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Star Crossed

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Posts posted by Star Crossed




    I remember the time I tried to put my tongue where my mouth isn't. Oooch that hurt.

    I remember when I tried to put my tongue where someone elses mouth was. The slap I received hurt a bit too.........

    I remember when I tried to put my tongue where... oh, never mind. ;)


    This is spiralling out of control, á la Dickie O' thread. Shall we have a moratorium on this until Oscar Niemeyer generates some news?

  2. I'm dying to know...did Pulphak eventually go meet her or did any crafty Londoner Death Listers who were online at the time spot the opportunity to whip along the High Street & take advantage of a poor, vulnerable, stood up woman leaving unanswered messages with her mobile?


    :D pulphack earned himself and his ladyfriend a stalker!


    It's not me. I'm nowhere near the Big Smoke. My alibi's bulletproof.

  3. That's the last thing the iraqi public need...


    Tomorrow's Bird Flu News... Today!


    Last Updated 31/01/2006, 03:08:57


    Iraq's Health Minister says new tests have confirmed that an Iraqi girl died on January 17 in the Kurdish city of Sulaimaniya from bird flu.

    It's the country's first death from the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu.

    The World Health Organisation had initially ruled out the girl as dying from the virus.

    It is now asking for further tests to be carried out in a laboratory in Britain and is sending a mission to Iraq to assess the situation.

    Iraqi officials are concerned that the violence and anarchy that have impoverished the country has left its frontiers porous and sanitary regulations unenforceable.

    They say it would be very difficult for Baghdad to control any epidemic among wildfowl and poultry.

  4. I reckon this is Niemeyer having a laugh at our expense.


    Guest Ranter backwards = Retnar Tseug, which is portuguese for "Niemeyer's Secretary", according to the latest version of Adobe Rantranslator. This version (v.3.11) was created on 23/6/05, which was the day that Anubis last thought about a portuguese man-o-war. So we can see, logically, that the Jackal is at war with the guest ranter, who speaks portuguese.


    It's all there, you just have to look!

  5. Thanks, I find the weekend is usually the best time to introduce 11th Century Norwegian royalty into conversations..........

    Who can forget Harald Finehair, Gorm the Old, Svein Forkbeard, Harald Bluetooth and of course Cnut the Great,

    Harald Bluetooth? Was he related to Ole-Einur Firewire?

  6. Nothing witty to add right now except one more post to keep things rolling along.

    Shame on you, Lady Die, for such blatant post-whoring :)


    I thought that's what the Niemeyer thread was for.


    Ooh look, I'm up to 226! :D

  7. My God, this guy is like herpes, it's itching and you never seem to get rid of it.

    Unlike herpes, though, he IS mildly entertaining. :)


    Also unlike herpes, we presume :D, he threatens the health of a Moderator. Feeling itchy, Bou?


    p.s. I just googled "niemeyer conspiracy". Guess which site comes back top? :)

  8. Maybe it's the curse of Elizabeth Vargas, his co-anchor on ABC news. She's married to Marc Cohn (of "Walking In Memphis" fame), who was shot in the head not too long ago as he left a gig.


    Perhaps she's the Jessica Fletcher of the broadcast news world?


    I presume his kevlar helmet-hair deflected most of the shrapnel, saving him from certain death. :D

  9. Yes, I'd be up for donating my body to "medical science". I'm sure some badly hung-over, disinterested med student would gain great mirth from articulating my fingers/toes via the tendons, playing hide-the-lecturer's-pen in my rectum, or placing me in a "69" with another cadaver. :D

  10. ...complete with lead, collar and nametag bearing dog's name, owners' name and telephone number.

    :skill2: [weak pun]I smell a cover-up.[/weak pun] It sounds very much like the poor lurcher was led to the spot, made to dig his own grave and then killed where he stood! Not even time to remove the lead? Merciless. :P

  11. As an inveterate thanatologist I have been enjoying your website for a

    number of years and this is the best yet! 13! well done - and the year

    isn't over yet. My money's on the pope.....


    For next year's list I would like to suggest Margaret Thatcher as I

    believe she will not last v. long without her precious Denis.  She is

    already looking very frail (good thing you cannot see the smirk on my

    face as I write this) so I hope she lasts until January at least.


    Keep up the good work!


    all the best,



    It would appear to be nearly two-and-a-half years since we started this thread. Come on, Maggie, make us all proud. Die. A Hamas victory in Palestine surely can't be good for the blood pressure, can it? Do yourself a favour and die now, you old crone. What's the point carrying on? What's left to achieve? Another boiled egg for breakfast? Another comfortably familiar smell to blame on the cat? Die, you old bitch. I've not got much on this weekend, it'd be nice to have an excuse to pop down the local for a pint. Die, Maggie, die!


    p.s. I've now been awake for 3 days. Not sure if it's affected the quality of my posts yet, :P but my eyesight is starting to wobble. :skill2:

  12. It seems that the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle remains, but more importantly, Star Crossed, my illusions of your scientific superiority are shattered.


