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Star Crossed

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Posts posted by Star Crossed

  1. Can we start some rioting here in the hope that it has a detrimental effect on Tony's health?

    Top idea! I just commenced a minor scuffle in my office involving a swivel chair, a hacky-sack and a glass of water.


    Not quite the Molotov cocktails, rubber bullets and water cannon you were hoping for, but it's a start. I'm hoping it will escalate into a full-scale car-burning public frenzy later this evening, should the weather remain clement... I'll keep you posted. Anything to help Tony out with his impending coronary :P

  2. ...

    Well in America there is George Bush who in my eyes doesn't

    really know how to handle things. The man does something right

    and then he tops it off with a very poor decision.

    What has George Bush done right since he became U.S. President?

    Right? Right? Everything he does is right. Right-wing, anyway...


    I heard a rumour that he tied his own shoelaces correctly the other day. It's a start, at least. Give the guy a break, he's trying his best. Well, he's trying, anyway. Very trying.



  3. Yes.


    Unhappy about it.


    "Christmas" music, aka any old bloody music that's lying around, with the delightful "ching ching ching" sound of sleigh bells added. That sound, specifically, actually raises my pulse rate and not in a good way. rant rant rant rant rant. Bloody Christmas music. rant. Aaaggh. Sleigh Bells. AaAaagh...


    No, I don't believe in Santa. Nor does Charley Farley. But then, he doesn't believe in "Innocent Until Proven Guilty" or "Right To Legal Counsel" or "Right To Know The Charges Against You" or other such minor inconveniences like that, either. rant rant rant. He probably has sleigh bells as the ringtone on his mobile. rant.

  4. Another blow struck for common sense, the MPS who failed to support the 90 day motion need to be identified as Treasonable and a few centuries they would have had, and equally would have been dealt with accordingly.


    Mr Cameron and Mr Davis may be backpeddalling now, who is going to be the next tory leader not to win an election.


    If your not doing anything wrong then the threat of an up to 90 day detention should not concern you too much.


    So thats over three hundred politicians I'd like to see swing, someone do the sums 300 times £65k plus secretarial savings, think we should do this anyway.

    Don't get my dander up this early in the morning. That's your final warning Charley.

  5. Cake it?

    Never having seen Mr. Moore eat any sort of confectionery, I'm not *the authority* on this, but I don't reckon he'd be into cake. I see him "Moore" as a traditional Christmas Pud type of chap.


    I certainly can't picture him tucking into a Black Forest Gateau (hun fodder) or even a Victoria Sponge/butter-cream sandwich cake. Maybe the odd fairy cake here or there with a cup of Earl Grey, but certainly not anything as extravagant as these.


    Perhaps he's "Moore" into his space cakes? :D

  6. I'd been a DL watcher for a while, but I decided to join after reading this one-liner by Anubis in the Patrick Moore thread. I'm not employing hyperbole when I tell you that I very nearly vomited, so hard was I laughing. My abdominal muscles actually ached for days afterwards, kind of like a DL version of this workout.


    Being a fan of Patrick Moore (politics aside) I enjoyed reading the whole thread. Some of it is pure class, but the jackal's spontaneous post in reference to Patrick's duck egg incident had me in tears. Schoolboy humour, yes, but so, so funny. So far, nothing's topped that for me, although some of the Pete Doherty thread rants were worth their weight in comedy gold. Oh, and Elspeth Entropy's swift and correct rebuttals of any misguided criticism, I thoroughly enjoy them too.

  7. Alois Brunner Adolf Eichmans second hand man


    Rag 'n' Bone Man: "Any old iron? Any old iron?"

    Alois Brunner : "How about my Iron Cross?"


    weak post. weak. succumbed to temptation. tsk tsk...

  8. Damn shame Mark Thatcher never went.


    i - He bloody deserved to.


    ii - It would have drawn the rest of the world's attention to the grim realities of prison life in Equatorial Guinea.

    I heartily concur, on both counts. It'd be a bonus to reform the penal system in EG, but not before Thatcher has done the porridge he so justly deserves.

  9. The more I research this , the more sure I am that Nick will be a gonner in


    The more I think about it, the less tolerable Black Beach seems. The name makes it sound more like an open prison, you know, satellite TV, private bathrooms, warm towel rails, that sort of thing. :huh: "Easiest time he'll ever do," I thought, "not exactly Shawshank, is it?" On reflection, however, it does seem a rather harsh regime. Makes "the Bar-L" look like Butlins.


