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Star Crossed

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Posts posted by Star Crossed

  1. [i was there, you tosser...that was you, wasn't it?

    Dodging behind the ambulance?

    Come back, you C**t!

    What you saying now, BHB? You weren't so chicken-sh*t over in the whore thread a few minutes ago, were you? Bwaaah, bwuk-bwuk-bwuk-bwuk Bwaaah...


    Save your drunken posturing for those l4dyb0ys you're so fond of or, better yet, go and give me props in the Bruce Forsyth thread for my Forsyth/Van Dyke deathmatch suggestion of which I'm pretty f*****g proud, thankyou very much, which nobody so far has made comment on despite its obvious genius, leaving me feeling like the spare prick I most probably am. There may be trouble ahead, but while there's moonlight and music and love and romance, let's face the music and dance. You c**t.

  2. Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere (it MUST have been); I did do a search but couldn't find the Celebrity Deathmatch thread.


    Bruce Forsyth vs. Dick Van Dyke - to the death.


    It seems a match made in heaven. They both tap-dance, roller-skate, smile a lot, have big chins, like the lovely ladies, have expertly-manicured moustaches, display charismatic raconteur wit and they're roughly the same age, born in 1928 and 1925 respectively. As I said, I'm surely not the first to think of this (I'm about to be embarrassed aren't I? Someone's gonna point me to the Forsyth/Van Dyke Deathmatch thread).




    Fight to see you, to see you... fight!

  3. Nas is still my favourite boxer. He'll be back for sure. He's lining up a rematch with Barrera. All this talk of the Prince being past it, fat etc. is all a load of hogwash; he's never been out of shape a day in his life. The camera adds 100lbs or so, you know... He'll be the daddy in prison, just like Tyson was. I can't see him getting picked on every single day and being put on suicide watch.


    Watch out Nas :unsure:, that prison soap can be pretty slippery (which could be a blessing :blink: or a curse :( , depending on your viewpoint).

  4. Is there any real difference between this thread and the pinned Drunk, Bored thread?


    Both just contain a lot of bad tempered posts and cathartic whingeing, can't they be merged?

    Yes, there is a difference. This thread is supposed to be exclusively about post-whoring, an example of which might be someone posting to request an unnecessary merger of two different threads.


    However, not all drunken fights are about post-whoring. Although I'll admit I've never had any other reason to fight with my fellow DLers, that doesn't preclude me from finding one. If I do find one, I'll have a go in the drunken fight thread, not in the post-whore thread.


    As the initiator of this post-whore-related thread I'd like it to be unmerged with the drunken fighting thread. If necessary, I'll post again and again and again :referee: in defence of this post-whore thread's right to sovereignty over post-whority and its related issues.


    I think my RSI might be related to the number of times I've typed the word "whore" recently.

  5. I misxred gin and rubbbing aclochol and danced naked in theb strest outside the poilice station over ton temnth streeet. In the 3rds grsade I legft an apple in the dweadks at the end of the schol year whcih may have gonee bad htyb the following seoptembert. I calleed my former tweacher aty 4 in the ,priuntining and said nothing just breahted heazvily. I puyt salet in my sisters koolaid adn laughed was red likesw the colote of beet juice from ac an of beets. Geranidman faiund out and was angrryu.

    I lied on my coselllege entry exams abotu where I was botn. I trasshed a bouys bycycle whenr I was 12 and tben said it waas out netihgnor whop waas into doing bad things with boys. I stole that neigthgprs jamesons and aftre I fgot drturbl I vomited on hIS CAR. THE NEXT WERKE i. dis nr it agwin aecept I vomitedain his bed Basck then dooirers werenty always slocked spo I could get in bur5 i wnet in the upestairs windosw onb the porch. Heis care got hit bu a falling tree oncet in a storn,

    I did soejwn othere bade theings to I guees but I can t be srure.


    Bruno - I'm not sure what time it is in New York right now, but I'd suggest it might be time for bed. :referee:

    I think Bruno's biggest secret is that he drinks. Sssshhh... don't tell anyone, he's managed to hide it pretty well so far.

  6. Here goes then...

    F*****g thank f*****g you Star Crossed, you f****r! :lol:



    ;) Was that any good?

    Not bad for a f*****g beginner, Six. Not bad at all. :lol:


    p.s. OoO,

    Sorry if there's any offence.
    Do I detect a conciliatory tone in your above post to Millwall32? Surely that post should be moved to the "Sycophancy and Reconciliation" thread? :P

  7. Sorry man I forgot to put my sig in there you knows how it be when you get mad.

    No diggedy R'Tron, me be feelin' ya, a'ight?

    You be bustin' out da compton slang an' ting, I gots to respect dat, so if you's a fan ov da Kunitz, be our guest an big-up your man... in your own words, as many as u like homeboy. Let's get busy wit da obizzy...

