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Star Crossed

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Posts posted by Star Crossed

  1. Anyone know how many years after the event you can get acid flashbacks for? :lol:


    "Flashbacks" are experienced only by a tiny minority of those who have used psychedelics. Even then, the intensity with which a "flashback" (i.e. the experience of being temporarily under the influence of the drug) is experienced can vary greatly, and is only very rarely at the full strength of the original experience. Most "flashbacks" are just a vivid memory of the original experience, often triggered by a "sensory simile"; a taste, smell, sound, feeling, or sight that reminds you strongly of what you felt whilst under the influence of the drug.


    One of the most common myths is that LSD stays in your body forever (many people think it stays in the spinal fluid), emerging occasionally to give a "flashback". This is only a myth and contradicts all medical research into the subject. LSD is fully metabolised by the body within 24 hours of ingestion.


    "Flashbacks" are a purely psychological phenomenon and are determined largely by other factors to do with the patient's mental health. If the person is generally more prone to mental instability or psychotic episodes (like Syd Barrett who, I suspect, was always going to turn out a few sandwiches short of a picnic no matter what drugs he did or didn't do), they will be more likely to experience "flashbacks" and vice-versa. From personal experience, I can say that I've done lots and lots of hallucinogens, and never once had a "flashback" of any type. Taking psychedelic drugs does not guarantee mental degradation of any kind, but those prone to mental health issues should certainly avoid doing mind-bending drugs in the first place!


    For a wealth of other info, Erowid is an excellent resource.


    Meanwhile, back in the Diana thread, that grainy photo looks like a sh*tty fake to me; I could probably do better in Microsoft Paint. If someone was going to publish "disturbing" or "harrowing" pictures, I reckon they'd better be more detailed, more graphic and more shocking than that! As for the right royal furore surrounding the publication of those pics, I mean really, who cares? You'd think that Wills and his ginger half-brother Harry would be so jaded by the constant reminders that their mother was a drug-fuelled nymphomaniac billionaire's/squaddie's playtoy that they would no longer be bothered by some piss-poor photo supposed to be of her dying in a car crash, wouldn't you?

  2. Sorry I was being flippant.

    ... guarding a sick ol' geezer is a gravy job.

    I can hear Godot filling in the secret service application form.


    Sorry, I was just being flippant.

  3. I wonder if the Israeli government will quietly turn off his life support now that the peoples' attention has been diverted to the Lebanon conflict.

    No, they'll probably claim that "terrorists" have kidnapped him and use that as another piss-poor excuse to nuke the living f**k out of the whole arab world, whilst Messrs Blair, Bush and Putin sit back and have a lazy wank and a toot on their crackpipes.

  4. The burial of Prince Tu'ipelehake, 55, who was killed on July 5 along with his wife, Princess Kaimana Aleamotu'a Tuku'aho, 46, will take place on July 21st.


    The burial of the royal couple will take place in Tonga on July 21. The country will then enter a 100-day mourning period, during which the whole kingdom will wear black.


    100 days in black? Oh well, they do say that black is slimming. :D

  5. He led the Boston Celtics to 8 straight NBA championships. At 88 years old he seems to be a quality candidate, though is he famous enough in Great Britain? That question remains.

    I didn't know Red Buttons played in the NBA at all. Wow! Baller-turned-actor, like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? That's pretty impressive. At 5'6", he's probably second only to Muggsy Bogues as the shortest player in NBA history. (To be fair, I have been skim-reading the thread, there's maybe some things I've missed :D )


    ... Brooke Astor ... She should have died like 5 years ago. I don't care, at 104 years old you can't live much longer. She dies this year. No question.

    To quote George Burns, "If you live to be 100, you've got it made. Not many people die past that age."

  6. Just a wee thought, if Dubaya took the next month off and they returned 93 year old Ford to the White house in his place would things improve?

    If, by "improve", you mean the ambient odour in the Oval Office would change from one of Jim Beam and cocaine to one of Deep Heat and stale wee-wee, the answer to your question is "yes". Otherwise, I'm not sure, although it's tempting to think that anyone can operate an automatic signature machine whilst idly thumbing the pages of Playboy...

  7. ... fear of sounding like a mini-Hitler...

    That fear of being labelled wrongly is precisely why good, well-intentioned people feel that it is difficult to criticise Israel. The natural defence for Israelis is to cry "anti-semite!" or "hitler!".


    There is nothing wrong with criticising Israel, or the policies carried out by the Israeli government. It's not anti-semitic and it doesn't make you a neo-nazi; it just means you care about truth and justice.


    Unfortunately, because the UK and US governments were so fully instrumental in creating Israel in the first place, and the mass-media of these countries is currently so unwilling to question their foreign policies, it is virtually unheard of in the mass media of these countries to apply any sort of unbiased criticism to Israel. I, however, reserve my right to free and fair speech.


    How would you feel if this were your country? I'd be pretty p*ssed-off if I were a Palestinian, and that's putting it mildly...



    Sorry, let's get rid of this thread, it's sh*t anyway (lack of real ranters) and I don't want to hi-jack it by turning it all political, but I'd rather get stuff off my chest; I'm sure you're all used to me doing that by now.


