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Star Crossed

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Posts posted by Star Crossed

  1. Hi all! This is my first post. Originally from Argentina, and having met a survivor from the Belgrano sinking, I am counting on Thatcher to die this year!

    I have had a bottle of champagne in the fridge for months now... but as we say back at home "bad weed never dies". :rolleyes:

    Yeah, bad weed never does anyone any good. Thankfully, I've got some good weed stashed away for when Maggie croaks, Dia de los Muertos :lol:

  2. can the moderators pleeease close this thread now???????????

    why does the thread need to be closed? He's still alive

    Yes, the thread doesn't need to be closed, nor can it be, as the subject's a candidate.


    What we need is a big tarpaulin and some sort of basic scaffolding erected around the whole thread, like the ones the police use to hamper rubber-necking at the scenes of gory traffic accidents. Perhaps the Mods could take turns standing at the thread entrance, occasionally shouting "Move on now please, there's nothing to see here..." etc.

  3. At around 11.30pm GMT last night my Heath Ledger memorial facebook group had over 700 members.

    Why not invite them to come and post on this thread? It's been a while since we saw any decent drive-by action.

    I imagine that those keen enough to join a memorial facebook group are the sort who may be, erm... passionate about the subject.

  4. mpfc, I presume, given the thread title, that you've read "Moondust" by Andrew Smith?


    If not, (and, anyone else interested in the Apollo missions) I highly recommend buying it, borrowing it (as I did) or taking it out of the local library. It's no exaggeration to say that it left me wondering, sitting outside in the middle of the night last summer, staring up at the moon through binoculars, just mind-blown, pondering life's Big Questions. This book really got me thinking...


    In particular, I recommend the chapter on Edgar Mitchell; arguably the coolest, sanest, funniest man ever to get a chance to walk on the moon, whose lunar mission profoundly changed his views on life, the universe and everything.

    Please, if you're at all interested, find this book and read it. Even if you think you already know every salient thing about the lunar missions, this book will give you more insight. And that's a Star Crossed guarantee you can take to the bank!


    Edit: It's either déja-vu, or I really have eulogized about this book elsewhere on this forum. In either case, I stand by my post(s).

  5. Meanwhile his official site continues to trail the story that he's planning a 'television comeback' when he returns to the UK. Puh-lease, put him in Celebrity Big Brother, with Frank Bruno, Prince Naseem and Nigel Benn.

    If he took over the helm from Noel Edmonds, it couldn't make me hate Deal Or No Deal any more than I already do.

  6. I did a death list similar to your own from 1978 until 2003, when I moved to China and out of the zone.

    My list also consisted of 50 people, but I wasn't allowed ANYBODY from the previous year, ...

    I also had to recreate the age balance of the previous year's celebrity deaths, which invariably meant at least four or five under 50s.

    I think a change in your rules to forbid annual repititions, and maybe encourage more predictions of premature demise, would make it more interesting.

    Incidentally, my best performance was 10, which I achieved in 1989, 1995 and 1997.

    Thanks for your post, wukong!


    Perhaps if we had to have a proportion of our candidates who were "list virgins", that might be an idea (I don't even know the actual rules of DL; that's my least-read thread), but not all of them. We need perennial favourites like C. Dunn, K. Richards, Maggie Thatch et al to be able to be listed, just for the sake of sanity/schadenfreude, do we not?

  7. Indeed, I ... post whore

    Funny, I was thinking the same thing...

    You're reminiscent of a smack addict with a £30 wrap and and a new roll of tin-foil... you can't stop until it's gone, even if it takes all night.


    Buck up, CP. Try just posting when you've actually got something to say, not because you're working to a quota.


    Bobby Fischer was ... King of the Castling. etc.

    ... you took a break from raping children to come back and post on DL, so that you can act like a big man in front of your wife to prove that you're not impotent to her womanly passions anymore, and that you can still pick a good fight on the ol' internet, and that maybe now she can stop giving handjobs to hobos just for some sexual excitement. We all appreciate it here, and I know little Timmy's sore anus certainly does as well.



    Hush now and bite that pillow, you wretched urchin!

  8. Indeed, I can't say that I ever saw this death coming. Well done Redmyst XX, I post whore/tip my hat to you.

    Funny, I was thinking the same thing...


    Despite your longevity here at DL, you're still acting like that annoying ratbag who seems to turn up at every party; the one who is compelled to explain people's jokes and generally chip his $0.02-worth into every conversation he can overhear. Every time you post, it's in a little flurry of maybe 5 or 6 posts in rapid succession; mainly just obsequious, needless little ditto-posts like the one above. You're reminiscent of a smack addict with a £30 wrap and and a new roll of tin-foil... you can't stop until it's gone, even if it takes all night.


    Buck up, CP. Try just posting when you've actually got something to say, not because you're working to a quota.


    Bobby Fischer was a chess player. I never thought he'd die so soon. He certainly wasn't on my DDP. RIP Bobby. I hope wherever you are, you're still the King of the Castling. etc.

  9. I have only seen the Richard & Judy show once; this morning, around 04:30. Now, I haven't seen Judy Finnegan on the telly for a number of years, but the woman whom I just saw looked a little... peaky.


    Despite her visible Delirium Tremens, and some facial baggage that she could smuggle drugs in, I was pleased to see that, unlike so many older female tv stars, Judy has not succumbed to the vanity-knife. Nor, it would appear, has she given in to the ubiquitous craze for exercise and healthy nutrition.


    I, for one, hope Judy continues to grow old gracefully, not wasting precious energy desperately fighting a losing war against entropy.

  10. Welcome to The Sky At Night, and a very happy new year to you all. I wonder what 2008 has in store for us...

    Probably not your death, Sir Patrick, given the twinkle in your eye this episode. A tad slurred in the speech department, some may argue but, hopefully, that's just the mince pies and amontillado taking their seasonal toll.

  11. "....the black and white cat was dumped on Betty Currie, Bill Clinton's personal secretary, who also had an embarrassing clean-up role in the saga of his relationship with the intern Monica Lewinsky."


    They didn't make poor Betty swab Bill's Map of Hawaii off the blue dress, did they?

    She probably had to hang his cigars up to dry in the oval office airing cupboard.

  12. ... Deborah Kerr, has also just died at 86

    No!!!!! I always wanted to have a chat with her, having seen her in several movies, not least of which was the classic Black Narcissus, which is well worth a viewing. Gutted she's gone.


    Deborah Kerr

    30th September 1921 - 18th October 2007


    Last 2 posts merged [HCW]


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