...


    I went to Carlisle yesterday. There, I'm on-topic. Sort of.

  7. Most pointless thread ever. I give it a shelf life of 3 minutes max.

    Shame you didn't commit to that prediction, iain-styley <_< Still, having re-read this whole thread, you could be forgiven for that prediction. It seemed to begin with a simpering, mildly irritating Barnshoes loveletter at the start and then just tapered off into 20-odd pages of drivel. I cite page 4 as an example of the BS so prevalent in this thread.


    If it wasn't for this thread, however, I'd have trouble disguising my late-night post-whoring as being legitimate. Unless I take 6 months off (heaven forfend), I'll never get my average below 1.3 per day, largely thanks to my concession to, and active participation in, this thread.


    Godot hitthenailontheheados9.jpg on page 4, with this post about the ways to create a successful DL thread.


    "What's your point, Star Crossed?" I've been asking myself that question for the last 2 minutes. Just bored and whory, I guess...

  8. I'll probably be shot down for the following post but what the hell.


    I have a cunning plan which will hopefully allow me to sue the State of Israel.


    Currently anyone can be an Israeli citizen if they can prove that they are Jewish, yes?

    Well, my plan involves applying for Israeli citizenship which will ultimately be denied. When they deny my application I will ask for a stated reason and thus they will say, 'because you are not Jewish'.


    Thus I will then take them to court on grounds of discrimination (right after they have been tried for war crimes, and crimes against humanity).


    So what do you think? Would it work?

    No, it wouldn't work, but it may needlessly take up the office time of a few Israeli civil servants, so it would probably be worth doing anyway. I might have a go myself. Maybe if they were swamped with immigration applications from thousands of gentiles we could tie up the whole country, including their armed forces, in a kind of paper-based DDOS attack.


    They do say that the pen is mightier than the sword...

  9. [found distant relative's last year's christmas present of cheap cognac in downstairs loo under pile of junk] I'm drunk AND bored. beat that. [/found distant relative's last year's christmas present of cheap cognac in downstairs loo under pile of junk]

    I became bored reading that

    I sometimes drink to relieve boredom, Brunno. Maybe you should try it sometime?

  10. So, inflatable structures can kill, but can they also save lives? It reminds me of a skydive I took last year. On the way up, we could see a fairground quite close to the drop zone which contained a huge bouncy castle, the kind with an inflatable roof over the top of it.

    We then spent the rest of the day (and I think many, many more hours since then) discussing the possibility of landing on this thing at terminal velocity and surviving.

    The concensus among those present was that technically, given the right set of circumstances, it is possible to use a bouncy castle as a cushion and survive but the chance of messing up the stunt, and risk of serious injury if you did survive, would prohibit anyone from trying it. Doesn't stop me wondering, though... :rolleyes:

  11. ... Found the site 2 or 3 years ago. ... I think the site is fascinating and although it sounds a bit sick, it is quite tasteful and not nasty.

    Not totally sure whether I'd feel ... famous and ill ... but there's ... stuff said about ... people every day in the news ...

    Why not join? It's simple and free.


    Or are you another member who's masquerading as a guest behind an IP-switching shield of steel? ;)

  12. A lung cancer patient who won a High Court battle to be given a drug to prolong his life has died just hours after receiving the news

    I believe he was represented in court by A. Morissette & Partners.

    Well isn't it ironic? Anyways it's like one heck of a jagged little pill to swallow this news.



    Bruno must try harder.

  13. Also, here is a picture of Ernest Borgnine last year at age 88. He certainly doesn't look his age.


    Is that his wife next to him? No wonder he's laughing! Borgnine, you sly old dog. A lady like that'll keep Airwolf's motor running for years. And not a SPAM packet in sight, I bet. Man's a legend...

  14. I think my answer to the title of the thread is a resounding YES! to no great surprise.


    My last thought is that as I don't get paid for my whoring, perhaps I'm more of a Post Slut?

    No, you're just another whore ;)


    Luckily for you, Mr. Hopkins is out of town on some urgent business.


    You should really try putting less effort into your posts, TLC. Try using fewer words, less punctuation and more emoticons; then you'll find yourself able to attain the dizzying heights of 2.0+ posts per day. Remember, anything that is conceivable, is achievable. Willpower is the key...

  15. Has he apologised yet?! I don't care if he's armed and dangerous!

    Say sorry to me you C**t bucket!

    Laura xx

    The issue is Iain ... you can find him.


    C**t ... C**t ... c**ts. ... C**t. ... C**t ... C**t. ... bucket full of c**ts. ... c**ts. ... C**t ... cunty ways. ... Too cunty ... Heavy into being cuntish.


    Laura xxx

    Please register, Laura.


    Your swearcabulary may be limited, but your passion is unquestionable. You don't even need to know anything about death or deadpools to join, you'll learn it all in time; you can get a scholarship to this university purely on the basis of rant skills.


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