  8. You'd think that someone whose house must be bristling with armaments would be able to find a more graceful way to check out than by dribbling and crying, wouldn't you? Maybe he should try blinking a cry of help in morse code, thus:-


    ... .... --- --- - / -- . / .-- .. - .... / -- -.-- / ...- .. -. - .- --. . / -.-. --- .-.. - / .-.-.- ....- ..... / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / . -. -.. / -- -.-- / ... ..- ..-. ..-. . .-. .. -. --. /

    (shoot me with my vintage colt .45 please end my suffering)


    On second thoughts, Chuck's probably far too macho to contemplate suicide, or cry for help. He's probably crying at the thought of all those fags and liberals out there, walking around without a sidearm and, thereby, directly contravening, in his opinion, the letter and spirit of the US constitution.


    [scouse]Cheer up, Chuck[/scouse], even when you're gone there'll still be lunatics armed to the teeth, happily exercising their "god-given" right to blow away innocent strangers. God bless the US!

  9. I guess I'll have to be told off. :P

    :lol: Pathetic. Come on, Six, put some F*****g effort in. All it takes is a couple of F*****g swearwords and you'll soon sound drunk/bored/up for a fight. Also, try chucking in a thinly-veiled, randomly-chosen insult about someone's F*****g sh*t Simpsons avatar and a couple of these :angry:;) and Hey Presto! you've got yourself an argument and one less ally on the DL. I like to have a go once a month or so to keep my blood pressure (and my post-count) up. It's not like you took much time to choose your F*****g user name, you may as well put some effort into the swearfilter. How d'you like them apples? ;)

  10. Someone tell me who this guy is? I've never even heard of him.

    Sure Banshees, I'm such a whore, I'll always be willing to crack out another post just to let you know that you should read the start of this thread to find out who he is. The latest chapter of his life, which brought him to DL attention, is quite interesting.

    Here's what he looks like.


    If you ever find yourself in Black Beach Prison, Equatorial Guinea, say hello. He'll probably be a few pounds lighter than in this photo, in which we see his uncannily accurate Roger Moore impression.

  11. Ok, I may have actually gotten close to completing my Desert Island Discs... possibly.


    1. Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd

    Now you're talking! I once went to Alabama to see if the skies really are so blue. It was cloudy that whole day. As soon as we got back to Pensacola, however, bang! Blue skies as far as the eye could see :lol:


    I was in a rock band in high school; we did a sort of Indy/Rock cover version of Sweet Home Alabama, 'cos we thought it was very cool and obscure. We spend hours (at least 6 hours, anyway) rehearsing it and were all fired up for releasing it as a single and making a fortune, so we asked a teacher for advice. After about 20 seconds of his laughter, we realised how huge Skynyrd were and that there are a zillion copyrights on that track. With our tails firmly between our legs, we decided not to bother, but we did still perform it at our gigs. The kids loved it! It was always the last track we played, the first being a wildly over-acted version of Highway To Hell by AC/DC.


    While waiting for death, try learning an instrument or, if you're not musically gifted, try the drums like I did! Music certainly died a little the day I took up "percussion".

  12. You're perfectly right about the admin warnings by the way, but you'll find that people such as Star Crossed are trying to give you friendly advice to spare you that.

    And don't mind Star Crossed, he's just a bully. He wants the forum to be run his way or the highway, despite being neither an admin or a moderator.

    Touch a raw nerve, did I? Diddums. As you're so quick to put words in my mouth, I'm sure you'll permit me to chuck a few more toys out of your pretty little pram...


    For the record, I don't want the forum run "my way" (you wouldn't last 10 F*****g minutes if it were run "my way"); I want this forum to continue being the great forum that it is, DeathList.net, not some F*****g blogspace for every village idiot and his/her teenage cyber-buddies (most of whom, like slipknotbabe91, are actually 43, single, white, fat, male, naked and listed on the Sex Offenders Register) to use as their own personal fiefdom (look it up).


    Everyone's entitled to their own voice here, it's a pretty easy-going forum. If the more post-happy members of this site wish to defend somebody's "right" to post any amount of F*****g nonsense anytime they like, fair enough. I, however, think more should be done to actively discourage those who come here with the sole intention of finding the answer to "what's next after Firing Squad Shooter?". If you've got some sort of ongoing persecution complex because of your high post count, CP, that's no longer my problem. We had a PM discussion about it and we agreed to differ in our views on what constitutes an enjoyable forum, so don't start airing our dirty F*****g laundry in public again unless you wish me to publicly retort.


    As the less neanderthal-witted among our membership realise, I "bully" ;) people who blatantly post-whore because they are the scourge of the internet and they deserve it, not because I enjoy doing it. Have you actually read any of Bennett's posts, or are you blowing off steam publicly half-cocked again? If someone posted 25 posts in a day that I could laugh at, find interesting, or that were even vaguely relevant, I could handle it. Invariably, however, if someone's posting these sort of numbers, it's because their post-quality is badly deficient.