  8. And Bennett Cerf/Bruno Brimley.

    It sounds almost as if you've noticed some subtle correlation between the posting styles of these two entirely different members, and have inferred some sort of connection as a result :rip:


    Gott to go nowe, Gavin has brought home my favuorit bottgle of scothch, which i wil enjouy with some shortbreasd.

  9. I think the real answer to HCW's original post is that the DL has lost its edge a bit. Either that or most people who come here understand the games we play.

    True. Without some juicy, hip young candidates on the DL there's less chance of potential ranters (fans of the candidates) discovering us by accident and being appalled.


    Every bit of land that they took resulted from acts of aggression against them.

    ??? Untrue. Even if that were true, the old "eye for an eye" philosophy cuts no mustard. "We're oppressed, so give us someone else's country. Now, please." No. They took no land as a result of aggression against them; they took land because they were greedy and had huge financial and, therefore, military backing from foreign governments who felt guilty, rightly or wrongly, about the genocide previously carried out by another foreign government.

    The bottom line is, no religion or religious text guarantees a right to occupy a given tract of land. Fine, people can practise their religion wherever they like, but they shouldn't pretend that it gives them the right to steal land from anyone they like. Religion and Nationality are two discreet concepts.


    If I write a book now about how my people live in North America, does that mean that in 3000 years' time my descendants, who believe everything they read in my book and are persecuted as a result, will have absolute right to chuck all the yanks out and repopulate the place? No, that would be silly, wouldn't it?

  10. Guys, I wasn't making any points about who should or shouldn't be there, merely pointing out that if we started a thread for those soldiers we'd get a few ranters comin' our way again.


    Then it all kicks off between us. Doesn't this strike you as ironic, we swap ideas about attracting ranters and set each other off when we do!

    No irony, 'cos we weren't arguing amonst ourselves at all, MPFC.

    I thought we were all reading from the same songsheet there, no? If not, I badly misunderstood the tone of yours and Octi's posts.


    So, you gonna start that thread or what?

  11. ... Israeli soldiers ...

    ... They shouldn't be in Lebanon or Palestine anyway.

    Indeed. "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". Any vaguely anti-israeli thread is bound to mobilise thousands of rabidly pro-israel ranters, hurling accusations of nazism and antisemitism at us. Bring 'em on; I'll never tire of speaking the truth, which is that they shouldn't be there (the UK/US shouldn't have put them there) in the first place.

  12. My dream photograph would be a Titanic survivor, a World War One survivor and a Munchkin in the same line-up. What a coup that would be.

    C:\Program Files\Photoshop


    :lol: The temptation's bound to prove too much for DLers. Something tells me there'll be a new post in the Caption Competition thread by daybreak.



    yes, i'm off-topic

  13. i like windsor because windor is only a 20 min car ride away from where i live


    :lol: I think perhaps you are talking about the castle and not the young man 'Windsor', unless, of course, you are in possession of a tardis :D

    :lol: I hope we'd all agree that doggie101171, if in possession of a tardis, should hopefully have better things to do with his/her time than hang around here mis-spelling windor. On the other hand, of course, if one had a tardis, one could waste as much as one liked here thanks to the whole bending-spacetime-capability thing. There I go again, defeating my own poorly-thought-out argument. :lol: I should post this in the Drunk/Bored thread.

  14. In that case, I'll have a go too.

    Nobody likes you, Bru... sorry... Serf; you're the dog-sh*t on the shoe of this forum. Save your energy, sir, and p*ss off before Mr. Hopkins comes knocking at your door.

    Well darling ... you are me ... you are me ... I am you? ... then why are you attacking in such venoumous :lol: a manner?

    I refer you, Bruno Brimley, to my earlier explanation.

  15. I didn't know where to put this but, those of you in the UK, please please PLEASE check out Sue Barker on the bbc Wimbledon coverage. :angry: I just switched on and burst out laughing; she's so brown and shrivelled she looks like E.T.! I swear, it's uncanny, she has actually morphed from human to alien.


    This pic of her (that's her on the left) was taken a few years ago, long before the transformation was complete. Nobody's posted a recent picture of her, perhaps for fear of breaking the whole internet.


    Incidentally, while looking for the pic above, I came across this chap, who clearly has an unhealthy obsession with the Extra Terrestrial.

  16. Surely Bent Serf you do that in every thread you post in.

    I certainly hope this does not become a regular occurrence as that would make me indeed sad.

    In that case, I'll have a go too.

    Nobody likes you, Bru... sorry... Serf; you're the dog-sh*t on the shoe of this forum. Save your energy, sir, and p*ss off before Mr. Hopkins comes knocking at your door.

  17. Bye Kenny-boy, :D I hope your "heart attack" was a prolonged and painful one. I eagerly await the various conspiracy theories to be published over the coming days/weeks, as to whom it was that bumped you off, and exactly how. We all know why, you money-grubbing, lying, egomaniacal sack of sh*t.


    Can we have Thatcher next, please? Maybe Jesse Helms too?


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