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Star Crossed

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Posts posted by Star Crossed

  1. Here's my short list for 2009:


    Fred Phelps, Sr. (Pastor of Westboro Baptist Church, a cult that hates homosexuals)

    Jimmy Carter (39th U.S. President)

    Yogi Berra (Yankees catcher, 1946-1965)

    Robert F. McNamara (US Secretary of Defense, 1961-1968)

    Welcome, AWPerative!


    Westboro Baptist Church. :) Louis Theroux interviewed these people,


    Remember, God Hates Fag Enablers! I bet the RHPS isn't on their list of favourites at the local Blockbuster.

  2. ... O and in other news Ralph Nader has decided to run for president for the fourth time.

    I feel awful about Nader running; it worries me. When I hear the guy interviewed, I find myself agreeing with the vast majority of what he says, both about the murky politics of corporate lobbyists in Washington and his views on the wider world.

    But, I have to admit the one basic truth that is the thorn in his campaign's side; surely no confirmed Republican voters are ever going to vote for Nader, so his entrance into the race can only benefit the Republicans by stripping potential votes from the Democrats. It reminds me of the Liberal Democrat party here in the UK; if everyone who agreed with their philosophies voted for them, they might win, but people just assume they've got no chance so they don't vote for them.


    Am I alone in suspecting that Nader is actually some sort of long-term right-wing double agent?

  3. I thought some more birds were going to become extinct last night with all the squawking and chirping in the aftermath on the great British earthquake. Did anyone else feel the earth move for them around 1 o'clock this morning?

    No, but it did wake me up; I was notified of the event by text message from a friend currently in New Zealand who quipped "that quake has probably improved housing conditions in your neck of the woods, eh?" Genius! I deleted it and slipped back into a dream in which Charlton Heston repeatedly mouthed the words "over my dead body" at me.

  4. I ... found 'Murder Ballads' by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.

    Apparently 64 people are killed over the course of the LP, anyone care to find a more blood-thirsty disc?

    The Geto Boys' 1989 opus "Grip It - On That Other Level".


    I haven't got an exact bodycount for you, but the Geto Boys be poppin' a cap in a whole bunch 'o' motherfuckers on this album. The death toll must be in 3 figures, given the fully-automatic slaughter-sprees undertaken in such classic tracks as "Trigga Happy Nigga" and "Mind Of A Lunatic" (in which our anti-hero, Willie Dee, only meant to break into a woman's house to rape her, but ended up in a firefight with several police officers, resulting in multiple fatalities).

  5. Smart to sign on as a guest....makes it more difficult for us to find you....

    You can bet Allah's boots on it.

    I wasn't that guest poster but hey, I'll say it loud and proud; I love hearing about crashed USAF hardware.


    I hope as many of their warplanes crash as possible. It may reduce the appalling number of civilian casualties (sorry, "collateral damage") inflicted by them and their "smart bombs". Both pilots of this B-2 crash survived ejection, so all that was really lost was a $1.2bn evil instrument of death-delivery. I'd like to see it posted on youtube. Don't kid yourselves, despite overwhelming supporting propaganda, that the USAF are helping to deliver long-term peace and secure the "freedom" the world craves. All the USA is doing with its warplanes these days is clumsily scattering the fertile seeds of a multi-generational war that benefits nobody except shareholders in the companies that make the weapons.

    It pains me to see motivated, well-trained, professional service-people who could be deployed to do so much good in the world, being used as instruments of death and destruction in the name of a misguided administration with vested interests in the perpetuation of war.


    How do you like them apples?


    p.s. Back on-topic... this spy-satellite shooting-down incident; laughable, man!! For the first time, I find myself agreeing with raving crackpot, dangerously-paranoid-and-self-interested Russian dictator Vladimir "Pooty-Poot" Putin, in his assessment that this has more to do with testing missile defence and "star wars" systems than it does saving the people of the world from hydrazine toxicity. "Hydrazine Schmydrazine", as my New York counterpart might put it. Considering the number of satellites that use hydrazine, and the number that have previously come to earth pissing this stuff all over the place, and the number that will continue to do so in future, the only logical conclusion is US military self-interest. The administration is so used to lying, it can't even tell the truth when everyone else can see it as plain as day. Reminds me of the UK government. And it's all connected, see... this, the military-industrial complex, the oil industry, the grassy knoll, Project Paperclip, Majestic 12, Ingo Swann, Area 51, Black Helicopters, Whitewater, Bluewater, Creedence Clearwater, Watergate, Lightwater Valley, the Moon hoax, the Masons, the Illuminati, Billy-Ray Cyrus, Walmart, the NTSB, Phillip Morris and the KKK, Skull & Bones, and don't get me started on the blah blah blah rant rant rant...

  6. ... [sound research coupled with conspiracy, the sort of stuff the deadpool boffins here appreciate] ...

    If he died within the year it would contribute enormously to the poltergeist conspiracy theory.

    Who knows maybe they filmed the poltergeist on a cursed children berialground without knowing it.

    Brilliant! This is my new second-favourite thread, and it's only 15 minutes old.


    Oliver Robbins

    p.s. burial ground.

  7. I sure hope so!

    Welcome to the DL, Vaagheid! If you could possibly make your sig a little shorter it would ease the strain on my mouse-roller finger. Thanks!


    p.s. Stephen Hawking. Hawking. No 's'. Thanks.

    p.p.s. 'corpses of' (belonging to) would be better than 'corpses off' (removed from). Thanks.

    p.p.p.s. Kunt u mij de weg vijzen naar de dichstbijzijnder koffieshop, alstublieft?

    p.p.p.p.s. Glad to see you don't have Sir Patrick Moore on your list.

  8. I think this is another form of ... inclination to take their own life.

    Unless the cycle is broken there will be more.

    Agreed. ... Basically I think the media should take a back seat at reporting incidents like this. (Well............. report them, but lose the he/she was brilliant etc.)

    At the risk of playing devil's advocate, may I suggest that commentators on the deceased take this helpful approach to its logical extreme, to wit;

    "Hywel was an absolute twunt, see... he was the sort of f***ing nobody who would go and do something like this, just to get the attention in death that he never would have got in life. People think he's more a knob now than they did when he was alive. Complete twat." etc.

    If I were a suicidal teenager, I certainly wouldn't like to be thought of more as a twat after hanging myself than I was before. I'd rather be a living twat than a complete twat.

  9. It's really strange for me to see this man on here. As a sophomore taking Russian II I had the opportunity to meet with and talk with him during a local celebration. He was very kind, intelligent, funny enough to make me not nervous. I, for one, will be really sad when he does pass.

    Russian II? [meldrew]I don't believe it![/meldrew] I'd just got the hang of ordinary Russian, and now you're telling me they've updated it? I hope it's not like 'Poltergeist II', in which the whole premise of the plot just seemed passé in comparison with the original.


    btw, Arisma, he's not on the list because we want him dead; he's on the list because it's deemed likely that he'll die this year. Also, when did you meet him? Was it recently? How was his health?

  10. In a shocking outburst, Burrell rants: “They don’t get it in Britain. They think I’m living off the death of the Princess and off her name."


    Why would anyone think that?

    Indeed. If anything, he's living off the life of the princess and her name.


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