    I don't know why so many of the responsible, intelligent members of this site sit back and take it in the ass like they've been force-fed Rohypnol, while the threads are clogged by these F*****g pond-life whose mission it is to blatantly take the piss out of this forum by gifting us 20-odd utterly useless posts per day. If you need a conversation, turn off your PC, go outside and get some F*****g friends, you no-mates C**t; don't clog up this forum with yet more F*****g drivel and sycophancy.


    If LB@5O'Cerf, or whoever the latest whore-pest really is, wants to make a comment on every thread every twenty seconds like some ADHD-afflicted kiddywinkle, I'd imagine that they can jolly well F**k off to teenchatbox.com where that sort of thing is positively encouraged. Why these arseholes should come here, dumbing-down this site, is beyond me.


    There are plenty of members who agree with me on this subject of post-whores and the tolerance/intolerance thereof. They probably care more about their "public persona" than I do, which is why I'm the only one visibly on a crusade against these F*****g cretins; I know deep down that I should really rise above the mire, let the idiots drift in and out of this forum like they always have and just concentrate on maintaining my own post quality without sullying myself in the foetid water of public grievance. Sometimes, however, I feel a line has to be drawn in the sand, beyond which the Life Begins At 5 O'Cerfs of this world should not cross. I couldn't care less what some F*****g no-mark teeners who've just discovered the internet think of me, just so long as they don't flood the forums I enjoy with meaningless F*****g drivel. Bunch of c**ts.


    If you're reading this and you disagree with me, don't bother arguing; you probably don't have a broad enough vocabulary. Just label me a "post-nazi" or whatever, block me using your My Controls and go back to your miserable little monosyllabic post-whore forum-spamming. Just know that I'm not the only one who reads your pathetic posts and winces at their utter irrelevance.


    p.s. CP, in the English language, sentences don't tend to start with the word "and". Also, it's "neither/nor", not "neither/or". Back to skool, then...


    p.p.s. Whoops-a-daisy, I seem to have drifted a smidgeon off-topic there. My bad. Here's an Uzi Hitman link. It's in Hebrew, for all you polyglots out there. Well, either that or my PC is f**ked.


    p.p.p.s. Mr. Swearfilter's working F*****g overtime this morning ffs, the F*****g pedantic little shitehawk.

  13. Babyshambles have now been dropped by their record label, Rough Trade, according to this article.


    The first line of that article says it all... "In terms of column inches, he is one of the biggest stars in the UK."


    What's that I hear? It's the KLF hovering in their black helicopter, laughing at the mortals as we dance to the triumphal rhythm of their greatest hoax to date. They've even got ME talking about him, damn them...

  14. Might I point the honourable members towards a thread called World's Strongest Man where the subject of celebrity death matches was discussed in some detail. I believe it was Chris Moyles who was to take a hiding.


    DWB :)


    That's a fantastic thread, DWB, a hidden gem. It also contains my favourite guest comment to date.


    On the subject of our subject, members of another online community share a few amusing comments on the tiresome prick's latest antics.

  15. Most regrettably I have no jovial items to add to this topic, but it did bring a brief grin to my face and I hope it will do so for others as well.


    I am still amazed at all the wonderful and diverse topics related to death which I am finding here. Amazing, absolutely amazing.


    Hi Bennett,

    Thanks for your 40+ posts today. A good rule-of-thumb on the DL might be "if I've nothing good to post, don't bother posting". That tends to help ensure that the threads are more fun for others to read. So thorough are we on DL, that there's a whole thread dedicated to this very subject.


    Glad you're enjoying it so much but, like the countryside, let's leave the DL just as we found it...

  16. Why oh why is everyone freaking out about this footage of the Pentagon incident? I have had that footage on my hard-drive for over 4 years since it was first put on the internet. It's been all over the internet for years, so why is everyone saying it's "newly declassified"?


    p.s. This is not a plane. It will, however, make a large hole in most buildings. Go figure...

  17. :lol:


    I don't really know about that king but fit as a fiddle might translate into something nasty in their local language so you might not need to get that depressed. There could still be a blockade in French Poleneasia that might help. [i know it's spelt wrong]


    You left out Idi Armin, most of the old commonwealth heads of government from the now independant states, Arthur Miller, Big Silvo and Pope John Paul II.


    Your not playing six degrees of seperation in the vain hope of getting the Great King are you?


    That sort of thinking has Grave consequences and You might just accidently get Kevin Bacon!




    *pull up a falling sock*



    Yes... many thanks for that, Mr. Chestpunch.


    Speaking of T4, he went back to NZ last week for another hunting trip more medical tests. He's expected back in Tonga in mid-may, all things being equal.

  18. Banshees is currently on 26 posts today and he still has 9 hours to go. Will this be a DL record? Come on, we're all rooting for you. Feel the love, my friend...

    You, on the other hand, are very close to snatching the record for the most consecutive complaining poster as well as nearly taking the 'Old Woman' award from Godot's mum.


    Feel the love, my friend - share it if you really want...


    If there were more people complaining, there might be less people whoring and this forum might end up resembling DeathList.net again, instead of teenchatterbollocks.com


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