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Star Crossed

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Posts posted by Star Crossed

  1. I used to have a young mans crush on Mr. Malden back when he walked the Streets of San Francisco. Superb actor... I would daydream about sharing a hotel suite with Malden and playing cards... Sadly it never happened.

    I wouldn't go quite as far as fantasising about late-night poker sessions with Mr. Malden but Bruno, you hit the nail on the head... Some years ago I worked in a casino; in our breaks between dealing we'd watch telly in the sparse, cold, uncomfortable staff room. The Streets Of San Francisco was a late-night favourite, and Malden was BRILLIANT in it. I'd often go home after a shift whistling the theme tune. He even made that tiresome cretin Michael Douglas seem half-bearable because he was playing opposite such an accomplished actor. It's a shame that none of Malden's skills rubbed off on Douglas.


    Karl Malden is a true great. My favourites of his would be Birdman Of Alcatraz (1962), I Confess (1953) or, of course, The Streets Of San Francisco (early 70s).


    Happy Birthday Karl! Many happy returns.


    p.s. just tried to find a dvd of The Streets Of... but could only find VHS, unfortunately. :o



  2. People say that drowning is very peaceful

    How do they know?? Has anyone drowned and then come back to tell everyone all about it?

    Hmmm... according to this account, the common belief that drowning is peaceful is utter bunkum. I suppose a lot of what "people say" is equally ill-informed.

    The pressure of the water caused a stabbing pain in my eyes and ears... try to keep your head when water begins to seep into your already tortured lungs and your body is a mass of pain and you know you are dying... I remember that I screamed down there against a solid wall of water—I remember that I threshed and bobbed, but only succeeded in burrowing my head into the slime of the lake floor...

    Ouch. Don't try this at home, kids! :o

  3. I'd prefer to die by my own hand, in some way. Either something very quick or something dramatic. Or both.

    In any of the below cases, I'd take some ecstacy first and smoke a joint or two; it's a good way to get yourself relaxed and in the mood, I reckon.


    Order of preference:-

    1) Hand Grenade.

    2) Bullet to the head.

    3) Skydive without deploying my canopy.


    As a kid growing up at the height of the cold war, I used to think that dying at the epicentre of a nuclear blast would be pretty cool (or pretty hot, more probably). Certainly very efficient.


    People say that drowning is very peaceful, but I wouldn't be up for trying it. Those first few breaths of water must hurt. A lot. The feeling of panic would be awful.


    The worst thing, imho, would be a protracted, bedridden death by disease or malfunction. Sudden is good. Sudden is my friend.

  4. If any of the definitions on this page apply to you, particularly this one or this one, it's likely that you are a post whore, scourge of internet forums...


    Here comes the science: High Post Count + Low Post Quality = Post Whore


    If, in the light of the above link, you've recently discovered postwhoric symptoms in your posting habits, ask yourself a few simple questions...


    1) Why do I feel the need to post in every thread?

    2) Are all of my posts relevant and according to the spirit of the forum/thread in which I'm posting, i.e. will people gain value from reading them?

    3) Would the overall quality of the forum be improved were I to be more selective with my posting?


    Usually, an honest self-appraisal will see you right.


    Happy posting everyone! Don't be that guy... :D



    • Like 1

  5. There was very little information available on Ernest Gallo when I was searching for a biography on him and also his brother. I found a very brief piece about the vinyards but nothing more than that. Hopefully when he dies someone will have posted a more detailed biography


    Insightful and witty. :D



    Here's a definition of the phrase "post-whore".

  6. As long as Melly is enjoying working, I think he'd be around for a bit longer and possibly may last the year out. As soon as his illness starts to get to him and he gives up the fight that's when he'll give up the ghost.


    Insightful and witty. :D



    Here's another definition of a post whore.

  7. I'm actually suprised Bin Ladin and his bitches know how to use a video camera of any kind!


    I can imagine them toying with it for hours unable to find out how to get it on record...


    Well, if we believe the story that your "government" are so fond of repeating ad nauseam, Bin Laden and his bitches were clever enough to outsmart your entire domestic security infrastructure back in 2001. Had you forgotten already, New Yorker? The rest of the world is having a hard time forgetting it.


    The easiest way to lose a war is to underestimate the enemy.

  8. Due to the broad availability of air travel, a plane-load of drooling flu-zombies could arrive at an airport near YOU at any time.




    Every cloud has a silver lining, though, particularly for those hawking sundry protective systems and books containing "sound advice"...


    Roll Up! Roll Up! Buy your H5N1 protection clobber here NOW or you and your family could die.


    Buy this book NOW or you and your family could die.


    Get the facts NOW or you and your family could die.


    Remember! You and your family could DIE! AAAaarrrgggghhh...

  9. Recent Article on his health


    Quite interesting, too.


    I had no idea who this is, but he certainly sounds like death warmed up.


