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Star Crossed

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Posts posted by Star Crossed

  1. Mods in the interests of housework,would it not be wise to merge all the David Irving/What would you deny threads into one?.


    Easier to keep an eye on the rancid c**t.


    67 & 3 years in prision - with the Austrian prosecutor looking for more,decent bet for 2008 ?.


    I think the point of the "What Would You Deny?" thread was to separate all the miscellaneous/random/surreal crap from stuff that's actually about David Irving.


    Mods, keep 'em apart please. Thanks.

  2. Have any DLers got anything they'd like to deny? I have a few things...


    My overly-long nose. "No, I think you'll find, upon measurement, that it's SMALLER than average."

    My 2nd-class degree. "No, I believe you have mistaken my first-class for a 2:1"

    My lack of regional accent. "No, in actual fact I have an easily-discernable, salt-of-the-earth Geordie accent."

    Creationists/Intelligunt Deziners. "No, I think you'll find that everyone accepts evolution as a law of the natural world."

    Embarrassing rants/comments I've made on the DL. "No, no, NO! I think you'll find, upon careful examination of my collective postings, that I am always erudite, polite, factually correct and of course highly, highly amusing. You bunch of sick, boring, loathesome f**ks."

  3. :lol: God Bless the U.S. :o


    Camera Crew: "Oh dear, she's losing it... what do we do?"


    Star Crossed: "Stay calm. I estimate her mass to be roughly 120-130kg. Therefore, we require roughly 2.0mg of Carfentanil to immobilise her for around 10 minutes. The subject is in a highly agitated state, therefore I recommend that we use a CO2 tranquilizer gun to fire a .50cal disposable 1cc dart into the subject, pre-loaded with 2.0mg Carfentanil in saline solution. Once safely immobilised, the subject can be administered intravenous Remifentanil or Fentanyl until moved to an environment where she can cause no harm to others. Failing that, get out the ouija board and summon up some help from beyond the grave."

  4. It's got as far as France, which means it's as-good-as in the UK now too. Blair's spin-obsessed government must be working SO hard vetoing the tabloid press, otherwise there'd be no other news reaching the front pages.


    I'm picturing a Sunday Mirror front page montage of Clive Dunn throwing a bag of live swans into an incinerator shouting "Don't Panic!" :lol:

  5. Start a chain reaction


    highscore - 918



    1625 on my 8th go. I think it's the noise that I find most appealing. Quite soothing once you get a good chain reaction going, like a nest of baby pigeons. Or something.


    I used to work in an open-plan office with around 200 techies all wasting company time playing online games, shopping, surfing for porn, emailing the person sat next to them et cetera. I can imagine that if we'd all been playing this, the place would have sounded superb! We would have got even less work done, if at all possible. Needless to say, I sent the link straight to a few friends who still work there. Good job I sold all my shares. :lol:

  6. Did you know that a few years ago the King of Tonga released an album?


    I am sorely tempted to buy it.


    :) That's a tremendous find! Job's a good 'un. I'm guessing it was a google search which led to a "Buy King Taufa'ahau at Amazon" advertisement? Awesome...


    I wonder if there's a ukelele orchestra piece on it? I'm sure a hundred or so passing russian sailors would have been happy to oblige with a George Formby number or two. :lol: DDT, let us know if it's any good.

  7. I voted to allow guests to post. They are an enhancement to and part of the spirit of DL, as I see it.


    It's not like the forum gets clogged up by guests anyway, is it? Most of the inane/annoying drivel seems to come from members; at least some of the guests who can be bothered seem to add some interest, like David J Cook (FRAS) in the Patrick Moore thread, or the Anti-Lula/Castro nutter :D in the Niemeyer thread. I even quite like the ones who chip in with a death-threat one-liner now and then. I can't remember ever being really offended by a guest; it's usually other members to whom I take offence. ;)


    The only time it really gets to be a problem is when a member takes the ranter's bait and rants back, thus starting a slanging match with said drive-by ranter. That doesn't happen too often, does it?