    I haven't felt this bad since my father told me Father Christmas was really our lollipop man. :)

    Yes, it was all just a hoax. I'm certainly not *the authority* on these matters.


    Had you stopped to think that maybe I AM that lollipop man? No presents for you this year, BHB, I know you've been a naughty boy. B)

  13. Charles Lane 101 today. In Petticoat Junction. My Webpage :)

    Vote Republican, did you? Nice poem, you ignorant religious bigot. Move to Kansas; they tolerate your type there, so I've heard.

    Jesus... :lol:


    [Link removed - ff]

  14. :lol: Ghosts? :) I don't think so...


    I wish you people wouldn't waste your time bickering over this issue, with your many spurious and, frankly, laughable explanations for this "phenomenon".


    The "Bermuda Triangle" (BT) is, in actual fact, the testing-ground for WMDs belonging to a triumvirate comprising: Mossad (Israeli secret service), the Rods (the custodians of the planet) and the Loch Ness Monster. Let's call this triumvirate "Sudoku" for sake of ease.


    Sudoku have been engaged for some time in the development of a so-called "Eccentric Strategic and Tactical Arsenal" (ESTA). This can manifest itself in such diverse ways as:-

    - Apparent distortions in the space-time continuum.

    - Navigational instrument malfunction.

    - Sinking of shipping (often by use of gasses diffused into sea-water to reduce water density).

    - Downing of aircraft by physical interaction with Kamikaze Rod Squadrons (KRS). (for those of you with an interest in music of black origin, you may be surprised to learn that rapper KRS-1 took his name from the first known KRS incident of June 1931)

    There are many other manifestations of Sudoku's ESTA, but I am not at liberty to discuss them at this time.



    As you can see from this map, the BT is, contrary to what its name might suggest, triangular. This is due to the tripartite nature of Sudoku. Mossad's base is in Southern Florida. The Rods are concentrated around Puerto Rico. Nessie's primary stamping-ground is in the ocean off Bermuda.


    Here we see Nessie on patrol off Bermuda.


    AUTEC are aware of the existence of Sudoku, but are unable to do anything about them. A secret treaty between the USA and Sudoku was signed in 1967, effectively hobbling the US government or its agencies from any action that would jeopardise BT operations. In return, the BT nowadays swallows up/delays/bewilders far less tonnage of US shipping and air freight than its capabilities allow.

    There have been rumours recently to the effect that Lula and Oscar Niemeyer have been trying to muscle in on the action. Apparently, they have been trying to negotiate a power-sharing agreement with Sudoku which would, in essence, turn the Bermuda Triangle into a Bermuda Square. I have, at time of publishing this post, received no positive confirmation of this from my source. My source has, however, confirmed that communist China are interested in purchasing data from the BT activities. Data which would give them an edge over Taiwanese separatists!

    I hope to post more information on this at a future date. After all, we all live in the future, no?


    I hope this clears it up for you. I don't expect to hear any more nonsense from you. There is only one truth and it is out there... watching you.



    Bermuda Triangle Webcam - live data feed

  15. You people are sick and disgusting. Get your death list and shove up your asses. Obviously everyone on this site has nothing better to do but add people's name to a list. We are all going to die. Just to show how ignorant this world is.


    -The Birdman


    Not true, Birdman, not true. Sometimes we cross people's names off the list.

  16. Hi!


    If anyone wants a good read. the Tao of Muhammad Ali is really good. Im studying it at college and found parts of it quite endearing. Its the biography of a man calleed Davis Miller but Ali (as you can see from the title) plays a huge part in Millers life. Enjoy!!!!!!!


    Thanks 4 reading



    If any DLers have kids around the age of 10-15, to whom you'd like to introduce the concepts of Taoism, (or, if you're a bit slow yourself :lol: )"The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff is a good start.


    to wit...

    "Not like Pooh, the most effortless Bear we've ever seen."

    "Just How do you do it, Pooh?"

    "Do What?" asked Pooh.

    "Become so Effortless."

    "I don't do much of anything," he said.

    "But all those things of yours get done."

    "They just sort of happen," he said.


    p.s. Muhammad Ali was a boxer. His daughter, Laila Ali, is a boxer. Her record currently stands at 22 wins, 0 losses, 19 knockouts. On January 31st, she will be awarded the WBC World Women's Boxing Champion's title in Cancun, Mexico.

  17. Oh dear, for a Daily Telegraph reader this is too much.  I have read The Sun occasionally but I object to further enriching Mr Murdoch or his family.  This is why, to Josco Junior's chagrin, I will not have Sky in (on?) the house.

    A man with principles... hat duly tipped, Mr. Josco.


    Maybe you'll enjoy this interview with everyone's favourite in-bred megalomaniac aussie? Or maybe not. ;)


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