    Perhaps Mr. Du Toit won't fare so well after all. Oh well, you play with matches... :angel3:

  10. It's a tough call.

    Yes, a very likely candidate and good for the averages, on the other hand, no entertainment value. Just try to imagine a Deathlist forum with no ranters, no crackpots, no Richard O'Sullivan fanatics...I shudder at the thought.


    So I put it to the DL...are we showboating fancy-dan Brazil or dour grind-it-out Germany?

    A hybrid, surely? Think Oliver Kahn with a René Higuita mullet doing a scorpion-kick save. (OK, he's columbian, I know, but, well...)


    I reckon the one-time super-stunner starlet deserves a place on the DL.

  11. Entropy, are you a fan of the thermodynamic quantity that changes in a reversible process by an amount equal to the heat absorbed or emitted divided by the thermodynamic temperature (measured in joules per kelvin of course), or is it an affinity for a lack of pattern or organization; disorder, that made you choose your log in name?

    It's mostly because of the way creationists abuse the second law of thermodynamics in some of their more idiotic attempts to "prove" that evolution can't possibly be true. I've got so fed up with pointing out that life itself breaks that law if the law really says that entropy always increases under all circumstances (and therefore the law can't actually say that and hence the creationist objection is a straw-man caricature, not that creationists seem to care), that it just seemed appropriate. If lifeforms are temporary islands of reduced entropy, then a whole lot of entropy happens when things die.



    Am I the only one with a crush on Elspeth? I'm a sucker for a clear, well-reasoned, logical argument. Entropy indeed... makes my User Name sound like a seven-year-old picked it. :D

  12. I gather that the Black Beach prison is no cakewalk, but they tend to "look after" their inmates sufficiently well to ensure that full-term sentences are carried out, especially in the case of foreigners.

    Suicide is particularly frowned upon by the screws, so I reckon Nick Du Twat stands a good chance of survival for at least the next 10 years.

    Should have been Thatcher in his place, let's face it, we all wish it had been. Sorry Nick, wrong place, wrong time, wrong bedfellow, welcome to Black Beach. Cold showers once a week, breakfast is served at 0600. If you must try and pass yourself off as someone from a Frederick Forsyth novel, at least choose a paymaster who's not completely and utterly inept. Lesson learned?

  13. Come on people, don't get my hopes up.


    I read "David Blunkett RIP", I think "Ah, some justice at last", and then I read the thread and find out it's just another job shuffle for the lying, conniving c*nt. Can we close this thread until he actually dies, please?

  14. According to Forbes magazine Elvis is the top earning dead celeb for the 5th year running.


    If you view the lists for the past 5 years, it's not surprising that pretty much all the same names appear.

    Elvis Presley? Dead, you say? Pull the other one. Someone had better call Forbes Magazine and let them know there's a fraud afoot.




    Elvis is alive and well. He lives in Britain under the alias Aaron Fanelli. He runs my local kebab shop. Here's a photo I took of him recently whilst he was describing how "finger-lickin' good" his new Spicy Chicken Doner Strips are.


    As the snow flies/

    On a cold and grey Chicago morning a poor little baby child is born/

    In the ghetto/

    And his mother cries/

    'Cos if there's one thing that she don't need it's another hungry mouth to feed/

    In the ghetto/


    "Don't you worry yo' pretty little head 'bout nuthin, darlin', I can get yo' kiddy fed." says Aaron, "At £3.50 per portion (chilli sauce or mayo included) they go down a treat and can't be beat, and that's as good as money, honey, and you can take that to the bank, Frank, uh-huh-huh! Thankyou very much, and God bless y'all, and goodnight."

  15. T0_-1_869655.jpg


    Young Taufa's been busy this week. Well, relatively speaking.


    He issued a royal decree to have the carpet in the Royal VIP lounge of Fua’amotu International Airport hoovered, so he could welcome the arrival of a new airline service to Tonga. He said something along the lines of "welcome".


    I know you're all wondering what's on his headphones this week. I believe, although I am not *the authority*, that it's the talking book version of Kenneth Grahame's classic "Wind In The Willows". A cracking listen, for royalty and peasantry alike... reasonably priced, too, which is nice.


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