    I hope you're not taking my job of finding news articles about DL candidate OoO... I see you have a lot of recent posts in the 2006 names that I haven't gotten to yet... :D:lol:


    Perhaps you could draw up a rota, or maybe divide the threads amongst yourselves to avoid duplication of effort? It'd be a shame to have you fall out over who can post the most links. :D

  10. I wish to deny having started this thread, which I thought might end up fairly light-hearted and not as a discussion regarding the semantic values of the concept of holocaust, or it's connotations.



    Does this mean I'll be accused of being anti-semantic? :angry:

  11. I just read somewhetere that he is on the road to promote his new book.

    Been eating cheese before bedtime again, Bruno?

    I dont' inderstand what you meant bu that can you explain please/?

    You claim to have read somewhere that King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV is on the road promoting his new book, when the best information we have is that he is in hospital in Auckland, NZ. (I have been trying quite hard to find new info on his condition from sundry NZ newspaper correspondents, to no avail. There seems to be a blackout.)


    If you have information to which we're not privy, would you be good enough to post a link? I'm most keen to learn whether Taufa' is actually still alive, let alone where he is being looked after...

  12. Cleary, by resurrecting some old threads, I've brought to the forefront an important discussion and an issue that needs attention and consensus discision.


    Or... you've just created an argument from nothing, for no good reason, with little substantiating weight other than your own opinion. From the quality content of the majority of your posts, CP, I would imagine you've more to contribute than advice for the Mods/Admin on how to handle the thread volume/content.

    If you'd like to change the site, maybe PM the Admin team, who could put a poll to the membership if one is deemed necessary.


    My suggestion would be that we let the Admin and Mods administer and moderate the site, whilst the rest of the membership stick to making relevant/funny/educational posts in whatever threads they find appealing.

  13. This thread has wandered so far off-topic that I feel I'm on-topic by staying off-topic, which is now on-topic. :P


    1) IF this thread had anything to do with its title, it should be merged with the J.D.Salinger thread in the 2006 names.


    2) I agree with in eternum+ re: thread deletion/locking; ("hey! teacher!") leave old threads alone!

    Thread popularity and/or relevance determines thread ranking. If old threads get dredged up for some reason (or no good reason), they will, by means of natural selection (it's late and i'm tired, bear with me), either fall back down the rankings or stay at the top.

    There is no point dredging up old threads just for the sake of saying "hey, this is old!"; that smacks of post-whoring, a recent bug-bear of mine. I agree with CP and TF that some threads aren't interesting to the majority of DLers, but I don't see why we can't just let forum gravity take effect and let them sink back to the bottom (or just stay there in the first place). Also, the argument re: slowing the search facility is spurious, given our ability to limit search criteria.


    Long story short, let's not start some sort of old-thread pogrom*. Hopefully every thread finds its level in the end.


    * unless it becomes a server-space issue, in which case Admin team/Mods should get involved to delete/archive the really old non-used threads.

  14. [over-tired, bickering 9-year-old]

    You must make allowances for my habit of drifting through threads and merely making a comment.
    Must we? Must we really?


    there is little rhyme or reason
    Often, yes... so it would seem.[/over-tired, bickering 9-year-old]

  15. Weird, I've been playing that CD in my car the past few days; good driving music, very mellow. Apart from that extended, anguished scream she does near the end of "Love Is A Good Thing", which rules, love that bit. :D


    If It Makes You Happy you can think she's going to find it Hard To Make A Stand, but Chances Are that Sheryl will survive this breast cancer at a canter, á la Kylie/Anastacia, by virtue of the fact that it was discovered early and she has access to top-class healthcare. It's a private-sector oncologist's dream, getting to treat a celeb like this. She'll be getting the full belt 'n' braces treatment, no holding back on the meds for her.

    She seems pretty upbeat in this small article, apparently just taking time off to get some post-op radiotherapy.


    I must admit I'm thrilled that she's left Armstrong. I respect him greatly as a cyclist (for whom Every Day Is A Winding Road) but it disappoints me every time I play an album of hers, thinking of her having tea (or, indeed, sex) with Lance and his neo-con buddies. I'd like to think that their split is due to differences in political ideology. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I'd hate to think I've been singing along to some republican ditto-whore all these years. :P


    To get back on topic, I'd be surprised if this even puts much of a hiatus in her career. Maybe That's Something that would have been enough to make celebrities Crash And Burn in the past, but I Can't Cry Anymore over a bit of celebrity cancer these days; it doesn't seem to mean too much, especially if it's in soft tissue which can be removed easily. No One Said It Would Be Easy, but I Shall Believe that she's Strong Enough to end up Safe And Sound. :eshock:

  16. Any particular reason for locking some of these threads?


    Granted some of the shite posted on this forum recently isn't worth the little asterix but some of the locked threads have been star rated by the moderators. What's happening or is it purely for the secret circle? :(

    *fighting urge to be pedantic*

    *losing that fight*


    HoS, you know I respect you and don't want to start a fight, but the word you were looking for is asterisk.


    Asterix is a cartoon character.


    Sorry, couldn't let that one go.


    Can we lock this thread before anyone else spells thigns rong? :lol:


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