    Let's not prevent guests from posting on the basis of some knee-jerk reaction or just "because we can".


    Isn't "moderation" of the threads one of the reasons we have Moderators? If and when things get out of hand, we can make changes, but I don't think we should make a pre-emptive strike on guests. That would lower us to the level of, say, Dubya, for instance. :o Nobody wants that.


    Perhaps we'll introduce a series of "drive-by specials" where ranters are free to post for a certain time until it gets out of control again :)
    I half-heartedly concur with GR on this point. It's not a bad compromise, IF one must be made. Perhaps a period of one or two days after the death of someone on the list, as there are bound to be (potentially irate and, therefore, funny) people googling them shortly after their demise. Popular favourites not on the DL too, e.g. Dickie O' or, dare I say it, Jane Tomlinson.


    But, to reiterate, I vote we allow guests to post whenever they like, so long as it doesn't get out of hand. If a guest-related situation gets out of hand, let the Mods do their thing.



    Star Crossed

  8. I can't get in! :(


    Well I have chat working again but I was messing with the settings a short while ago - is it a pop-up blocker issue?

    The pop-up blocker blocks the chat, when you are on the internet, look at the top of the page, there is an icon called tools, click on that, it should show you a menu, click on Pop-up Blocker, click 'Turn Off Pop Up Blocker' and bingo you can join the chat, hope this works for you.


    Or... if, like me, you only want to allow pop-ups from certain sites, you can specify in the box provided in Tools, Internet Options, Privacy (Settings) which sites you want to allow them from.


    Simply put www.deathlist.net into this box as a site from which you want to allow pop-ups, and hey presto Chat works, but you will still be blocking pop-ups from any other site you visit.

  9. Working from home most days, as I do, I get to watch Countdown (for the non-UK DLers, that's a "game show" for the elderly, with various numbers and letters-based games.)


    Today, the special guest in "dictionary corner" is Carol Thatcher, daughter of the subject of this thread.

    Before each advert break, they display an anagram (the so-called "tea-time teaser") on the screen for viewers at home to work out.

    The tea-time teaser anagram at the first ad break today was PINOCHET (re-arranged that gives the answer PHONETIC). I had to chuckle.


    The production crew were probably hoping the old witch was watching, just so they could have a sly dig, even if Carol has nothing to do with her mother's various unholy alliances. ;)

  10. I sh*t on all you sad geeks, .........

    Enough with the scat already! Some people just can't get enough... well, I suppose Himler is german, right? :P




    [indecent link removed- NAP]

  11. If anyone cares to prove to me that the live chat actually works, I'm in there now, for the next hour or so. I've not got anything to chat about, I just want to see someone else's name in there other than mine.


    Is anybody out there?


    Edit: Cheers to Bald Rick for proving that it works! A bit like a first date, that was; everyone's nervous, nothing to say, pleasantries exchanged, excuses made, exunt stage left...

  12. Based on a thoroughly useful discussion earlier in said chatroom, I have now subscribed to the Lakeside World Darts newsletter, in order to gets a heads-up on when tickets for the 2007 championship will become available.

    LOL! I wish someone had warned me about the music that accompanies that site! I went there to sign up a friend to their newsletter as he's been talking a good game of darts spectatorship for years now.


    Needless to say, I brought a little more attention to my PC than intended :P I'm presuming that's Chas 'n' Dave. G'darts!

  13. Let's have a competition, predict the day Pete first breaks his Community Order...

    I recall some years ago, disgraced "R&B" "artist" Mark Morrison was sentenced to some community service, but persuaded a "lookalike" friend to do his service for him. Mark had better things to do, like look for his Mac. The fraud was spotted almost immediately.


    Perhaps Pete could do the same? I'm sure there are no shortage of willing lookalikes.


  14. Let's put this thread on lock-down, just like its subject.


    I've locked it for now, it came very close to being deleted. I'll leave that bit up to he admin gods [HCW]


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